Casual Pet Peeves

As I said in the other thread, pranks that put people in fear of their lives. It's all fun and games until you find out the person your pranking has a concealed weapon. Bet you those hooligans would try to sue for it too. People's emotions aren't toys.
Double post but holy fudge balls I'm on the boat with Mr.Enter when it comes to trolling. I really wish more of the crap you did internet had tangible repercussions.
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Something that really bugs me is people who intentionally try to create problems, hurt, or inconvenience others. Accidental harm is okay. Inconveniencing someone as a byproduct of some other motive is fine, depending on the circumstances. To an extent, revenge is okay too. But going out of your way to cause harm for no other reason than to cause harm is intolerable.
Kneejerk idiocy.

A stubborn, moronic, completely asinine attitude either toward or against something, often resorting to threats to avoid being told they're wrong.

It's :red:ing annoying.

Grow up and start considering other people's opinions.
People misusing commas to indicate a pause in a sentence. For example, "That's, not how you use commas." as opposed to "That's... not how you use commas." It looks silly and uneducated, and annoys me way more than it should.
When you have to tell somebody to do something more than once and they don't do it, even after the 5th time

The PC master race, Shut up about your crazy powerful supercomputers and let me have some fun with my consoles
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- People that think I'm a genius (usually based on one event which would be my strong point) and then expect me to continue being so with every moment. I can't do expansive thinking 24/7. The last time I did, I had issues sleeping.

- People expecting me to know celebrities of any type. Fame is of void purpose to me when I consider an individual's value (or their history, if I was learning about something) to myself. I have little care to share about their achievements, especially if they were essentially puppets of the big businesses.

- "What is your favourite x" questions. My mind isn't stagnant, preferences change over time. A 'favourite song' usually only retains that status for a week at the most, for example. Even faster when I discover something new and interesting to listen to.

- Love, specifically the couple type. It's something I just don't understand. When people speak of the positive things they would do for their loved ones, why not friends? Is my definition of a friend vastly different to everyone else? That'd explain why I don't have much, by my definition.

I'll also add that 'my other half/soul mate' bull:red: to the 'love' point above. It really, really ticks me off. We aren't born as halves. We are a whole. This phrase used constantly implies that our lives are incomplete without the 'other half'. It's completely ridiculous. There are many people have lived very good lives without such a partner.

I've lived for nineteen years now and do not lust a 'soul mate' at all. Haven't once had a girlfriend in my life. My brother has one at the moment, and yet people call me jealous out of the blue. All I see between my brother and his girlfriend is a friendly relationship. I don't have to involve specific physical contact to replicate such a relationship (disclaimer: my brother is not at that stage yet) with a good friend.

If someone happens to come along and we become really great friends, then fine. I'll take it as a luxury, as a bonus. But I definitely do not see it as a requirement. There's no way in hell I'll hunt for 'the other half' either. I have the potential to be badly stubborn, so nothing will convince me otherwise.

And to add to all of this, you know when people scream out, "This is the one!" and end up getting a divorce/separate. It's ironic, isn't it?

The above isn't to say that I favour homosexuality or something else (however I do not despise people that are), because what I have said can apply to that as well.

- Destiny, Fate, Prophecy. Every time I hear these words in a movie/show, my rating on it absolutely plummets unless said movie/show is mocking, or in some way ridiculing, about it. I don't want that superstitious :red:, fictitious or not.

- People approaching my only comfort zone. Outside, when I'm working or something, it is entirely different. But in my own bedroom, the only place where I can truly be in my own mind, is not a place to just waltz in without a very good reason.

It's extremely infuriating when I go to my room to avoid society in the first place only for society to come to me. And then people wonder why I'm in a state of depression.
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FlakMaster, you may be asexual. It is, indeed, a thing - I've heard it called that, but in reality, "asexual" is not like the biological term, but a person that doesn't believe love and sex are something one needs, and will only delve into it to placate the usual social bull:red: rumor mills.

Love doesn't have one single definition, either, and whoever thinks it does, pisses me off greatly. Also, there are those who live "married" to their jobs, or their art, or any other thing, and cheesy movies notwithstanding, they usually appear happy on their own.

I can agree on the "other half" thing, tho. It seems to me like a way to make children believe there IS a need to pair up and have children. This may have worked back in the dark ages and renaissance, when the world didn't have four thousand million more people than it should, but nowadays, if someone wants to remain single, they should be allowed to.

I also don't believe in marriage and I've had arguments (very verbal ones) with some of my relatives over the "need" I apparently have to marry my girlfriend (girlfriend being a technical term, for lack of a better/less cheesy one,) even though I am neutral to religion and politics. To me (and my gf, which is why we've been together for so long,) marriage is a tag others put unto you to make you fit their comfort zone.
Taxes apply to prize money in the US. Fed tax plus state tax, so if you win a million dollars, you won't get close to that amount.
-When people butt into my business and my business ONLY and just cause stupid problems. Several people I know in real life need to mind their own business. Please let me live my life the way I want to.

-People that post insanely fast on forums just to become top poster or get a new forum title. Seriously, is that really going to help you? Quality over quantity.

-When someone says they are going to do something but don't end up doing it or do a half-assed job. It's better to under-promise and over-deliver than the other way around.
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Taxes apply to prize money in the US. Fed tax plus state tax, so if you win a million dollars, you won't get close to that amount.

Isn't this the case for every other countr too? It's just a way governments have to remind the common folk that they own them (and don't you forget.)
  • Minecraft fanboys, who say ''MINECRAFT IS DA BEST GEME IN DA W0RLD IT'S BETEER THAN TF2 OR GTA!" Really? How can you compare Minecraft and TF2?
  • CoD Players. ''Aha there's an easy kill!'' *Headshot* WAAAAA WUT DA :red: WHY DID YOU KILL ME! YOU :red: 1V1 ME M8 How about you shut the f**k up?
  • People that say your gay. I get this an awful lot at my school. ''WAY! YOUR GAY!'' Really? Where's the f**king evidence?
  • Babies that don't shut up. Airport: Baby: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Me: SHUT THE F**K UP ALREADY
  • Elitest Gamers.
  • People who say your opinion (Music, games, sports) Is sh1t. EVERYONE HAS THERE OWN OPINIONS
  • People who don't indicate. IT'S RIGHT NEXT TO THE DAMN WHEEL, SO USE IT
  • The Youtube Comment Section
  • Console Wars. All your doing is supporting companies that want money.
  • Heavy Breathers.
  • People who don't go on the pavement and go on the road. USE IT, THAT'S WHY IT'S THERE
  • Sports and PE
I may add more. But I think my caps lock button is broken now. :sigh:
People misusing commas to indicate a pause in a sentence. For example, "That's, not how you use commas." as opposed to "That's... not how you use commas." It looks silly and uneducated, and annoys me way more than it should.
That's what they're doing?? I've seen a few people putting commas in weird places lately, and I thought they were just having weird keyboard problems.
That moment when you left your house and start to think you've forgotten something. And the only way to find out if you'd lost it when you arrive home at the end of the day.
Games that make live action trailers or trailers where they removed the HUD so I don't even know what kind of game it is or makes trailers consisting of cut-scenes and narration. *Sees game on steam* *watches trailers* *gets confused* *goes on youtube to see what it actually is*

People who think that Cthulhu or the wall of steel was never thought of before and that it will be the "Bezt Suggeztion evar" that will revolutionize terraria. Well, I am somewhat guilty of the wall of steel, except my idea was to have a 3rd superhardmode where you killed the wall of mesh (which was only a half metal cyborgy thing) and the new bosses were the eye of Cythulhu, the destroyer of worlds and Skeletronis prime.

People who use things like #hashtags or YOLO or other crap like that 24/7. SPEAK! ENGLISH!

90% of the people on the starbound forum.

Most forums I go onto, because most forums I go onto it's like I post a thread and it takes a week for someone to post on it, if it's a suggestion they just say "No this shouldn't be added" I say "Why not?" They say "Because it shouldn't be added" this goes on for about 3 pages of comments then I give up on the forum. I remember one instance where I posted something that was sort of a bugfix and sort of a suggestion, and it got 30 dislikes, it was a tower defense game and one of my favorite towers had a tracking projectile upgrade, quite often the projectile would circle the enemy instead of hitting them, I simply asked the devs to fix it, 30 DISlikes! What the heck!

I could probably go on alot but that's all I feel like doing ATM
you can usually ask for extra meat/cheese/sauce thats how i make sure i get fresh pizzas when i go to little ceasers
I meant that when you get a frozen pizza at the store, and it's a 3-4 meant kind, they skimp out on the pepperonis because there are other toppings on them. and most restaurants I've been to charge you extra for more toppings. :mad:
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