PC Terraria is Live!

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I find it quite odd that people are complaining about the developers fixing obvious unintended behaviour in the game, like overriding boss damage with lower damage from something like spikes.

IMHO, all these kind of obvious cheesing methods/unintended behaviours should be fixed. There is no point in having a boss fight, if you can basically avoid it with a single spike tile. And it doesn't feel "natural" that such behaviour would happen "in real life" so to speak.

I think instead of possibly special casing these (or however they are currently implemented), there should be different damage types/categories for some of the environmental damage types, likes spikes and lava. And then separate categories for normal enemies and a separate category for boss damage. That way the different categories could have their own cooldown periods.

Or another idea might be some kind of incoming damage queue, where al lthe damage ticks from the cooldown period would get added to, and after each cooldown period expires the highest queued incoming damage would get applied. Just some ideas to consider, maybe.

What I don't want to see are "artificial buffs" or special behaviour for bosses just to buff them. It is a sandbox game after all, so IMO the player should be able to utilize the things that exist in the game, and they shouldn't be artificially disabled for the boss fights. For example the Nurse is a game mechanic that exists, I don't want to see her just plain disabled for boss fights. But since she is quite powerful in this regard, maybe she could have a per-Nurse cooldown, or maybe the healing could take a little time (requiring the player waiting still for a bit) instead of being instant. Basically something that feels like it makes sense in the context, and isn't just a special exception to the normal behaviour for the sake of the boss fight. I like consistency, especially in sandbox games.
And you will have to farm them A LOT. Maybe it was just my luck, but I had to kill close to 200 mechanical bosses to get the majority (not even all) of dev sets.
I took 3 mechanicks every try, so i killed 300 of them in 7 mins m8, and i got it!
Well, here's me getting killed by the Moonlord on Expert mode in 30 seconds by several attacks that I really can't see myself dodging.

What exactly can I do differently here?

Use the ufo mount, it gives you the ability to fly over his head when he casts his deathray.
Or get a rod of discord, that way you can quickly switch to it and teleport away from the ray.

Hope it helps.
"lmfao" and "I'm sure" are no substitute for advice or insight

There's advice and insight all over. Here's the basics though;

Turn on Autopause. This lets you stop the action to thing or look at your buff list. You can bring out vamp knives/put on spectre hood when the leech is gone and take them back off when the debuff returns.

Keep nurse somewhere in your arena. She can handle herself.

Use blocks to make a little spot to dash into when the laser is coming.

Kill the 3 eyes at roughly the same time, because True Eye of Cthulhu is the biggest threat during the whole fight.

Realize the homing eyes stop chasing you after a while, meaning that if you don't just dodge in one direction all the time, you can eventually shake them.

Realize that all three pieces of him do the same attacks in the same order every time.

Buff potions, especially those related to your durability (regen, lifeforce, endurance, ironskin, well fed) help much more than you'd think, especially if you have Charm of Myths and a heart lantern/campfire nearby.
Howle-balz, i ded it! WIth only lifeforce potions and small arena and some smartness, i were able to use nurse, and get the hell oughta there! And i got Terrarian, wich i wanted :redspin:
I like the way you think.
NOOOOO! not the ONLY way to kill the guy without a rediculous minecart rail setup! i mean really, i can defeat every boss (save pre-hardmode WOF, i just suck at fighting him, ok?) with no potions, we really don't need moon lord buffs when you can easily die spamming last prism while wearing the solar armor in expert mode to him, with the maximum health boosting, heart statues, and all the rest of that jazz, what we need is a moon lord death ray lazor nerf, and a nerf in general, you already negated any and all hopes of using the spectre hood to kill him, and any other thing with heal, we just need a way to be able to kill him without having the skill that Yrimir has :/
Fixed certain issues with the Stardust Dragon's damage and rebalanced him to be more in line with other minions
Please explain what that means. Are attack patterns different, is the damage done when increased in size different, is the dragon slower? ect... How was the damage reduced?
NOOOOO! not the ONLY way to kill the guy without a rediculous minecart rail setup! i mean really, i can defeat every boss (save pre-hardmode WOF, i just suck at fighting him, ok?) with no potions, we really don't need moon lord buffs when you can easily die spamming last prism while wearing the solar armor in expert mode to him, with the maximum health boosting, heart statues, and all the rest of that jazz, what we need is a moon lord death ray lazor nerf, and a nerf in general, you already negated any and all hopes of using the spectre hood to kill him, and any other thing with heal, we just need a way to be able to kill him without having the skill that Yrimir has :/
What this guy said. There is like no legit way that I can do this that doesn't involve cheesing in some way
The truth is: Moon Lord has never been "buffed". Ever. If you could legitimately beat him before you can do so now. They try to prevent *cheating* against him, but beating him legitimately is still very much possible. Any legitimate attempt against him has gone unchanged, so why not try that for a change? If you're so obsessed and determined to cheat at every chance you get, just skip the middleman and cheat in the items from him at that point. I get that people want to always have the easiest way possible to get anything done, and it's been done many times before Moon Lord (Mechanicals, WoF, EoW, etc), but cheating is never required.

I actually feel bad for players who honestly believe "it's impossible" because it means they lack the creativity to come up with a solution to their problem. Other players have done so, why can't you? There are so many guides/videos on Moon Lord at this point you could watch, so if you do lack your own ideas you can get them from somebody else who proves theirs works.

Huge respect for Re-Logic standing their ground on this. I know many developers would have caved in immediately and nerfed something that didn't actually require nerfing to begin with just because you have sore losers cry about it. If you're going to complain about something at least let it be for valid reasons. Saying "What! I can't CHEAT anymore?!" doesn't help your case at all.
What this guy said. There is like no legit way that I can do this that doesn't involve cheesing in some way
Well, if you're SMART enough to click nurse while Cthulhu's brother is teleportin', you pretty much have a big chance of winning (sry,poland here, english is not perfect here)
Well, it doesn't help if it's misleading, honestly. Or if its something they may not even care at all to begin with.

Hardly misleading...Dodging aiming and Etc is something you must be good at to survive any situation. but PVP is not the point and not thee topic were speaking about.
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