PC Terraria is Live!

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>Isn't reproducable
>Happens everyday ten times a day when I save something to the cloud
Nice try. I apologize if I was a bit rude, but this doesn't speak the best for you when every update tries to make the final boss harder instead of fixing a game breaking glitch.
Lag lord update?
Well, for legit farming it's good to do a huge arena or skybridge and use Phantasm/Razorblade ( Star Wrath/Daybreak for melee playthroughs ) while constantly moving. UFO mount helps a lot, but if you can't dodge his laser even with that, then just use some solid blocks to hide from it. You can take like 80% of his head's hp while standing on a small area without taking too much damage ( it starts to get worse with all those eyes ). Though cheesing was pretty quick and easy way to farm him, I understand devs' decision about preventing that. For those whining about this - cry me a river. :v
*shakes head* Enough is enough. Stop making new patches to disable unorthodox or the so called cheese strategy.

I also support the "cheesy strategies", back 1.2.4 people filled their arenas with traps and lava and no one complained, but the "taking small damage" strategy was indeed cheesy New death message added when a player is killed by the final boss (Playername got cheesed!)
All references to Nebula, Vortex, Stardust, and Solar have been changed to Swiss, Provolone, Pepper Jack, and Ricotta, respectively
Defeating the final boss on Expert Mode awards 'For the Greater Gouda' achievement.
Suspicious Looking Tentacle renamed/resprited (now the Suspicious Looking Wedge)
The Gravity Globe has been replaced with a melee weapon, The Grate Grater, a short-range frontal auto-swinging weapon that will shred your foes.
A fourth liquid is produced when the final boss is struck with anything that can inflict On Fire or Cursed Flames. This thick yellow liquid provides the Well Fed buff on contact, becomes a burned cheese block on contact with lava, a congealed block on contact with water, and a salty-sweet block on contact with honey.
It becomes very annoying, you know? And how to kill that damn moon lord this time? My friend tried to kill him as a mage and ranger - almost impossible! Only tank but this time devs decided to nerf every way to kill him. Go on, disable everything, all potions though healing has 60 sec cooldown all the same, disable heart statues, make his laser so it could shoot through blocks, add him more health and so on.
Swearing and being rude isn't going to get you a fix any faster. Assuming our programmers aren't trying to fix said crashes is a bit silly. It is very hard to fix a bug that isn't reproducible especially when given bug reports lacking information. :)
I really hate to be that guy... but the whole crashing issue has been plaguing a lot of players since 1.3 launched, and is easily able to be replicated. I have crashed somewhere near 20 times just switching worlds and characters, and I've tried (almost) every suggestion to fix it (I've actually got a crashlog, I'll throw it under a spoiler if you need it at all). Hopefully this new version is more stable, but I haven't had a chance to test it out yet.
7/12/2015 6:32:13 PM
System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
at Terraria.Main.DrawMenu(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DrawFrame()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.HostIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameHost.OnIdle()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.RunOneFrame()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.ApplicationIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponent.FDoIdle(Int32 grfidlef)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.Run()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args)
For the record, I managed to beat the Moon Lord with Beetle Armor, the Phantasm, a few Archery, Regeneration and Ironskin potions, and an Enchanted Quiver. It's all about maneuvering and having a long/straight platform with certain areas covered to block the laser. After that, once I got the Nebula armor/Nebula Blaze, I can kill the Moon Lord as many times as I want. The Nebula Blaze is probably one of, if not, the second best end-game spell.
Fixed issue where Shroomite and Psycho Knife stealth would work on mounts
:( Won't be able to ghost mode anymore
To the people complaining about moon lord: I know how you feel. He IS hard if you have A: never fought him, or B: went to expert mode and just tried to fight him. I have beaten him both modes, so I can tell you that it is possible. Use potions and a skybridge with melee armor first time. Make sure you are as geared as possible
stardust cell is alright, but I prefer dragon because it's more aggressive and protects me better while I'm building. Tho, I will say, dragon is annoying when I fight high hp enemies, cuz he makes them immune to my lazors.
@Ren_Ambrose I will pass your crash log to the team. The dev team isn't ignoring any performance issues, some things are more difficult for them to reproduce and fix and will require much more time to fix. We are aware of a few issues that don't make sense to be happening when you look at the code as well as issues that just straight cannot be reproduced. This does not mean we will not continue to research said issues. We have 2 programmers, one is taking a much needed break and the other is working on a Mac/Linux port. :p
You can now hide the Moon Charm and Neptune Shell's effects...or put them in vanity!


Now my Dye options have increased. (hated the fact that the werewolf/merman looked weird with 3 different kinds of dyes)
Oops, turned out I didn't quote properly

My previous post in page 5 was a response to Agastya.

I can fully understand why they're doing this. I've been here before. It's absolutely soul-crushing to see your game's final boss be annihilated without any effort by a player abusing things that shouldn't even be a factor in the first place.

The player shouldn't be able to just stand on a spike tile and avoid all of its attacks. The player should not be able to sit on slime statues to avoid all its attacks. You are given countless methods of defeating this boss, and other people have clearly shown that it's possible to defeat him without cheesing it, so why is everybody so intent on trying to turn the game's final boss into an AFK farm event?

From a development standpoint, it's flat-out insulting.

I sincerely doubt that Heart Statues will be disabled. It takes a LOT of them to counter out ML's damage. They already did wiring changes to limit the amount of trigger points each statue has, likely so they wouldn't need to do something like that. If you manage to find enough Heart Statues to outheal ML, then you're either extremely lucky or you've harvested them from multiple worlds. Much different scale than just hanging out in a lava pool or sitting down on some spikes.

And if all else fails? Ask a friend for help.

For the record the only cheese I did was my second successful with moon Lord where I used the teleport to nurse strategy everyone talks about back then until it gets patched. Then I started killing him in a more direct approach in my sky bridge. And insulting? I don't think so. If anything the players should be hailed as cunning for figuring out ways to exploit gameplay mechanic to his advantage (You heard of Gunz the duel? If it werent for players like these, cancelling/kstyle will never be popular. In fact, the programmers loved the playstyle so much that cancelling/kstyle-like moves are officially the gameplay mechanic of Gunz 2)

Thanks Cenx, for saying at least that heart statue wont be disabled.

Apologise for the confusion, if any.

EDIT: I'm gonna sleep now. Its very late at my place. Gnight.
You could try TEdit, it'd work a lot more quickly and fluently for creating an adventure map. Or at least the template of an adventure map, anyway.
You mean the same TEdit that still hasn't been updated to work with 1.3 yet? lol It has that test version that some random guy fiddled with but it's not stable at all and can barely use 1.3 things without crashing.
@Ren_Ambrose I will pass your crash log to the team. The dev team isn't ignoring any performance issues, some things are more difficult for them to reproduce and fix and will require much more time to fix. We are aware of a few issues that don't make sense to be happening when you look at the code as well as issues that just straight cannot be reproduced. This does not mean we will not continue to research said issues. We have 2 programmers, one is taking a much needed break and the other is working on a Mac/Linux port. :p
Alrighty, I'm pretty patient, so I'm willing to wait a while for a fix. Just gets a bit infuriating after a while is all.
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