Return to Neibreth: A Sequel to a Text Adventure of mine... [Story based]

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Endzors Red, White, and Black come out of the portal.

Endzor Black is permanently inflicted with [HASTE]! He punches Greed at impossible speeds!

Endzor White summons three blazes from another portal! They are all [CONTROLLED] by him! The blazes shoot at Greed!


"How's that for dangerous?"
Current Time of Day: Night: 6/8

~~~~Grant Redman (@Mr. Fury)~~~~ [MENTALLY SCARRED]
Current Location: Shadowplay Glade: La Tourvelle Mansion
HP: 55/55 DP: 101 LVL: 2

Walter walks over to grant and snaps him out of his trance
Walter: Grant,Tourvelle told us we could take the crystal star, and he told us where to find it, Let's get a move on...
What's with you and that painting? I didn't take you for the artist type...

Tourvelle: Like it? This painting is the last reminder of three friends of mine. The last picture i made before they all left this land to find other lands to live... I miss them.
The star is displayed in the upstairs hall, Please help yourself to it.

Current Location: Adamanturtle Plains: Road
Team DP: 258
~~~~Secret (@Xmax360)~~~~
HP: 187/254 [IMPSCAR] LVL: 2
~~~~Invictus (@Madder)~~~~
HP: 348/355 LVL 2

Mysterious creepy guy by the side of the road at night trying to sell you "bananas": Ah, The MIGHTY BANANA! It's an amazing food item! I practically worship it! And one banana can be yours for only 99 DP! Eating it can give you strength! You can get ultra ripped by devouring one!

Current Location: Endless Sand Sea: Sandsea
HP: 530/530 DP: 1,099 LVL: 10

Goron: Yep, Well.. Enjoy the last bit of night!
As soon as the goron leaves, jack finds a way to wait out his night: an angry tumblr user rolls up to him and starts calling him sexist.
As Jack kicks the tumblr user into pieces, he is surrounded by large tarantula hawk wasps... 5 of them, and one single wingless one!
the wingless one is yelling in a stereotypical fat guys voice "YEAH GET EM GUYS WOOOO"

5 Cazadores draw near!

~~~~Endzor Green (@Sky High)~~~~
Current Location: Frigid Frontier: Mirror Factory
HP: 223/265 DP: 400 LVL: 8

Endzor Green: 223/230
Greed: -500/200

Endzor Green ****ing destroyed greed with a ton of other Endzors, i don't even need to say the damage....

Greed: Urrrk... NOOOOOO!
Greed falls to the ground
Greed disappears...
Gained 300 DP and 300 EXP
Jumped up to level 8!
HP has increased to 265!

You hear clapping as the skeleton from earlier is still there watching you, It seems he is impressed with your power.

~~~~Zell (@Creeper37500)~~~~
Current Location: Kazul Coastline: Near the Harbor
HP: 489/490 [CAT SCRATCH] DP: 70 LVL: 1

Zell speeds off the ship as it docks at a harbor, He runs and runs and runs and manages to make it out of the harbor
As he looks around the beautiful beach he notices the following:
A Present resting under a palm tree
Several weird looking crabs (Battle)
a heard of peaceful looking two headed cows (Passive Critter)
A glowing sandal like creature with one eye walking around alone (Night Battle)
A small group of green slime like creatures with a spiny shell on top of them (Battle)
A Road that leads up and down (Pick a direction)
"Ah crap... wait a second, it's been years, but those look like the cazadores from fallout new vegas..." *Fights a missile at the wingless one third one.*
Yeah, we'll pass. We have somewhere to be.
*Invictus grabs Secret and begins powerwalking towards Exodus Reach, looking over his shoulder every now and then.*
Zell grabs the present and takes a look at the map he got; He doesn't want to stick around, he doesn't know how fast those pirates are, nor does he want to find out the hard way.
No, I'm not all that into art, Walter, where I'm from, paintings this big are typically just portraits... Anyway, I suppose we better get a move on.

Grant heads up to the place where the Crystal Star is.
"Didn't even have to bring out Endzor Solar... Thank goodness for type weaknesses."

I turn to Wrath.

"So, why did you let me out of that cage?"
Current Time of Day: Night: 7/8

~~~~Grant Redman (@Mr. Fury)~~~~ [MENTALLY SCARRED]
Current Location: Shadowplay Glade: La Tourvelle Mansion, Horror Gallery
HP: 55/55 DP: 101 LVL: 2

Grant and walter find their way to the hall and see the Emerald Star at the far end of the place...
The two walk over to it only to fall through a super secret trap door.
Grant lands on the floor, manages to strike the landing, Walter however fell into a nearby painting that was on the floor...
The two get up and look around, They see a long dark hall in front of them, And plenty of horrifying paintings that would give pickman from fallout 4 a run for his money!
A Present sits nearby as well.
Walter: Where... Where the hell are we?!

Current Location: Adamanturtle Plains: Exodus Reach Border
Team DP: 258
~~~~Secret (@Xmax360)~~~~
HP: 187/254 [IMPSCAR] LVL: 2
~~~~Invictus (@Madder)~~~~
HP: 348/355 LVL 2

The mysterious man glares at invictus which invictus catches every few looks, He peeks back one last time to see the man has completely vanished... Creepy...

The group make it to the border of the Exodus Reach, which seems that the entire region's border except one large gate is covered in an electric fence...
Beyond the fence is a large neon city, with vast amounts of technology and robots...
The gate seems like it's being guarded by a big buff cheeto puff robot

Current Location: Endless Sand Sea: Sandsea
HP: 500/530 DP: 1,099 LVL: 10

Jack: 500/530 [POISON]
Cazador: 0/45 [NOT MOVING]
Cazador: 0/45 [DEAD]
Cazador: 0/45 [DECEASED]
Cazador: 0/45 [PROBABLY NOT ALIVE]

Jack fires his rocket!
It did 100 damage to Cazador C! Cazadore B and D took 50 splash damage!
They are defeated!
Cazador C Dropped a present!
Inside was an Antivenom!
Cazador A Attacks! It did 15 damage!
Cazador E Attacks! It did 15 Damage!
Poison runs through your veins!
???: Hmmph, Well aren't you an interesting sight....
A Cat girl leaps into the battle! She attacks the remaining cazadores finishing them off!

The character card appears
"Let's just cause as much chaos as possible!"

Elizabeth: So, YOU'RE the one i've heard so much about? Good! Then let's do this!
Elizabeth charges at jack with her claws drawn!

Elizabeth draws near!

Jack: 500/530 [POISON]
Elizabeth: ???/???

Elizabeth: What's with the silence and just standing around, Are you stunned by my beauty or something? Well sorry fella, But this girl ain't getting hitched, What's the point of bring anymore life into this hellhole of a worthless realm?
But since i AM a fair fighter, I'll give you something, You might want to consider using it more in your life...

Jack got a scanner! This item has been added to your inventory, you should really look at it's description...

~~~~Endzor Green (@Sky High)~~~~
Current Location: Frigid Frontier: Mirror Factory Outside
HP: 223/265 DP: 400 LVL: 8

The cold night air and the aurora in the sky really makes this cold hell chilly and beautiful....
Wrath just stares at Endzor before making a hand motion as if he is saying "Come"
He walks a little bit before slashing open a portal with his sword and going into it, the portal is still open.

~~~~Zell (@Creeper37500)~~~~
Current Location: Kazul Coastline: Near the Harbor
HP: 489/490 [CAT SCRATCH] DP: 70 LVL: 1

You look at the map that you were given

Your on the X, You see that there is a town at the very top of this coast, and one further inland
Zell opens the present, inside was an ice cold Nuka Cola, you take it.
So, Which town do you wish to go to?
As you're plotting your course, you do notice the pirate ship begin to leave, seems you managed to slip away from them for good.... at least you hope for good...
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Zell breathes a little sigh of relief; At least the pirates are gone for now.
Given that the Pirates were gone, Zell decides to head north; Hopefully there won't be a rude crowd awaiting.
"Heh, it's been some time since I've heard the words 'fair' and 'fight' in the same sentence... so is it to the death, or to the near-death injured? Or are you trying to test my power?" *Scans Elizabeth while firing the QuickDraw Custom Pistol at her.*
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Secret approaches the robot saying "Hello, how would we be able to get in and ste-- borrow the Ruby Star?" Secret gets ready to dodge.
(10/10, would forget I was making my action again, I get way too easily distracted, WW2 documentaries, I can't resist them...)

Grant opens the present and makes a sarcastic comment,

Oh wow... Did somebody decide to start discount fright night in the middle of a mansion? Because I'm really disappointed...

He then proceeds to take all the paintings, perhaps they will come in use later.
Current Time of Day: Night: 8/8

~~~~Grant Redman (@Mr. Fury)~~~~ [MENTALLY SCARRED]
Current Location: Shadowplay Glade: La Tourvelle Mansion, Horror Gallery
HP: 55/55 DP: 101 LVL: 2

Grant opens the present, inside was a Goddess Ribbon! You take it, You also take several of the paintings.
The two hear a noise and notices a creature shuffle out from the darkness, it growls! it seems to be a sculpture like beast made out of rotting body parts!

Modern Art draws near!

Current Location: Endless Sand Sea: Sandsea
Team DP: 258
~~~~Secret (@Xmax360)~~~~
HP: 187/254 [IMPSCAR] LVL: 2
~~~~Invictus (@Madder)~~~~
HP: 348/355 LVL 2

The Musclebot 2,000 scans Secret before punching her, Secret flies far away and lands in the Endless Sand Sea region...
The Musclebot shrugs and does the same to invictus, Likewise he flies and lands next to secret in the middle of a cold desert.

Invictus and Secret get up from there craters that they left.
You look around see the following:
Lots of sand, a small sandstone path leading somewhere. Giant footsteps leading elsewhere, a cave with a sign near it saying "Vault 666"
There's also a Radscorpion seen fighting with a Metal Slime that is zooming across the sands avoiding it, There also seems to be some cactus-like monsters sleeping peacefull in a cluster together.
And finally, a present half buried in the sand, seemingly "swimming" in the sand doing figure eights... But presents can't swim.....

Current Location: Endless Sand Sea: Stalagosaur Canyon
HP: 500/530 DP: 1,099 LVL: 10

Jack: 475/530 [POISON]
Elizabeth: 480/530

Jack scans Elizabeth
Elizabeth LVL 10
Type: Meer
HP: 530
"This girl has suffered some kind of tragic past, She cares not for the world and only sees her existance as a chance to cause as much chaos as possible, She is armed with several abilities to make her counter certain weapons, One could say she is the foil to a powerful mercanary who's name rhymes with Mack"
Ability: Basic Attack: DMG of 20
Ability: Charm: Converts certain enemies to join her side
Ability: Flame Strike: DMG of 60
Passive: Rocket Specialist: Can reflect rockets without letting them explode her.
One Time Ability: Stat Roulette: Shuffles your HP for the battle.

Jack shoots her with his quickdraw pistol, it did 50 damage!
Jack took 5 Poison damage
Elizabeth attacks! It did 20 damage!

~~~~Endzor Green (@Sky High)~~~~
Current Location: Shadowplay Glade: Glade of Darkness
HP: 223/265 DP: 400 LVL: 8

Endzor steps through the portal and ends up in a forest, the portal disappears and there is no sign of wrath anywhere... You look around and see nothing but darkness, but you see a light nearby and hear japanese sounding music...

As you look towards where the light is, it appears to be some kind of japanese festival. Lights,Food and Kabuki Dancers are all you can see, There also appears to be some sort of giant robot dressed in a kabuki outfit holding an umbrella, but it seems to be inanimate and just decoration.

~~~~Zell (@Creeper37500)~~~~
Current Location: Kazul Coastline: Near the Harbor
HP: 489/490 [CAT SCRATCH] DP: 70 LVL: 1

Zell follows his map while trying to avoid getting too close to the nearby monsters that were detailed last time. He makes it to a nearby house on a large pier near the waves. A man is sitting there under his porchlight looking out to the ocean.
Zell looks around after hearing the loud growling noise. He then looks out into the water.

A large serpent is seen swimming in the water and jumping out of it making growling noises!
The Character card cues
Giant of the Kazul Coastline

The Man notices you watching the beast.
Man: You new to the coast? Don't worry about that biggin coming anywhere near us, Levahlian is a peaceful beast, She's just trying to find a place to sleep from the looks of it...
Zell initially grabs his chain to defend himself from the beast, but lowers it once the man talks.
"Yes, I am new, and I'm not here for long I hope."
Zell looks around, his eye darting to and from anything that moves. The Levahlian put him on edge.
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