tModLoader Server Browser

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Note: This mod is currently non-functional. Unknown when/if I'll attempt to fix this.

Server Browser



Note: Requires Mod Helpers

After over a month of tedious net coding work, I've finally got this ready for basic use. Note that not all servers listed are joinable; they may be passworded, not properly port forwarded, or have other network issues or improper settings preventing freely joining.

Note for server owners: You can use the console command mh-private-server to remove your server from the browser list, if you wish (read: Server is not broadcast at all). Don't worry, you'll be informed of this command in-game, with a bit of time to invoke it.

If you're hosting without port forwarding, you'll need to adjust the IsServerHiddenFromBrowserUnlessPortForwardedViaUPNP setting (and also probably specify the port you're using via. ServerBrowserCustomPort) accordingly.

Update: If you're getting the following error (or something close to it) after joining a server and leaving:
Hash mismatch, data blob has been modified or corrupted
    at Terraria.ModLoader.IO.TmodFile.Read(LoadedState desiredState, ReadStreamingAsset streamingHandler)
    at Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.FindMods()
This means tModLoader is looking for a .tmod file that hasn't finished downloading, and refuses to load the mod list. You'll have to manually delete the offending .tmod file (usually a file 0 kb in size or something), which you can find in your "Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mods/" folder.


Mod source code available.


Requires tModLoader (0.10+). Copy the above .tmod file to your 'Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader/Mods' folder to play.


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  • Fixed crash with new Mod Helpers v3, but renders non-functional (for now; WIP).
  • Update to Mod Helpers v2.0.2
  • Set as client-only mod
  • Added button to filter locked servers
  • Update to new Hamstar's Helpers code layout
  • Assorted minor tweaks
  • Added config option to suppress ping gauging on servers
  • Minor improvement to debug info for mod version checking
  • Fixed Utilities.MenuItem to not produce duplicate menu items
  • Fixed possible mod unload issue
  • Added in-game issue reporting support
  • Fixed (again) browser crashing on load
  • Added reversable sorting
  • Minor UI tweaks
  • Minor internal refactoring
  • Fixed (for real?) server browser loading and duplicates
  • Minor UI tweaks
  • Fixed 'server busy' error message
  • Fixed list loading improperly sometimes
  • Minor UI tweaks
  • Internal refactoring
  • Added 'server busy' popup
  • Fixed possible crashes and error popups
  • Enabled multi-line motd messages for servers
  • Set mod list popups to not clip beneath the screen
  • Minor UI tweaks
  • Added mod icon
  • Added a theme toggle button
  • Added sorting and filtering
  • Added column labels
  • Removed mod lists per server (view via popup only)
  • Set browser dialog to adjust with screen height
  • Changed base theme to red only
  • Refactored UI code layout
  • Refactored UI code files
  • Added mod list popups
  • Tweaked browser dialog
  • Fixed Join button (finally!)
  • Fixed uptime display
  • Minor UI tweaks and fixes
  • Added password server icon display
  • Semi-working early beta.


  • ServerBrowser
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  • ServerBrowser
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  • ServerBrowser
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  • ServerBrowser
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  • ServerBrowser
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  • ServerBrowser
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  • ServerBrowser
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  • ServerBrowser
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  • ServerBrowser
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  • ServerBrowser
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Any tips an actually connecting? I keep getting stuck at "Connecting to <ip address>" after clicking on a given server, and it just hangs there. The one time it actually went forward and connected I crashed due to a mod version error.

Just want to say that I really appreciate the tool. I'm dying to play multiplayer...
Any tips an actually connecting? I keep getting stuck at "Connecting to <ip address>" after clicking on a given server, and it just hangs there. The one time it actually went forward and connected I crashed due to a mod version error.

Just want to say that I really appreciate the tool. I'm dying to play multiplayer...
If you can't connect, it's likely because of port forwarding or something like that. I cannot fix that. You'll have to keep trying other servers.

Can you describe your crash a bit?

How To Create Server ?
Host & Play in the multiplayer menu should do the trick.
If you can't connect, it's likely because of port forwarding or something like that. I cannot fix that. You'll have to keep trying other servers.

Can you describe your crash a bit?

Host & Play in the multiplayer menu should do the trick.

There is no crash, it simply freezes at "connecting" most of the time.

I'm having some other, unrelated issues though, to the point that I'm reinstalling windows on my main rig right now. So we'll see if that helps at all.

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