tModLoader Powerful Magic - Greatly increases magic damage and mana use


Note: Until further notice, this mod is now being worked on exclusively as part of my Adventure Mode set.

Powerful Magic

Note: Requires Mod Libs

Magic attacks are now 3x as powerful, but use 2.5x as much mana. Also, mana restoring items and natural regeneration only recover 1/5 as much. Mana Potions are also less available, and Mana Sickness above 3 seconds will lock down magic use. Configurable.

This mod is for anyone interested in a shakeup to mage playthroughs, or a fun twist to game modes. It gives magic a clear role for use as power attacks, which also works to compliment regular attacks. In this way, magic doesn't simply become relegated to its dedicated class to gather dust when other classes are being focused upon.

NEW! (v1.5): Hold right-click with a magic weapon equipped to begin focusing, which regenerates your mana but reduces your movement and attacks.

Source available.


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  • (See github commit history)
  • Added ReplaceWizardGreaterPotions setting
  • Set vertical movement to drain focus, not empty it
  • Altered ManaPotionConcentrate recipe to use mana potions
  • Added ManaStarDropChancePercentOfVanilla
  • Toned down tooltip colors
  • Added FocusInterruptsOnMove, FocusInterruptsOnHurt
  • Reduced focus mode mana regen rate
  • Tweaked magic item tooltips
  • Implemented config overrides
  • Added mana sickness attack stoppage alert
  • Increased mana sickness attack stoppage threshold
  • Fixed anomalies in magic spell quake effects
  • Added shake fx for each item that consumes mana
  • Added PerItemDamageScale setting
  • Fixed meteor armor affect on Space Gun
  • Fixed config: Float inputs, corrected clone, tweaks
  • Added waterbolt to PerItemDamageScale nerfs
  • Restructured GlobalItem code file
  • Moved Mod.RunOscillation() to PostUpdateEverything()
  • Corrected player's PreUpdate to not be incorrectly local-only
  • Restructured player code files
  • Refactored config reference
  • Restructured GlobalItem code files
  • Restructured project folders
  • Added focus
  • Tweaked mod description
  • Added ManaRegenScale setting with half the heal of ManaHealScale
  • Implemented mana regen with a different method
  • Increased WeaponManaConsumeMulitplier
  • Removed Arcane prefix from items by settings
  • Fixed mana star pickups giving incorrect amount
  • Added debug mode
  • Increased scale of mana consume
  • Updated shop trimming for correctness
  • Added config setting to lock attacks when mana sickness is heavier than 3s
  • Added config setting to scale damage with mana sickness
  • Added recipe for Lesser Mana Potion
  • Removed Lesser Mana Potion from merchant shop
  • Changed wizard's shop to sell ingredients for Greater Mana Potions (ManaPotionConcentrateItem)
  • Reduced default damage scale to 400%
  • Fixed mana star picks to include other types
  • Fixed incorrect scaling of mana star and mana potion and mana regen reductions
  • Hijacked combat texts to indicate correct mana recover amount
  • Tweaked description, added homepage
  • (Previous commit) restructured mod code from v1.0.0.1
  • First.


  • PowerfulMagic
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'Powerful Magic' refinements

I would like to give some special focus to this mod for anyone interested in a shakeup to mage playthroughs, or a fun twist to game modes. It gives magic a clear role for use as power attacks, which also works to compliment regular attacks. In this way, magic doesn't simply become relegated to its dedicated class to gather dust when other classes are being focused upon. This mod has been public for a while, but I'd like to take it a bit further for the following features:
  • Mana should have the option to be charged up at a cost to the player (reduced movement speed?), such as by way of a 'focus' ability (hold right-click?). - Now implemented, but minimalistic.
  • Magic attacks should get special emphasis visually. I'd like to implement a visual effect to darken the surrounding environment, excluding specifically any magic projectiles. Other types of effects can be considered as well, as appropriate.
  • Due to the exceptional nature of attacks by way of magic, added counter options may not be amiss, particularly for PvP. Magic projectile collisions, the 'focus' ability using mana for shields, some types of environmental aspects that can reduce or nullify magic power (candles? obsidian?)... anything deemed appropriate. Open to discussion.

This is also planned to be one of the component mods of Adventure Mode, but that doesn't mean it's locked into any specific context for use. Anyway, I'll need coding help for these tasks (with special FX emphasis), so if you feel like this is within your area of interest, shoot me a reply any time.
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this is too powerful please nerf the amount to 1/10 instead.
You can adjust the scale in the configs. The amount this mod uses by default is balanced for a fresh playthrough. I'm not sure how well it works alongside other mods.
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Note: Until further notice, this mod is now being worked on exclusively as part of my Adventure Mode set. I will not be doing any additional features, changes, or fixes beyond the context of its use within Adventure Mode. General PRs are welcome, though.
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