Other Literature Lore for Akatennaji - Daas and Things Related

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Duke Fishron
This is going to be a place where I'll put down random bits of lore, short stories, maybe a chat log (thanks @Esther for the idea), and probably one or two Incidents if I ever get around to it.

This will slowly be redone.

Yall can now directly ask for lore explanations on points and stuff. If it gets big enough I might make a separate thread for it.

There'll probably be some item explanations as well.
For background, I have some character explanations:
Character doc(this is a link)
Pancake is a lava demon who currently lives in an old Ka't house in hell, South Left corner. No one knows his real name.
Kahn is a human who was born and raised in hell, and because of his natural belief, has supernatural swordsmanship skills.
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Abigail is Kahn's mom and is very devout in her belief in magic. However, her Faith based magic was part of the old magic system and must slowly be phased out by a new and more steadfast form.
Evan is Kahn's dad, however I have not made his story yet due to unforseen circumstances.

Max is a bunny guy who was born with bunny ears. He is the stereotypical "I'm so tough and manly ooga booga omg is that a kitten awww".
Sarah is a Satori who is the sister of Max. It turns out her Satori gene is dominant over the rabbit ear gene. She tolerates chaos, but has been known to dip her toes in every now and again.
Ai is a Crystal Magician and is part of the new magic system. She can control crystals, and has such a bond with them that she can become one.

Ferr is part of the Ke'e subset of Demons, and can control plants.
Kettei is a level headed shy Inchling who is only half of what he once was.
Ketsui is a wild crackhead Inchling who is only half of what he once was.
Kesshin is a level headed yet detached Inchling who is finally who he was meant to be.
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Kara is the God of Peace, but that doesn't mean she's nice.
Daikin(大金) is the Deity of Greed, and is ruthlessly smart, but just as greedy.

HER is dark spirit of a teenage girl. Nothing else is really known, though Pancake seems to know some stuff.

Ice is a Water Demon, but he prefers to use ice. He is somewhat distant, yet also seems to be slightly melodramatic.

Ta'ro is an Elder in the Church of Broken Glass. Having shattered his personality long ago, he is immune to most mind affecting powers and hypnotism.
Gurasuko is the deity worshipped in the Church of Broken Glass. They don't want to be worshipped though. They are technically the God of Glass Theory, but the church redefined their concept. Sadly, this means that Gurasuko will eventually change fundamentally into something they don't want to be.
Yara is a news anchor.
Kenti is a weatherperson for the news, and works at the same newsplace as Yara.
Anten is a Bronzepelt of a local Ke'e tribe.
Ke'e doc(this is a link)

(most of them will be 10-30 minute extensions)
(credit to ZUN for making Touhou)
(credit to NyxtheShield and Jael Penaloza for XTale)

Incident Investigators:
-A jazzy and fun theme. Pancake is so bad at danmaku, it's not like you're actually in danger. So just dance to the theme!
-probably not battle, though it would fit. It conveys that "I'm really trying to be happy guys but idk i dont think this is working" vibe
-upon further inspection, this theme no longer fits sarah.
-upon further inspection, this theme is too dark for max and quite frankly, I don't see how I thought it fit him.
-The theme of a chaotic and silly enemy who doesn't really care about winning or losing.
-The theme of a silly enemy who still doesn't care.
-The theme of a chaotic yet serious enemy who will only settle for perfection.

Gods, Deities, Places:
Yunta, Conglomeration of Technology
-too slow for a battle, maybe just a kind of intro? it fits, though.
-the tune of someone stealing all your money and then running.
-definitely not for battle, more like a "hehe i tricked this person into doing my bidding"
Kara/The Rainbow Shining Forest
-I'm actually almost almost almost almost maybe possibly almost done making this theme
Daima, the Ever Erupting Volcano(new)
Sarah's Hotel which i forgot the name for
-A calm atmosphere of a hotel.

The Church of Broken Glass
-a kind of casual battle theme. the theme of a deity desperately trying to hold their concept still as it runs away from them. with that concept, away runs their sense of self.
-a frenzied battle theme. the tune of someone crazy, insane, and lost. i have the motif of her theme, but that's about it.
Theme of Broken Glass
-the choir in this is literally gorgeous. I had to use this song somewhere!

-the theme of someone who is lonely, finally finding a friend. probably battle?
Anten and Ferr
-battle. It conveys a beauty in their flowery danmaku, yet not getting rid of that "this is a fight" feel
(actually now that i listen to these above two back to back, they sound pretty similar in terms of melody)
-The theme of someone happy despite everything

Zenbu Arc
Zenbu, Lord of Perfection
-the theme of an insane god obsessed with perfection. Phase 1.
HER theme
-the theme of a spirit trying to steal your body from you.

To the Music I've Actually Made

Screenshot 2023-10-04 4.31.21 PM.png

a dash= go fast
comma= pause a bit
asterisk(*)= hold note until next is played
a plus= up an octave
akatennaji: 1 8 8 6-8-11 8 8
akatennaji 2: (in the same octave, no jumping) 1 11-1-6 8, 1-11-1-6 8
Kyosho: 1-3-4-1-3-4-6-3-4-6-8-4-6-8-9-6-8-9-11-8-9-11-+1-9-11-+1-+3-+1*
Pancake's theme: [akaten2] 1 11-1-6-8-6-4-3-4-5-11-3-4-6-11
Ice's theme: 1*8*6*4*3*11*8*3

Here we are; the juicy lore.

Kahn's mother was young when she first discovered the hole. When she first jumped down, she had no idea what she had discovered. All she knew was that it was a wonderful land of fantasy, magic, and fun. At first, when she fell down, she thought she had landed in any old cave, until she noticed the air had a strange red tint to it, and that whatever she seemed to do to try and get out, didn't work. Then she met a young demon who was "on his way to work" and he helped her up. However, she jumped right back down because she wasn't "done yet". She went over to the helpful demon and explored, met new people, discovered beautiful gems, and imagined great things. When it was time for her to leave, she left with much more knowledge than before, even stumping some of her family members at dinner that night. The next day, when she went back, she asked the helpful demon his name. "My name's Pancake. What's yours?"
"My name is Abigail." Pancake began to teach Abigail many things about magic. How it stems from belief, and how certain sciences can dampen it's effects. "So if I truly believed that I could fly, I could?" She asked
"Yes, but you would also need the faith of others around you, not to mention their subconsciouses. That's the hard part with you humans. Your subconsciouses adhere to these strict rules, and anything outside of them is rendered impossible. I personally believe you actually could up and start flying right now, but since your subcon-"
"Look! I'm doing it! I'm flying!" Abigail was flying around the cavern at breakneck speed.
"Slow down! You're gonna get hurt!!" Pancake called out. Abigail began to hover in front of him.
"It's almost instinctual, how I just know how to fly." Abigail said, after performing a triple corkscrew flip in the air.
"That's because it is. Since you were able to bend your subconscious to believe you can fly, the instincts for flying came out of the lower parts of your brain."
"So my brain just has all these instincts that I can't access?"
"Yep! Until you bend your subconscious, that is. It probably helps that you're a child. Your brain is still growing, so you can still adapt it for things like flying."
Eventually, Abigail began to grow up, but she always came down into "The Great Cavern of Fantasy"(幻想的の大きな洞窟), as she called it, a few times each week. She had began to think of ways she could do smaller, less Faith-requiring acts, so that she could be a street performer. She was 16 now, and it was time to get a job. Of course, she had it all planned out. First, be a street performer, and then after saving up, take a dip into that new currency Akcoin because we all saw Itcoin at 221X. Then go into college, get a degree in Magic Dealings, and perhaps Fiction Writing, the move into the Great Cavern. "So Pancake, do you think I could make a fireball in the palm of my hand in front of other people on the street?"
"Yeah, if you're able to fully convince a few people around you."
"So if I brought you, and then did it-"
"If you brought me along, you'd also have to factor in other people's Disbelief. They wouldn't believe any such thing as possible, so they wouldnt see it."
"See it? You mean I would be able to do it, but no one would see?"
"Yeah. You would do it, probably even burn a few things, but other people's perception would skip you, unless they believed in ghosts or something like that. The only way around that is to draw eyes toward you first, and THEN do it."
"Oh, ok. How's Sunday sound?"
"Perfect, see you then."
"COME ONE, COME ALL TO THE GREAT FIREGIRL! CREATES FIRE FROM NOTHING AT ALL! NOT EVEN ASH IS LEFT BEHIND!" Pancake calls out, gathering quite a crowd. He magically changed his hair to purple and green stripes(guaranteed Faith because the rational reasoning- he dyed it)and was wearing a dark orange and yellow shirt. It was quite the spectacle. Abigail was wearing dark slacks and a dark shirt, with short sleeves so nobody thought it was just gas tubes. After a while, it seemed her whole town was there. Everyone got quiet, waiting for her to make her move. She began saying nonsensical words. "Alabama! Hausben! Poakue! FIRE!" A burst of flame appeared in her hand. The audience gasped.
"Amazing! How did she do it?"
"Why, magic of course!" Abigail said dramatically. She picked up a piece of paper from the ground. "See how I prove that the fire is real, by burning up this piece of paper!" She put the paper in the fire, and watched as it curled and turned black.
"Is there a hologram?"
"I assure you, this is no hologram!" She held the flaming hand out. "Touch the fire, and see that it is true!" The people reached out, and felt the heat on their hand. Some with fairer skin even got singed a bit. After the show, the people went home, their worlds shaken up.
<Pancake> everything...
<Pancake> is FAKE!
<Kahn> what.
<Kettei> hes knot wrong tho
<Sarah> yes he is?
<Max> I regret joining this chat, but yall blackmailed me so I cant leave
<Kahn> you shouldnt have slept with the plush max
<Sarah, ready for sibling rivalry> then how come you can't leave?
Max hatefully left the chat. [9/10]
Abigaol kindly joined the chat. [10/10]

<Abigaol> Hi everybody!
<Pancake> U arent ral
<Pancake> Real
<Abigaol> What? Yes I am!
<Kahn> how come your name is spelled wrong then
Abigaol, not needing this rn, left the chat.
<Pancake> like i said.
<Pancake> FAKE.
<Kahn> its all a hologram of the mind
<Ketsui> its fake, jus like that unikorn I saw earlier
<Kettei> how are you even here when I'm here
<Ketsui> im a holograham cracker
<Sarah> I would love some fakemallow rn
<Kahn> ooh s'less
<Kahn> who needs s'more when you can have s'less
<Ai> words to liv bai
<Pancake> its all a hologram
<Pancake> when you have s'more
<Pancake> What if Kettei became a fem-ishboy
<Kettei> nope I'm not doing that evr
<Sarah> hmmmm
<Kettei> NO
<Kahn> hmmmmmmmmm
<Kettei, seeing Kahn outside his window> KAHN WHAT ARE U DOING WITH THAT TRASHBAG
<Kahn> the time of the reckoning has arrived
<Kettei> NO
~10 minutes later~
<Kahn> I got him in the bag
<Kahn> its time for a makeover
~30 minutes later~
<Kettei, after waking up covered in glitter> WHAT THE :red:
<Kahn> ketsui woke up and was all for it, he even posed
<Kettei> WHAT
<Pancake> so anyway, as i was saying
<Pancake> me and him were talking
Kahn went online.
<Kahn> wait what's happening
<Sarah> Pancake is Venting about some guy he met a long time ago
<Kahn> oh, ok
Kahn went offline.
<Ai> spil the tee dude
<Pancake> and he goes, in the middle of the conversation
<Pancake> "oMfG iS thAt cHik-fL-eI i am sO hUngRy rIgHt nOw yAs cAn yoU gEt iT fOr mE thAAaaaAAaanKS~~~"
<Pancake> and i'm like
<Pancake> "you think im rich enough for chik-fl-ei?"
<Pancake> and then he literally forced me to spend the rest of the money in my wallet on chikflei
<Ai> wowww
<Ketsui> imagine being that petty
<Ketsui> its sad


<Ice> is somebody talking about me?
<HER> Who Cares, As Long As Nobody Is Cursing You
<Ice> please stop typing like that
<Abigaol> I made a mistake.
<Kahn> when, where, how do we fix it
<Abigaol> so like, y'see...
<Kahn> permission granted to type a paragraph
<Abigaol> I was typing my name into the chat thingy because I was making my account, and I made a typo because Evan bumped into me, and then the cat jumped on the keyboard and hit enter, and now my name looks like a synonym for hell.
<Kahn> go into settings and fix it
<Abigaol> I can't.
<Kahn> why not?
<Abigaol> Well, I did.
<Kahn> you-
<Kahn> you did it twice didn't you.
<Abigaol> Yes.
<Kahn> *sighs loudly*
<Kahn> so what you mean to say is that I should hack into the thingy and fix it.
<Abigaol> If you don't you're grounded forever, so yes.
<Kahn> ...mhm...


Winter has finally passed in the Yuki Forest... except now it's Fall?
Kettei was walking through the forest. He was specifically in the Yuki forest, which is a forest always in the wintertime. He sees something strange in the distance... A small patch of trees that have autumnal leaves instead of snowy branches. He walked over to it, and felt the temperature difference. He noticed that the other trees around this patch had begun to lose their snow as well. What in the world...?

The Godly Waiting Room.
When a God/Deity/Incarnation fades or decides to take a break, they go there. It's basically a chaotic conglomerated amalgamation of every concept ever thought up. It's only avaliable to Higher Beings, and people can only get there if they Fade as a Personic God.

The Forest of Random Appearances.
A forest on the surface where random people just suddenly show up. Also where the Ke'e currently reside.

The Yuki Forest.
A forest in Akatennaji next to Kyosho. It is always winter here, and there are often spikes of ice on the ground. The I'de reside here.

A crystal cave. Huge crystals protrude from the walls, glistening. The Crystal Demons used to live here.

The Rainbow Shining Forest or Raho'fe
A forest of cherry trees with grayish, almost petrified looking wood and leaves that range from turquoise to bluish green, bioluminescent. Orb spirits fly freely, and a sense of peace envelops the whole area. During the dark period, the spirits' colors flitting between the leaves gives the area a rainbowed hue. The cherries produced are literally rock, and the spirits dislike it when they are picked. Instead, be patient. One will fall if you wait long enough.
A mammoth tree in the center(called A'tof in Daas), not visible from the biome's edges, stands over the whole area, vines seeming to hang from nowhere if viewed from below. Here, the Deity of Peace, Kara, resides, settling a debt accrued to an ancient Gardner.

The Obza
Basically the Rainbow Shining Forest but a jungle with red-green-brown iridescence, and angry animal spirits.

The Surface
Literally just planet Earth as we know it.

Ko is the basis for most magic. It comes from the soul, and is not controlled by the brain, unless being used for magic.
When Ko is used, Ko from the soul is focused into the fingertips, where it will give out a Ko field and warp things around the user based on the user's genetic imprint.
All Ko users have a limited amount of Ko. The normal range is from 600-888.

Ko, being an energy of the soul, is intrinsically tied to emotion. When someone expresses an emotion, it interacts with their Natural Ko, causing it to go up. Natural Ko is just your usual Ko, the stuff used for Ko-Based magic. When someone bottles or pushes away an emotion, Unstable Ko is stored in the soul, and when those bottled emotions are pushed away, that Unstable Ko takes energy from the body and making them feel tired or "cold".

Unstable Ko is Ko that interacts oddly with one's body when used for magic. It can sometimes obstruct the usage entirely, blocking the channels in the body like excess fat in a bloodstream. It is often theorized that this is what blocks Humans from using Ko.

When someone is low on Ko, the most reliable way to regain it is to just wait. However, if one needs more Ko quickly, they can also eat certain types of food called Soul Foods. These foods nourish the soul AND the body, and help regain lost Ko. A popular example of this is Macaroni and Cheese.

Another basis for magic is Faith-Based Magic, which is far more ephemeral and always has a chance to fail, but lets you do more than Ko does.[WIP]

Glass Theory is the theory that one's personality is like glass. It can be clear, translucent, and even reflective. If someone tries to change their personality too much, they can shatter it and lose themselves.
The Church of Broken Glass manipulates this theory into the belief that after shattering your personality, you can pick and choose how you can reform your personality. However, the church also teaches some more... dubious beliefs.

The Soul: The soul is where everything like memory or consciousness is stored, in a form of energy. But since this energy always needs to be replenished eventually, we forget things. It's also how we grow as a person. It is often in the shape that the owner of the soul expects a soul to be in. The Soul produces Ko, which is how magic gets used if there is no Belief around.

The Theory of the Immortal Soul: Souls are immortal unless damaged.
The Afterlife: The soul gets to choose where they want to go. I guess it's a bit like college. All the different deities and stuff give recommendations based on the soul's type and things like that, and the soul chooses which one they want to go to. However, if a soul is condemned to hell for a period of time or something like that, they don't get a choice until their time is up. Most souls choose the Rainbow Shining Forest or some other Heaven-style afterlife.
Light Orb/Wisp, or level 1, is a small orb of leftover willpower of someone who died. They can only be a person who has died, actually. They are often very fast and light. They can travel through things.
Small Orb, or level 2, is a small orb with a slight aura, and is basically level 1, but with more willpower. They are slower but brighter than Light Orbs, and they show awareness of their surroundings. They can also travel through things.
Medium Spirit is level 3, and they are a level one, but with the aura the size of a human head. This is where they begin to have a physical effect. They can't always fly through things, but they usually can.
A Ghost is level 4, and is just what it sounds like. A ghost of the person who died/got their soul removed. They are usually far less powerful than in physical form, and if they try, they can go through things.
Some people consider Gods and Deities to be level 5, but they technically don't have souls.

Demons: These are the most common species in Hell/Akatennaji, but they do not carry the satanic symbolism they do in human society. They are more like the Japanese Oni mixed with human traits. Every demon has horns, but most can make them disappear. Usually a demon with their horns out means that they are experiencing strong emotion and cannot keep the horns hidden. Demons are split into five tribes and one ethnicity(Taur, Mn'de); Lava/Fire(Ka'de), Earth(Kae'de), Water/Ice(U'de/I'de), Air(Yi'de), and Plants(Ke'de), with each tribe having a specific power relating to their name. However, since there arent many plants in the depths of a cave, the Ke'de moved to the surface. The other Demon tribes considered this an act of desertion, so they were stripped of their familial "d" and are now commonly called the "Ke'e". They are on good terms all around, but a little less from the discriminated tribes.

Ke'e doc(this is a link)

Crystal Demon: There used to be an ancient tribe of Crystal Demons, however these have apparently gone extinct.

Ik’yik: Basically demons, but instead of horns, they have halos. They are usually mean and self serving, conceited folks. Basically the same tribes as Demons, but are instead called Warm(Ya'de), Solid(Yae'de), Cold(Yi'de), Sky(Y'de), and Light(Yo'de). They can fly, and some have wings akin to angel wings. They also have one ethnicity deriving from Yo’de, My’de. The My’de have thunder powers and can manipulate sound, as well as light.

The Mays: An ancient tribe of people. Their species is unknown. They are known to have experimented on the soul. Some say they invented it, while others say they merely discovered it's true powers.
Gods/deities are beings that embody a concept. The differences between Gods and Deities are rather small, other than Gods being slightly weaker than Deities.
There are two types of Gods/Deities: Personic and Conceptual.

Personic God: A Personic God is far more rare than a Conceptual God. Personic gods are people who gained enough faith from people to gain God status. They are usually heroes, and due to their god status, get a huge power boost. However, if a Personic God were to lose their faith, they would lose these powers. If they go back and forth too much, they can begin to fade. This version of fading instead removes limbs. They can still come back after fading, but they will most likely have lost all of their sanity due to the Godly Waiting Room.

Conceptual God: Kara, a conceptual god, is the God of Peace, and she embodies the concept that peace should be kept at all times. If the concept they embody stops being believed in, Kara will begin to Fade. Slowly, their physical presence weakens and weakens, until... Kara would've fully Faded from this reality. However, they can come back if the concept regains Faith.
Faith is the belief in any concept. All higher beings rely on this to live. It can be gained through things such as prayer, but it can also be gained through things related to the concept.
For example, if a person stops two other people from arguing, thus "keeping the peace", Kara will gain Faith.

There is technically a third form of Higher Being, called an Everexist God. These are concepts and laws that are intrinsic to the existence of the universe, and thus can never really fade. One example of this is Jikan of Time, who is the Everexist God of Time. Because time will always exist, Jikan will always exist.

Gratitude works similarly to Faith. Since gods and deities can enforce their concept(ex; god of peace calming people down), they can use their powers to gain gratitude from people who worship them. It acts as a stimulant, temporarily giving more power to the higher being.

Incarnations are usually people from a specific family line that do a specific job, like how the Incarnation of Paper lets you write on zhem.

Taur: Taur is not technically a species, and they are accepted into society, unlike the Satori, but they will still be explained here for comepleteness. The Taur are basically a small subset of demons who look slightly like a Minotaur. They cannot hide their horns, and because of their fearsome appearance, are usually avoided by weaker people. They are also compulsive liars, leading to the Daas saying: W'lu Mn'de lu p'ge. Don't trust a Taur. However, this may be a stereotype. (I might make an incident on this later)

Inchlings: Inchlings are essentially 1-10 inch tall demons, but have a few defining features. Some inchlings have furry ears, and some are actually covered in fur, but most look like a really short demon. They are part of one tribe unimaginatively called the "Inchling Tribe" and are lead by her Majesty the Inchling Queen. Their magic focuses on sound. They play drums and other instruments, and as long as you can hear the sound, the magic will effect you or things around you. Their nation is on very good terms with the Satori.
(credits to ZUN for making these two species- i will probably rework these to be more original)
Satori are not technically a species, as the Third Eye is actually a recessive gene, but they are discriminated against so much that most of them ran away and created their own nation. A Satori are any person or thing that has a Third Eye. This Third Eye lets it's owner see what the other person is thinking, and can actually "lay your mind bare", meaning that your thoughts would be visible to all people. However, most Satori don't know about this ability, or are too scared of others to use it. Their magic focuses on the mind, and playing mind games on people is a common passtime among them. They are on great terms with the Inchling Tribe.
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There's uh

a bit of a formatting problem here

you might want to fix that when you're online again.

Edit: Found a typo that I'm assuming is partially because of me pointing out that Anten was one of the concept names for Antel (one of my lore worlds)

@PancakingTerraria (Pinging so you see this)

Edit2: I noticed the picrew for I'm assuming Kenti isn't linked yet, and I just found the picrew while looking for others to use myself, so I might as well plop it down so you can link it in the OP

Edit3: @HouraiPancake I do remember

Heckin' Hotel
You're welcome
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That is... quite different.
Like, from what I can see, there's no words at all, just combinations?

(@HouraiPancake ) Do you have any example sentences or translation guides or anything?
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yes and no?
sometimes the combinations don't actually add up to the word created, and it has a different meaning
but usually they do

for example,
Jongu means monkey,but it should mean
"a problem caused be light moving through water"
"a water hallucination"
...That does seem like it would get somewhat confusing without some kind of dictionary or something.
it's still in progress

A sentence might be,

"jongu li tji!"
"the monkeys are coming straight for us!"
where "jongu" isn't the addition of all of its letters,
but "tji" is
where t=straight, j=movement, and i implies speed

of course, i forgot the implication thingy

ok so each vowel has a kind of "speed" attached to it when paired with "b" and "j"
a= slow
i= fast
u= slow and steady
and o= completely still
the repetition of the "i" in the sentence
(with the unrequired "li" and the extra "i" at the end of "tj")
adds a kind of urgency to the sentence
Still, it is neat, and different from most languages I've normally seen made.

So how many letters can be added to one another, and in what order are they meant to go?
So how many letters can be added to one another, and in what order are they meant to go?
There's no real limit to how many letters one can mix together, but i feel like after a while it would be more useful to divide things up

and CCCV,
However if 3 consonants are forced to be together, a little apostrophe is placed between them
for example,

Jn'yi = j, movement + n, a problem, + y, wind, + i, ice, = A fast-moving ice storm

also, an apostrophe signifies the mixture of the before word and the after word
for example,

Ka'de divides into:
ka, lava + de, people or tribe
= Lava Tribe

Also, little tidbit i've already hinted at but might as well just come out with,
using the letter D with certain vowel implies certain things

De= i am included in your people/tribe
Du= i am not included in your people/tribe
D= i am not specifying, probably because I don't know what group you're from
(@IndigoGollum because i remember you found this kind of thing interesting)
And how is the particular meaning of something specified in cases where something can have multiple meanings? Is context required, or...? As it does mention something to specify meaning.
And how is the particular meaning of something specified in cases where something can have multiple meanings? Is context required, or...? As it does mention something to specify meaning.
with Li, Lu and Le. Also, context is definitely required

I'm not quite done with how le li and lu work though, so explaining them is kinda iffy right now. It would probably change later, and then it would be wrong
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