Standalone N Terraria Mod: RPG, Races, Classes, Quests, and other things.

My first guess would be that it's a version incompatibility. Sort of like the map being saved with a version stamp that's above the downgraded Terraria you're playing. Or maybe steam is trying to enforce a modern version use for the files stored in the steam cloud. Are you allowing the saves to be stored on the cloud? Or are you using TEdit?
I don't even know what TEdit is, although I'm not using the cloud storage function. and, I've downgraded to according to the tutorial code provided: download_depot 105600 105601 7118084600027986257
I've been playing on N Terraria, the 6+ version, and installed it exactly as was described in the provided tutorial. LOVING it so far.
However, I just can't play for more than 30 minutes before the game stops working and windows prompts with that one option: to close it.
On the console that opens with the game, it says, among other ones (which I've unconsidered, due to their similarities to the side-errors usually found in Java compilers):
* System.ArgumentException: 'invalid characters on the path';
* System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks(String fullPath);
* Terraria.WorldGen.SaveWorld();
* Terraria.IO.WorldFile.saveWorld(Boolean useCloudSaving, Boolean resetTime);
Despite the issue lying with the world saving mechanics, running the game as admin does not seem to help.
Any idea as to why this is happening/how i could fix it?
The issue is caused because of Auto Save, but based on the error, It supposedly can't finish saving the world, and may have the possibility of being a Terraria bug.
No idea what causes It though.

You may try the following.
  1. Send here the full directory to your N Terraria 6 save folder.
  2. Disable auto save and keep playing, then see If It happens again.
  3. No idea, just had 2 ideas, this one was to finish the tripple combo
:bluslime::bluslime:Bring Back Slime Race!:bluslime::bluslime:
I will, after I finish the Bunny race, beside will need to plan out the Slime race, unless someone attempts to do that for me.
I'm on your behalf, however Nakano just doesn't like the slime race. Perhaps if a lot of different people (that are also popular in this thread) vote for the same, he will add it.
It's not that the cause, I only dislike the Slime race for the same reason as I dislike the old Bunny race, It had sprite issues when attacking or doing several other actions, making it look ugly, I tried to make the [Bunny] race be less about attacking using items, but more about casting spell, and then people disliked too, so I'm having to rework the entire Race ideas before adding them again.
The issue is caused because of Auto Save, but based on the error, It supposedly can't finish saving the world, and may have the possibility of being a Terraria bug.
No idea what causes It though.

You may try the following.
  1. Send here the full directory to your N Terraria 6 save folder.
  2. Disable auto save and keep playing, then see If It happens again.
  3. No idea, just had 2 ideas, this one was to finish the tripple combo

I will, after I finish the Bunny race, beside will need to plan out the Slime race, unless someone attempts to do that for me.

It's not that the cause, I only dislike the Slime race for the same reason as I dislike the old Bunny race, It had sprite issues when attacking or doing several other actions, making it look ugly, I tried to make the [Bunny] race be less about attacking using items, but more about casting spell, and then people disliked too, so I'm having to rework the entire Race ideas before adding them again.
Yay Now i dont need to play n terraria 5 . and yes i am doing that becuse slime race
[doublepost=1504441685,1504441604][/doublepost]If slimes get wings they can look like slimers when they fly
I dont have much of an opinion about slime or rabbit race, but I think slimes should have the passive ability that whenever they fall higher than a certain hight, they should bounce back up to ~80% of the distance, with their speed upwards as fast as the velocity when falling.
damn, can't wait for the new season guys. i remember playing season 4/5 a while ago, gonna downgrade n' play season 6 while i still can.
just created an account to say this mod is awesome and to ask if expert mode will get any love and a sugestion i remember nakano said the old refine system was op (my opservatiotion it broke certain weapons too) i remember reading one person here suggested stat ups from quests why not make a one use item that uses the old refine system a reward from quests in expert mode or even only a raccoon box drop in those worlds

this is what happens when i try to start it :(
can you make mac version pls
Can't, even though there are engines now adays that allows doing that (beside I don't know so much about how it works), I still use Visual Studio 2010 to compile
my mod, so I don't even have access to cross platforming.
I really like NTerraria. Just "finished" a Season 6 run.

But i would really like to see one thing:
The possibility to level all classes with one char. (As an Option)
Like in Final Fantasy 14 where you can change classes on the fly (while not in combat)
Even nicer would if all classes had one or two "wildcard" slots where you can insert other class spells.
I know you can use the NPplayers to have multiple classes but they are ... weird ... and quite clunky to operate.
Strong but unreliable.

Alternativ: Maybe secondarie classes? For things like the angler or the blacksmith(?) (Seen on one of your screenshots :D)
From what I can tell, there is going to be secondary classes that you can become along with a main class and a legendary class. But there won't be any cross classing among the same tier of classes. For instance, we won't be able to be level mage and fighter... but you can be a mage-alchemist-paladin(?) or rogue-smith-hunter(?). I don't know what the advanced classes are going to be.
to illustrate what Pebkio means. if you can find the nterraria social group, or go back to page 401, second post down and click Nakano's link (second post from top) you may be able to understand how Nakano's current ideas towards class's are progressing. (unless i've missed a MASSIVE update, but anywho)

that being said i am fully in favor of being able to class change at any time with one character but can see how the use of NPplayers could quite easily cover the need for that (between having numerous characters level at any given time and having each of them in different classes, it makes the notion of commitment pointless because you can easily level a new character while playing a MPplayer just to get them up to level without having to restart anyway)... i hope i helped here XP sorry if i didn't
Well, Nakano had discussed a "reborning" thing, where you could do a quest or consume an item that resets everything, even appearance... but my concern was what you brought up Vauxs: It's easy, once you've gotten a character to hardmode with the items, to just make a new character and level them up quick-like using those hardmode items. At least, that's how it's been for the last three seasons (I can't speak to N1, N2, or N3).

Don't like the mage/alchemist/sage build you've got going? Just make a new fighter/alchemist/paladin, give them the gear you've been collecting in your warehouse. Spend a tense 30 minutes and be ready to go... you don't even need the NPplayer feature.
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