Game Mechanics Make Drinking Additional Potions Add More Time

Surprisingly often on mobile, but I just think this would be a nice quality of life feature and don't really see why not
I am asking since there is a feature already in the game called "quick buff" which will drink all potions in your inventory and open void bag. If you already have a potion buff then it won't drink another one, could be the solution for your problem
How is it unbalanced? You are just increasing the amount of time the potion is active by drinking another, instead of resetting it
The times given to potions are a balance for the effects they give. The regeneration potion, for example, can recover 120hp in the course of 60s, which is the equivalent of like 4 bands of regeneration equipped st the same time. Very powerful. To offset this, the duration is 8m. Now imagine a 2hr regeneration potion, which is what you're effectively proposing.
It just simply isn't balanced, and that was a lowball example, there are plenty of others where it would be far more powerful.

If you already have a potion buff then it won't drink another one, could be the solution for your problem
This would be a far better, and more balanced solution.
Honestly, I dont think it's a bad idea for an accessibility setting.

If you have the potions already, there's 0 difference between stacking them and hitting quick buff when you run out.
On the flipside, it's balanced because you have it always active instead of when you just need it and you also risk losing it all if you die.

+1 support, even if it's controversial.
Honestly, I agree with Donkey Kong. Stacking up 16 minutes of Wrath potions is only worthwhile if you think you'll actually be using all 16 minutes, and you think you won't die in the meantime. Most of the time, the safer and more efficient option will be to wait until your potion runs out and use the next one then. You still need to use the same amount of potion and you still get the same maximum potion time, its just more punishing if you fail. I think this is balanced, and I support it.
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