PC [Project] Mechmod - A T-MEC community mod


Eye of Cthulhu
1.3.1 is still unfinished
This project has been put on ice. If you wish to help with development, just ping me.

mechmod 4x5 text with icon small.png

In case you came here, thinking this mod adds Transformers to Terraria, sorry, it doesn't do that!

Mechmod is the official T-MEC community Terraria mod (previously called MEFBAEA), an engineering core-feature and partially creative-mode focused Terraria mod!

Provided by @Aditya


Latest changes:
  • New User Interface (Copy all the things!)
    Open it with N
  • Teleporter particle visibility
  • /summon
    [*]Wire highlighting! (More information is in the Mechmod menu)

    [*]Infinity mana and Infinity health got merged into godmode
    [*]You can now click on wire with wire to send a signal! (To only activate a single block, use alt + click)

Change log:
Nothing to see here yet.


Settings - As laid out in game (main) menu

Infinite wire: disabled - enabled
Wrenches will use wire from your inventory. When enabled, wire cutters will not drop any wire. - Wrenches will not require or consume any wire. When enabled, wire cutters will not drop any wire.
Infinite actuators: disabled - enabled
Actuators will be consumed when placed. When enabled, wire cutters will not drop any actuators. - Actuators will not be consumed when placed. When enabled, wire cutters will not drop any actuators.
Godmode: disabled - enabled
When enabled, you will walk straight through enemies without being hit, have infinite health and mana
Infinite health: disabled - enabled
Infinite mana: disabled - enabled

Normal placing limits - No Limits
When enabled, you can place blocks anywhere.
UFO Speed: 500% to 0%
Modifies the speed of alien UFO mount.
Reset UFO Speed

Red wire affected by light - Red wire unaffected by light
This setting dictates whether red wire will show regardless of light level.
Blue wire affected by light - Blue wire unaffected by light
This setting dictates whether blue wire will show regardless of light level.
Green wire affected by light - Green wire unaffected by light
This setting dictates whether green wire will show regardless of light level.
Actuators affected by light - Actuators unaffected by light
This setting dictates whether actuators wire will show regardless of light level.

-Wire opacity-

Red: 100% [slider] 0%
The opacity of red wire.
Blue: 100% [slider] 0%
The opacity of blue wire.
Green: 100% [slider] 0%
The opacity of green wire.
Actuators: 100% [slider] 0%
The brightness of actuators.

Conditionally Show Wires - Always Show Wires
Wires will show when a mechanical item is selected. - Wires will show regardless of currently selected item.
Wrenches highlight wire - Wrenches don't highlight wire
If enabled, chains of wire under the mouse will be highlighted if the player is holding a wrench of the respective color. This feature is available otherwise with the Mechanical Ruler, bought form the mechanic.

Dummy ghosts: disabled - enabled
Dummy 'ghosts' are hidden.- Dummy 'ghosts' will be shown.
Ghosts are affected by light - Ghosts are unaffected by light
Dummy ghosts will be darkened according to nearby light levels. - Dummy ghosts will be shown regardless of the light levels in their area.
Dummy ghosts not outlined - Dummy ghosts outlined in red
When enabled, dummy ghosts will be shown with a thick red outline.
Dummies spawn when activated - Dummies spawn on world load
In vanilla Terraria, dummies only spawn when a player enters a 100x100 (incorrect: 200x200!) block rectangle around them. If this setting is enabled, they will spawn regardless of player position.
Kill wayward ghosts
When dummies are moved with TEdit, the ghosts remain in the save file. These rogue ghosts are unkillable, unmovable, and cannot get hit by projectiles. Click here to attempt to remove them.
Ghost brightness: 100% [slider] 0%
The opacity of dummy ghosts.
Hide dummy IDs - Show dummy IDs
Show/hide the internal NPC ID's (gr!) for each dummy.
Hide ghost feet - Show ghost feet

Planned feature

Reset and Styling
Reset all MechMod settings
Once reset, the settings are not recoverable. Are you sure? -> Once reset, the settings are not recoverable. Click again to confirm.
Inventory button hidden - Inventory button enabled
Shows a (glitchy) button on the inventory menu. The button will overlap the defense icon sometimes, so it is disabled by default.
Color: 1-8
Changes the menu color. Default: 1
Clouds - No clouds
Toggle all the clouds!
Teleporter particles (in)visible
This setting dictates the Teleporter particle's visibility.

Close Menu

Chat Commands

Auto-placing tool (buggy)
/place <block id> <direction - up,left,right,down> <amount>
You can also throw on wire, actuator, or force on the end of that to, well, add wire, add actuators, or force the placement (will overwrite other blocks, watch out). This will place amount of blocks in the specified direction, starting at your left foot by default. The starting position can be changed by typing /place set, which will bring up a smart-cursor-like box which will become the new position. In the future, this will only work if you have the specified item in your inventory.

Slowmotion Settings
/sm <num> or /slomo <num>
num is a speed divisor, e.g. `/sm 2` gives you half speed, `/sm 10` will make the game 10x slower. This may support speeding-up too in the future.
This will only get activated when pressing the o key.

Zooming (buggy)
/z <num> or /zoom <num>
where num is the zoom level, e.g. `/z .5` will zoom out for half magnification and `/z 2` will show the game at 2x magnification.

Inventory Cheat
/give <item ID|name> <count>
e.g. /give Celestial Sigil 99

/tp <x> <y>
Teleports you to the specified coordinates.

/summon <name>
Summons an entity at the mouse location
e.g. /summon Lost Girl

Keyboard only Commands
  • Slow motion (Key: O)
  • Terraria Map Editor (beta) (Key: N)
  • Freecam (Key: L)
    • To lock/unlock screen, arrow keys to move, + and - to change movement speed.
1.3.1 Pre-release Features:
/give <id|name> <count>
/summon <npc name>

Commands that toggle stuff:

Bugs and Disclaimer:
I do not hold any liability if your BIOS gets wiped, you starve to death because the mod is too interesting, your world that you worked on for 5 days straight gets messed up, etc.

  • Zooming doesn't work perfectly yet.

Suggested features: (Suggest some! :D )
  • Zooming (The current one doesn't work perfectly)
  • Placing dummy ghosts/other mobs
  • Inventory editor?
  • Super cool placing thingy
    • Easier hoiks. (Like a hammer that will always make a right-up slope)
    • Something similar to the WorldEdit that TShock has, where you can place hoiks automatically (Straight lines/boxes), or make a hoik mode where all blocks place are hoiks.
    • auto place: Ruler
  • Rebinding keys(L, K, O, P) and Custom Actions for said keys
  • Dummy teleporting: Remove lag and mute the teleporters
  • Ability to turn rain/snow off? (Just like the clouds)
  • Make /summon and /give a bit nicer.


External Dowload:

  • Delete your config file
  • Make sure that your antivirus isn't messing around with it. (Disable the antivirus and re-download it)
  • Set Steam to offline mode
  • Right click on the .exe file and click "Unblock"
  • Start it again. The current version might have a bug that gets fixed when you open it for the second time.
  • Post the error message. If you can't see one, open "Event Viewer" (pre-installed app) and open "Windows Logs" (left side). Click on "Application" and find the relevant error message. (Most recent messages are at the top, error messages have a red icon)
  • Windows Smart Screen might be the problem

Note: If you can't download it, join the T-Mec group.


  • Mechmod_v1.30.3.zip
    1.9 MB · Views: 1,016
  • Mechmod.zip
    2 MB · Views: 547
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Don't forget about the slow-motion and the zoom features!
(would it be possible to, in time, create a spoiler in the main post containing instructions for all the features? For us still learning and who can't remember which command line was for which feature)
Don't forget about the slow-motion and the zoom features!
(would it be possible to, in time, create a spoiler in the main post containing instructions for all the features? For us still learning and who can't remember which command line was for which feature)

Of course! To be honest, I don't know any of the commands.. :happy:

Mind explaining every single command so I can add them to the main post?
Of course! To be honest, I don't know any of the commands.. :happy:

Mind explaining every single command so I can add them to the main post?
Hey guys, just dropping in. I'm away for Christmas, and then pretty busy with other stuff around mid-Janurary so development will slow down a tad.

@stefnotch Currently, the commands aren't used for much. There are a couple of WIP features (like the auto-place feature, currently broken in numerous ways but here's my old writeup of it:
  • Also, I'll finish up the auto-placing tool. There's limited support in the current build which you can see by opening up the chatbox (should work in singleplayer) and typing /place <block id> <direction - up,left,right,down> <amount>. You can also throw on wire, actuator, or force on the end of that to, well, add wire, add actuators, or force the placement (will overwrite other blocks, watch out). This will place amount of blocks in the specified direction, starting at your left foot by default. The starting position can be changed by typing /place set, which will bring up a smart-cursor-like box which will become the new position.
    • In the Future™, this will only work if you have the specified item in your inventory.
    • Also, there will DEFINITELY be hoik/slope support. Fallen star autofarms are now possible in a reasonable amount of time.
    • This command-line style is not very user friendly, so eventually there will hopefully be an alternative. I'm not sure yet - it depends on what you guys think again. Possible options are a menu/interface activated somehow, or a combination of items to achieve the desired result (ruler-style?).

Apart from that, the only other features that use commands are slow-motion (activated by typing `/sm <num>` or `/slomo <num>`, where num is a speed divisor, e.g. `/sm 2` gives you half speed, `/sm 10` will make the game 10x slower. This may support speeding-up too in the future.) and zooming (type `/z <num>` or `/zoom <num>` where num is the zoom level, e.g. `/z .5` will zoom out for half magnification and `/z 2` will show the game at 2x magnification).

The commands are entered via the chatbox (which has been made available for singleplayer too).
Both of those features will use the upcoming menu instead of the command style soon.

Finally, I believe in the current build, zooming has been updated with various experimental solutions to the pink-lines bug. Typing the command `/z x1` will activate experimental mode 1, and typing `/z x2` will activate mode 2. One, both, or neither of these modes can be enabled at one time. If you encounter troubles with zooming-out looking bad, try activating one/both of these modes. Some sources that I read say that the results may differ per graphics card, so if you guys don't mind I'll ask you to play with these settings and find the one that looks the best. Interestingly, some zoom levels seem to avoid the bug entirely. A zoom level of 0.7 or 0.563 showed nice results for me.

Thanks guys! If I don't get back to you, I wish you all an awesome Christmas xD

Edit: @stefnotch: Add an 'actuator wand' to the planned list ;)
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Mechmod is a great name.

A cooler dirt rod that can move pretty much anything!

What is the dirt rod supposed to do? If it's supposed to be able to place any type of block, that sounds pretty awesome, but overly ambitious. By convention, most builds in the T-MEC community are built with stone slab blocks. Perhaps as a "baby step" it would be nice to have a tool that places only stone slab blocks, but tackles the issue of how you are going to go about placing blocks of a specific orientation or maybe even erase blocks. Would block orientation be determined by the arrow keys? If so, how is that going to work with free cam engaged simultaneously? Will you be able to click and drag the cursor to place fields of blocks? When click and dragging will this overwrite tiles only without foreground blocks or all blocks? Will there be a feature to draw out blocks in orthogonal directions only (with one of the modifier keys, maybe)? These are just ideas. I don't really know what you have in mind with the dirt rod tool. But it would be nice to start with a simple something to get the ball rolling.

EDIT: I see that a lot of what I'm suggesting is covered by what five-three describes with the "place" command.

A ghost hunter feature (Makes target dummy ghosts visible)
For a minute I got excited there. I thought "ghost hunter" meant a feature that purges glitched dummy ghosts from a map instead of making ghosts visible. I made this suggestion before. I'll remake it in this thread.

Wire opacity (You can make wires invisible)

Why... would I want to be able to do this? Or is this function meant for masking wires of a specific wire colour, in other words for showing only specific wire colours? I've also become confused by the key that affects wire visibility. In the build I'm using, which admittedly is not the current one, "K" toggles lighting effects on wires and "highlighted" dummy ghosts simultaneously. Personally, I'm fine with the mod just permanently highlighting dummy ghosts and displaying wire without lighting effects, but if we're going the toggle route, perhaps separate these toggles?

EDIT: Also Kudos and much love to @stefnotch and @five--three for all their work on this mod so far.
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Mechmod is a great name.
Hehehehehe ... thanks :) It sounds pretty cheesy so I wasn't with it at first, but @stefnotch snuck it into the code somewhere soit became official xD
What is the dirt rod supposed to do? If it's supposed to be able to place any type of block, that sounds pretty awesome, but overly ambitious. By convention, most builds in the T-MEC community are built with stone slab blocks. Perhaps as a "baby step" it would be nice to have a tool that places only stone slab blocks, but tackles the issue of how you are going to go about placing blocks of a specific orientation or maybe even erase blocks. Would block orientation be determined by the arrow keys? If so, how is that going to work with free cam engaged simultaneously? Will you be able to click and drag the cursor to place fields of blocks? When click and dragging will this overwrite tiles only without foreground blocks or all blocks? Will there be a feature to draw out blocks in orthogonal directions only (with one of the modifier keys, maybe)? These are just ideas. I don't really know what you have in mind with the dirt rod tool. But it would be nice to start with a simple something to get the ball rolling.
The dirt rod functions as it does in Vanilla Terraria. That is, it has the ability to pick up a block and move it somewhere else, from an unlimited range. All we did was change it so that it can move any block, not just dirt or sand.

In my previous post, I mentioned the work-in-progress auto-place feature. This is currently not fully functional, but once it is, I'll aim to convert it from the command-line style use into a keyboard shortcut or item that functions similarly to the Ruler accessory.
For a minute I got excited there. I thought "ghost hunter" meant a feature that purges glitched dummy ghosts from a map instead of making ghosts visible. I made this suggestion before. I'll remake it in this thread.
Yep, that's on the list :) It's going to be an option in the upcoming interface. Currently, I haven't got the ghost menu in yet, but I have already implemented its seperate toggles (like the dummy ghost lighting and texture change being seperate as you mentioned later in your post). Don't worry ... it'll come ... S O O N ™

Why... would I want to be able to do this? Or is this function meant for masking wires of a specific wire colour, in other words for showing only specific wire colours? I've also become confused by the key that affects wire visibility. In the build I'm using, which admittedly is not the current one, "K" toggles lighting effects on wires and "highlighted" dummy ghosts simultaneously. Personally, I'm fine with the mod just permanently highlighting dummy ghosts and displaying wire without lighting effects, but if we're going the toggle route, perhaps separate these toggles?
Yeah, that toggle was only a temporary solution. In the current build those options are definitely seperate :p
I suppose placing a wire along with a block/wall would be pretty cool. So as statues sendign a signal when an npc touches it.
I suppose placing a wire along with a block/wall would be pretty cool. So as statues sendign a signal when an npc touches it.
The wire with block/wall placing sounds like a great idea! (We still need to make a nice block placing thing...)
And, about the statues idea, it would be cool to have that in Terraria, but this mod isn't really supposed to add items. It just "enhances" the user interface!
[DOUBLEPOST=1450717147,1450717078][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, thanks for all the feedback!
The wire with block/wall placing sounds like a great idea! (We still need to make a nice block placing thing...)
And, about the statues idea, it would be cool to have that in Terraria, but this mod isn't really supposed to add items. It just "enhances" the user interface!
[DOUBLEPOST=1450717147,1450717078][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, thanks for all the feedback!
The idea was to give an already existing statue this function.
Another idea I think was already mentioned because (heh, it's kind of obvious) is the constant signal. I know it's possible. I know it might beh ard. But the potential is huge for it. In other words I mean that when you step on a pressure plate it sends a signal 1 time, no matter how long you stand on it. Is it possible to make it send the signal all the time and the receiving object work only when the pressure plate is pressed?
Is it possible to make it send the signal all the time and the receiving object work only when the pressure plate is pressed?

I suppose it's possible, but Terraria wiring system is impulsed based. Why work against it? Alot of the fun in engineering is simulating steady state. You could achieve your example by triggering an ultimate engine with the pressure plate.
First off, my thanks to all the work done on this mod by five--three, stefnotch, and FSG Gaming. I've put the mod to good use in my videos (mainly to stabilize the camera when I use hoik-based machines, and to move the camera around to show how the machines work), guides (to show the wiring more clearly), and during construction (to look at distant parts of the machines to see if they are working properly, and to watch the behavior of mobs and bosses). Fantastic work everyone! I look forward to future updates.

The idea was to give an already existing statue this function.
Another idea I think was already mentioned because (heh, it's kind of obvious) is the constant signal. I know it's possible. I know it might beh ard. But the potential is huge for it. In other words I mean that when you step on a pressure plate it sends a signal 1 time, no matter how long you stand on it. Is it possible to make it send the signal all the time and the receiving object work only when the pressure plate is pressed?

A recent 1.3.1 spoiler showcased a constant signal, or at least simulated it (if you placed all gems in their slots, it would open a trap-door). The thing is, constant signals can be entirely simulated by pulses, and pulses offer greater flexibility than constant signals. In your example of something only working if a pressure plate is depressed, you could simulate a constant signal by first sending a pulse when the plate is depressed, and then a second signal when it is released. If the output is supposed to generate a repeated action, such as constantly activating a statue, that too can be simulated by generating pulses to coincide with the cooldown of the statue. We have the ability now to generate a pulse every game tick if desired.
First off, my thanks to all the work done on this mod by five--three, stefnotch, and FSG Gaming. I've put the mod to good use in my videos (mainly to stabilize the camera when I use hoik-based machines, and to move the camera around to show how the machines work), guides (to show the wiring more clearly), and during construction (to look at distant parts of the machines to see if they are working properly, and to watch the behavior of mobs and bosses). Fantastic work everyone! I look forward to future updates.

A recent 1.3.1 spoiler showcased a constant signal, or at least simulated it (if you placed all gems in their slots, it would open a trap-door). The thing is, constant signals can be entirely simulated by pulses, and pulses offer greater flexibility than constant signals. In your example of something only working if a pressure plate is depressed, you could simulate a constant signal by first sending a pulse when the plate is depressed, and then a second signal when it is released. If the output is supposed to generate a repeated action, such as constantly activating a statue, that too can be simulated by generating pulses to coincide with the cooldown of the statue. We have the ability now to generate a pulse every game tick if desired.
I though about that too but ... Wouldn't it be an issue if something else pressed the pleasure plate while it's already pressed? (NPC, mob, boulder, etc)

Another idea is delaying the signal. We could use 0-9 statues for that. Most of my ideas rely on giving unused statues a function btw.

Yet another idea: Why not make Beach ball able to trigger switches? (And make it non-dieing, unless used pickaxe on it) I can see some potential for it.

EDIT: Fixing the auto-correct's "corrections"
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I though about that too but ... Wouldn't it be an issue if something else pressed the pleasure plate while it's already pressed? (NPC, mob, boulder, etc)

Another idea is delaying the signal. We could use 0-9 status for that. Most of my ideas rely on giving unused statues a fiction btw.

Yet another idea: Why not make Beach ball able to trigger switches? (And make it non-dieing, unless used pickaxe on it) i can see some potential for it.
That would be fun!
I though about that too but ... Wouldn't it be an issue if something else pressed the pleasure plate while it's already pressed? (NPC, mob, boulder, etc)

Another idea is delaying the signal. We could use 0-9 statues for that. Most of my ideas rely on giving unused statues a function btw.

Yet another idea: Why not make Beach ball able to trigger switches? (And make it non-dieing, unless used pickaxe on it) I can see some potential for it.

EDIT: Fixing the auto-correct's "corrections"

A feature like that is being added in the 1.3.1 update, as far as I know! http://terraria.wiki.gg/Upcoming_features#Terraria_1.3.1
And, this mod isn't exactly intended to add some extra features to statues and stuff...that is what the 1.3.1 update is for! :D
[DOUBLEPOST=1450981962,1450960271][/DOUBLEPOST]I added a link to some screenshots to the main post!
Kay, then ... How about highlighting the wire cursor currently hovers over? And if possible, blocks reacting to the said wire like timers or teleporters, torches, actuated blocks etc.
Kay, then ... How about highlighting the wire cursor currently hovers over? And if possible, blocks reacting to the said wire like timers or teleporters, torches, actuated blocks etc.

We already got a wire-highlighting feature. (Yes, I know that your suggestion is slightly different) But,the last sentence gave me a good idea:

Is there any demand for a click-on-wire-signal thingy? (i.e. you click on the wire and it sends a signal.)
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