OOC Role Play - Calamity Adventure OOC

Ah, with overcharging and damaging equipment, you would get the same effect, since unless somehow it know exactly how the molecules in it were arranged, it would be impossible to predict.
Which also requires knowing what they are made of, which unless you know where EZT and the Saturnite, and some more compounds used comes from, which they don't know where it comes from, meaning unpredictable.
A perfect solution to solving the 'erratic' problem! Completely unprodictable unless simulating all of the interactions down to the quantum level of the entire planet to know what will happen.

No pattern for you, big fish.
 .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.
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You know, I actually wonder if Bubby decided to take a break, though chances are she's busy with other stuff. Might also give a chance for more RPs to be made with less people posting on this, though there's also the problem that there's not really any new people in this section of the forums.
Well, I have a RP in the making. Kinda refining it. It's kinda both freeform and not. I don't know the word for not freeform than the words 'not freeform'. Basically, it gives stats, and the people who make the events (Which can be anyone) can count on the stats to check them so there shouldn not have godmodding. Well... I'm not sure how good it will work right now if I released it. I might break the RP section if done, or at least I fear that I might.

Other than that... Well, the only main RPs are Neo Tran., and this RP.

One is on hold because the creator is offline, can't blame him, timezones and all. While this one... I don't know other than people missing.
Well, here's a system for evaluation. I wish to see if people would like this, or would want change in this.

Attributes are simple and are from the GURPS system.
  • Strength (ST), a measure of “brawn” or physical muscle.
  • Dexterity (DX), a measure of agility and coordination.
  • Intelligence (IQ), a measure of brainpower, alertness, adaptability and general background experience.
  • Health (HT), a measure of energy and vitality. Of course, death is not final here. So...
An attribute of 1 is the lowest score, with no upper limit. 10 is the average ability and is the default setting. 8 to 12 is considered normal. 16 and above are unusual. Ratings of 20 and more are equal to superhuman ability.
You have a maximum of 50 points to allocate.
The 'flat' character will have 12 in each attribute, with two allocated in some attributes.
It would be possible to gain more attributes through certain circumstances. As long it doesn't go along the lines of Godmodding.

Of course, I can replace this with the SPECIAL system, which is Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck if people want.

If you want the Special system, you would have 40 points, each SPECIAL stats defaulting to 5, with 5 extra points to allocate.

Going to see if people would like this system or would want tweaking or what before making the RP first.

Of course, right now, I don't have actual use for the stats and attributes, as this is supposed to be a freeform, the people who make the event can do what they want with the attribute system.
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Well, I'm not surprised that you think that way. Violet is the color at the end of the visible spectrum of light between blue and the invisible ultraviolet. So, considering it's 'invisible', I guess that's how it is.

Testing even more.
The map that I was trying to make so people can make maps out of it and make their area easier to find.
| Section 1 | A | B | C           | D | E |
| 1         |   |   |             |   |   |
| 2         |   |   |             |   |   |
| 3         |   |   | Center Area |   |   |
| 4         |   |   |             |   |   |
| 5         |   |   |             |   |   |

Most of these are from Fallout. Skills are increased from reading certain books or using them multiple times.

Melee Weapons - Swords, Clubs, Sledges, etc.
Small Guns - Pistols, Rifles, and small arms.
Big Guns - Miniguns, Missile Launchers, etc.
Energy Weapons - Weapons that are like laser or plasma weapons fall into this.
Magic Weapons - Weapons that use mana fall into this.
Unarmed - The use of fists.
Throwing - Grenades, Throwing Knives, Spears (If thrown).
Archery - Bows and arrows.

Doctor - The healing of major wounds and crippled limbs. Used to cure status effects.
First Aid - General healing skill. Used to heal small cuts, abrasions and other minor ills. Used specifically to heal HP, if any.
Lockpick - The skill of opening locks without the proper key.
Repair - The practical application of the Science skill. The fixing of broken equipment, machinery and electronics.
Science - Covers a variety of hi-technology skills, such as computers, biology, physics and geology.
Sneak - Quiet movement, and the ability to remain unnoticed. If successful, you will be much harder to locate. You cannot run and sneak at the same time.
Steal - The ability to make the things of others your own. Can be used to steal from people or places.
Explosives - The finding and removal of traps. Also the setting of explosives for demolition purposes. Increases the damage of grenades and explosive attacks.

Barter - Trading and trade-related tasks. The ability to get better prices for items you sell, and lower prices for items you buy.
Survival - Practical knowledge of the ability to live off the land. The knowledge of plants and animals.
Speech - The ability to communicate in a practical and efficient manner. The skill of convincing others that your position is correct. The ability to lie and not get caught.
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Hmm. Could be useful if we ever have a base there, at least one on the scope of CAs. Also if you need more replies to your plans, then maybe quote your above posts.

And since the thing you're making is somewhat freeform... if this ends up failing, then maybe we could move some of our characters somewhere more active. Probably won't be doing that with Murph because you know, there's possibly hundreds of Murphs already, but I'd imagine someone who gave their characters development would like to do that.
I was just thinking, (this is nothing to do with the current conversation) that the terraria forums are just in many ways better than other means of telling a story than say, discord. Thing is, since communication takes more time, and you don't just quickly write stuff and send, plus the various formatting options that are harder to do, or not possible on other mediums, really makes responses far more thought out and longer. This effect is really what I think is what is keeping roleplays such as this interesting. For the most part, everyone takes their time to formulate a response that will best suit the narrative, and that drives it. In my opinion, the upsides of other ways are outweighed by the downs. I would like to hear others opinions on this. Feel free to counter!
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