Items Sleeping Bags and Tents - Outdoor Sleeping and Temporary Spawn Points


Sleeping Bag
The Sleeping Bag is crafted with 5 Silk and can be placed. The player can use it as their spawn point, but rather than being a permanent spawn location, it is removed when it is used. If the player happens to die or use a Magic Mirror, it disappears and your previous spawn location is restored. Sleeping Bags can be useful for two reasons:
  1. They can be placed anywhere, and the spawn point is not limited to suitable housing locations.
  2. Crafting and using a stack of Sleeping Bags after returning allows you to stay away from base for extended periods of time without interfering with your main spawn location. The only limitation is inventory space and how much Silk you have.
More details:
  • Right clicking on an inactive Sleeping Bag activates it.
    • The message "Temporary spawn point set!" will appear.
  • Right-clicking an active Sleeping Bag will deactivate it.
    • The message "Temporary spawn point removed." will appear whether it is moved or deactivated.
  • If the player dies and an enemy touches their Sleeping Bag in the period between spawning, the Sleeping Bag is destroyed and the player is sent back to their previous spawn point.
    • The message 'Your spawn point has been destroyed!" will appear.
    • This prevents the exploit of placing a Sleeping Bag to avoid the consequences of death.
  • Trying to use/remove an occupied Sleeping Bag displays the message "This Sleeping Bag is currently occupied."
    • In PvP, players on a rival team can remove your sleeping bag.
  • Hovering the cursor over a Sleeping Bag which is in use displays the name of the player using it.
    • Sleeping Bags are also colored based on the players team.
  • If a player leaves a server, the Sleeping Bag they occupied is deactivated.

Tents are a rare type of decor that you can find underground. Instead of being destroyed like they currently do, they would be recovered and used as an item. They operate in the same way that Sleeping Bags do, with a few key differences:
  • Instead of being destroyed after use, they just revert your spawn point.
  • If the player dies and an enemy touches their Tent between spawning, the Tent is just deactivated, not destroyed.
  • They can be used by multiple players at once.
    • In PvP, they are usable by only one team's players at a time.
    • Switching to a different team reverts your spawn point.
Note: Circumstances that take place "in PvP" apply when all players involved have PvP activated.

Questions? Comments? More ideas? I would be glad to hear them. If you think this is a good idea, let me know! This might make it into the game if it gets enough support! If you have a concern, speak up, and I'll see what I can do about clearing it up. Anyways, thanks for reading through this suggestion!


Thanks go to zimberzimber for making this banner!​
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If the player dies and an enemy touches their Sleeping Bag in the period between spawning, the Sleeping Bag is destroyed and the player is sent back to their previous spawn point.
  • The message 'Your spawn point has been destroyed!" will appear.
  • This prevents the exploit of placing a Sleeping Bag to avoid the consequences of death.
Just correcting a spelling error. Overall cool though!
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