Mobile Terrarians Assemble! Mobile 1.3 Launches Today!

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Hello, great work on the update! I see a lot of complaints about the controls but in all honestly I think they work well.

There is one thing though that would be great - I have a Galaxy Note 8 and on the previous version I was able to make use of the S-pen which is great when building.

Unfortunately this no longer works in this latest update, is this something you are looking to include?


So does anyone have any idea on this? Loki? Dev team?
The only major issue I have with the new controls is the grapple stick, it's not very precise I prefer to tap where I want to grapple over flinging my finger in a general direction

Heya wanted to let you know, if you put the grapple in the hotbar and select it you can spiderman by tapping on screen! Or if you don't want to change your hotbar selection all the time, you can even just tap the grapple stick in that direction, but it is slightly less precise :)

Specific request by who? Because I can cheese boss fights currently in 1.3 on both PC and PS4 in the exact way you're describing. Autopause on consoles and PC works in both in the main menu and the inventory. Why is mobile working differently if the goal is to unify the play experience in all versions?

It was a specific request by Re-Logic, and Loki mentioned it will be coming in future updates on other platforms too, we just happened to have it ready for the release. This is to diffuse the nurse cheese. Anything you see in the mobile version has been significantly tested and vetted by the team at Re-Logic and we work extremely closely with them to ensure their vision for what Terraria is, is represented :)

At the end of the day the goal is still to have a singular experience for Terraria on all platforms :)
I would like to return the option of holding the hitting button with the sword because keep clicking all the time to hit and very bad
When will there be a cheat keyboard? I wanted PC long ago, and half of the reason is because I wanted to spawn in 50 npcs and 50 hostile creatures and make them to a EvNPC (Environment vs Non Playable Characters) battle.
At the end of the day the goal is still to have a singular experience for Terraria on all platforms :)

One Terraria to rule them all.
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Heya wanted to let you know, if you put the grapple in the hotbar and select it you can spiderman by tapping on screen! Or if you don't want to change your hotbar selection all the time, you can even just tap the grapple stick in that direction, but it is slightly less precise :)

It was a specific request by Re-Logic, and Loki mentioned it will be coming in future updates on other platforms too, we just happened to have it ready for the release. This is to diffuse the nurse cheese. Anything you see in the mobile version has been significantly tested and vetted by the team at Re-Logic and we work extremely closely with them to ensure their vision for what Terraria is, is represented :)

At the end of the day the goal is still to have a singular experience for Terraria on all platforms :)
The problem with a singular experience on mobile is well, it's mobile. Most mobile players aren't hard core players. Mobile gaming is convenience gaming. Terraria on mobile became inconvenient with this update. Don't get me wrong, it's a great update. I thank you for it...

Have you seen that scene in Ready Player One where the antagonist is having a meeting with the shareholders? And he says "Our experts say that we can take up to 80% of the players field of view with ads before causing seizures." Or something to that effect. It's like that. Too much on a small screen. And hard to see for an old fart like me.
Specific request by who? Because I can cheese boss fights currently in 1.3 on both PC and PS4 in the exact way you're describing. Autopause on consoles and PC works in both in the main menu and the inventory. Why is mobile working differently if the goal is to unify the play experience in all versions?

If you missed it, Cenx has already confirmed that Autopause outside of settings is going away on PC once 1.4/JE arrives. This will be the case on all other platforms as well.

The new controls suck. 75% of the recent reviews on the App Store agree. I, calling this a critical game breaking bug. It’s unplayable. Bring back the old controls and also the ability to auto attack by holding down the attack button.

Additional left stick jump options (including "the old way") and autoswing as a non-default option are coming in the next update/fixes. We are hoping this makes everyone happy.

Unplayable? Not even remotely close to true and you know that. Totally get the complaints, thus why they are being acted upon, but the hyperbolic melodrama is just over the top. It is quite intriguing how so many other people have been able to adapt and play it quite well indeed.

The problem with a singular experience on mobile is well, it's mobile. Most mobile players aren't hard core players. Mobile gaming is convenience gaming. Terraria on mobile became inconvenient with this update

What you had was also best-described as a watered down Terraria Lite version of the game. So, it becomes a question of choices, right? Do you want more capability or do you want super simple? Do you want a true authentic experience "just like everyone else" or do you want it watered down "because its mobile"? And so on.

I am about as noob of a mobile gamer as you will find. I'm also a long time Terraria player. What you have now - though admittedly needing some fixes and tweaks that are coming - is finally a true, legit Terraria for mobile with no corners cut. Everyone used to the litany of cut corners and design nerfs on the old version - yeah, its gonna take some getting used to.

We hear you on the controls, which is why you saw flight this week and will see jump and more in the next update.

Not trying to sound harsh or rude, if it sounds that way - just giving a perspective. :)
Quick Terraria Survey
1. Which pillar is hardest for you? Easiest?
2. What is your favorite yoyo?
3. Did you favorite your main character?
4. Favorite Weapon
5. Favorite Item
6. Have you completed Expert Mode?
7. What is your main mount?
8. What grappling hook do you use?
9. Have you used dye?

My Answers
1. Hardest- Nebula; Easiest- Vortex
2. Terrarian, duh.
3. Yes
4. Star wrath
5. The gold bunny.
6. Not even close
7. Slimy saddle! :)
8. Christmas Hook
9. Yes
Have been playing it for some time now
I never liked old version 1.2.4 and below but this 1.3 just fixed every issue i had with 1.2.4 and below

But today i i saw something SUPER weird
I have the blood and gore disabled cuz the effects look cooler without it and when i destroyed a pot then the gore disabled-clouds came out of it or is it supposed to happen even with gore on?
Not sure if it's a bug or glitch
Other than that i haven't noticed any glitches or bugs
The money for the game is worth it
I first downloaded a cracked version to see if it's worth it and then bought it afterwards
People who seems to be unhappy about legacy items being removed while console didn't
For you to know thanks to this all the pc maps are available for mobile maps like builder workshop and adventure maps
Quick Terraria Survey
1. Which pillar is hardest for you? Easiest?
2. What is your favorite yoyo?
3. Did you favorite your main character?
4. Favorite Weapon
5. Favorite Item
6. Have you completed Expert Mode?
7. What is your main mount?
8. What grappling hook do you use?
9. Have you used dye?

My Answers
1. Hardest- Nebula; Easiest- Vortex
2. Terrarian, duh.
3. Yes
4. Star wrath
5. The gold bunny.
6. Not even close
7. Slimy saddle! :)
8. Christmas Hook
9. Yes
My answers:
1. Haven’t done any pillars so I have no opinion yet.
2. The EoC, it’s really good when you get it until you get the Terrarian.
3. Yes
4. Terra Blade, only because it gives me memories. Plus, it’s looks cool and it’s somewhat easy to get.
5. This ones kind of hard, but it has to be the worm scarf, because the damage reduction is super useful in expert mode. Second favorite is the Shield of Cuthulu.
6. Nope, but I’m trying to! Both on mobile and PC.
7. Unicorn (On PC atm)
8. Just the standard one, only because I don’t use them much.
9. Yes! I love negative dye!
Side note: I love expert mode!
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Quick Terraria Survey
1. Which pillar is hardest for you? Easiest?
2. What is your favorite yoyo?
3. Did you favorite your main character?
4. Favorite Weapon
5. Favorite Item
6. Have you completed Expert Mode?
7. What is your main mount?
8. What grappling hook do you use?
9. Have you used dye?

1. Hardest - Solar. Easiest - Vortex
2. I don't use yo-yos
3. ...what?
4. S.D.M.G.
5. UFO mount
6. Yes
7. UFO
8. Lunar. Used to use the Christmas hook but hate what 1.3 did to the lights
9. On everything
1. Hardest - Solar. Easiest - Vortex
2. I don't use yo-yos
3. ...what?
4. S.D.M.G.
5. UFO mount
6. Yes
7. UFO
8. Lunar. Used to use the Christmas hook but hate what 1.3 did to the lights
9. On everything
Favoriting your main character looks like this:


  • 520C7854-EAE1-4DE8-A723-D1BFEDD7D117.jpeg
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