Something I feel would greatly benefit accessibility, would be more sound sliders to tune, allowing players to reduce more specific sounds instead of having to lowering the volume of everything.
There are 3 different sliders I feel would be beneficial:
1. Player Noise
This consists of any noises from weapons, tools, mounts, and equipment. For anyone sensitive to some of the noises their weapons make, or wanting to tone down the sound of mining when doing a big dig, or just wanting to bounce around in a minecart in silence, this would be for them.
2. NPC Sounds
This consists of sounds from town npcs, and mobs. This would be more useful for players who find some of the mob sounds a bit more uncomfortable or earpiercing, or help when nearby a mobgrinder, especially if rapid hits are involved, which can cause many ear piercing noises that more sensitive people cannot deal with.
3. Wiring Sounds
This consists of sounds from timers, teleporters, logic sensors, pressure plates, and announcement boxes (Especially announcement boxes.). Not switches, as those are directly interacted with by the player. I've mentioned before, this would not only be immensely useful for noise sensitive players, as complex wiring can be EXTREMELY clicky, but this would also be huge for maps as well, since any unique and interesting mechanics seem to make the most clicking noises out of anything.
As someone incredibly sensitive to sounds myself, while also in development of complex wiring maps which suffer from player sensors and announcement box clicking, I'm hoping this gets heard and isn't too difficult to implement, but I can understand if it's tricky or tedious to distinguish what sounds belong to what setting.
There are 3 different sliders I feel would be beneficial:
1. Player Noise
This consists of any noises from weapons, tools, mounts, and equipment. For anyone sensitive to some of the noises their weapons make, or wanting to tone down the sound of mining when doing a big dig, or just wanting to bounce around in a minecart in silence, this would be for them.
2. NPC Sounds
This consists of sounds from town npcs, and mobs. This would be more useful for players who find some of the mob sounds a bit more uncomfortable or earpiercing, or help when nearby a mobgrinder, especially if rapid hits are involved, which can cause many ear piercing noises that more sensitive people cannot deal with.
3. Wiring Sounds
This consists of sounds from timers, teleporters, logic sensors, pressure plates, and announcement boxes (Especially announcement boxes.). Not switches, as those are directly interacted with by the player. I've mentioned before, this would not only be immensely useful for noise sensitive players, as complex wiring can be EXTREMELY clicky, but this would also be huge for maps as well, since any unique and interesting mechanics seem to make the most clicking noises out of anything.
As someone incredibly sensitive to sounds myself, while also in development of complex wiring maps which suffer from player sensors and announcement box clicking, I'm hoping this gets heard and isn't too difficult to implement, but I can understand if it's tricky or tedious to distinguish what sounds belong to what setting.