Question on house validity


So i am not sure why but only the house with the dye trader is considered valid, the others were and now they are not. His house is the only one remotely close to the corruption and i have no idea why the other are invalid.
Yes, the house checker says that they are invalid housing but doesn't give any other information.
Is it valid when there isn't an NPC in it?
Once, I found out that if a house is the right size, it can be valid for one NPC or town pet, but then it becomes invalid so you can't have both an NPC and a town pet in the same house.
Is it valid when there isn't an NPC in it?
Once, I found out that if a house is the right size, it can be valid for one NPC or town pet, but then it becomes invalid so you can't have both an NPC and a town pet in the same house.
The only house that has an NPC assigned to it is the dye traders house. The others were assigned to houses but are not now.
If you mean is it valid if the NPCs are not standing in there at all then I currently don't know but I can test that later.
I know that in past versions, if there's a small amount of Evil Biome nearby (like you could see both the house and the evil biome on the same screen), then it threw the "House is not valid" message. As you said every one of those but the one the die trader's in says that, my thought is there might be some corruption/crimson to the left/left-and-down?
It's the furniture (specifically the chests), it's hard to explain the exact technical details. If you move the chests to their own room (which is more convenient anyways, maybe put them by your crafting area) all of them will become valid.
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