Santa Claus

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Alive is a vague term.
Those referred to as alive aren't compared to the deceased very often. Most people would agree on the existence of a clear distinction: A line, separating corpses from bodies, and slumber from eternal rest. But said line was drawn into our mortal minds by those unknowing. More than the human eye has seen inhabits the depths of the Earth, things that defy what you and I used to know as Life and Death.
Whether by the act of what we would view as vengeful gods, or by cause of those who decided to follow the dark arts, there exist beings whose sleep might be mistaken as permanent, or whose rotten bodies might be mistook as non-living. Yet it is so that from their rest they have woken up. And those corpses, in an act that could be taken from the nightmares of men, have moved again by their own.
There are people, should they still be called human, that are neither alive nor dead.
I am one of them.
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