Other Map Overlay Cutoff & more.


I really like the idea to overlay the map on the screen as it reminds me on Diablo 2's map. However, I find that it taking up the whole screen quite annoying to the point where I can't use it. I suggest a (customisable/or not) change that stops the drawing of the overlay map at a certain point from the character/centre of the screen. For me, the map is either to hard to see/use or it's too covering to see the actual game. If the map was cutoff from overlaying at a certain distance from the centre, I think that would greatly improve it. Some related ideas that I have had are an accessory that makes all mobs show up on the map (as dots or something). Another is an accessory that shows teleport pads on the map and allows you to click on one to teleport to it, as long as you are on a connected teleport pad that is, this would allow multiple pads to connect onto one line. Thank you for reading!
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