So uhh what did you think about the boss ocram when it existed?

Ok so throughout my whole time playing terraria 1.2 and beating the game, I never beat or tried ocean besides that one time on console, now when I went to 3ds version of terraria, I tried ocean, yeah I survived the fight but still died, so umm I’m just wondering what did you think about how the boss worked? For me the fight was fun yes, but it was horrible for me just fighting him because of how most things were copied and I was sort of cringing at how most of his attacks are based of of other bosses, I just don’t get how people liked the boss, well I do get it, but I don’t understand how, so just wondering what you think of ocram when he existed.
He's my favorite because he was the final boss in my first playthrough, which was on the mobile version several years ago. Sure, his AI is absolutely horrible, and that spinning animation between phases is abysmal, but...
Ocram was unique, not only because of his sprite, but because of the bullet hell style attacks.
Raining beams of death, scythes, ramming... It was fun.

He could've used a better movement AI, more health and damage, but otherwise...
I liked Ocram.
Ocram was.... weird. Fighting him on 3ds is a pain because you’re so zoomed in it’s hard to appropriately dodge his lasers and scythes (for me anyways, although there is an easy way to counter this). He seems like an endgame boss, right? Wrong, the gear you can craft from souls of blight are a lot of inferior to endgame equipment, especially tizona. I liked him for being an exclusive boss, making the old gen console and 3ds version stand out just a little bit from the other versions of terraria but that’s it.
He was the closest we had to a hardmode version of the Brain of Ctuthlu, so I'd fight him along with the other mech bosses. I never used the soul of blight weapons though.
Rlly great boss and I was rlly sad when he got taken out he was the only boss I struggled with other than the twins (cos I was 8 when U first versed him in when he came out) I still got an old gen console but I'm a mobile player which basically means I suck on console lol
It was overrated trash. Literally any hardmode weapon could kill it, I found it easier than every one of even the mechanical bosses. It used the eye of cthulhu’s ai, so you basically couldn’t get meleed by it, it’s lasers were broken and never shot directly at you, and demon scythes are literally impossible to get hit by. Literally every single thing about this boss was awful, including his drops.
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