Terraria Bad Ideas

The chat will only show messages from players that are on screen unless you have at leasat the cellphone, in which case it will also show messages from others that have it.
The chat will also not show messages for events that occur off screen such as meteor, solar eclipse if player is underground, boss/other player/npc deaths or spawns/joins.
All right as a 2D Minecraft enthusiast, i think that we all need a terrible good class to be added to the game, im thinking of adding the poop class, a new class where you throw poop at bosses, it would be a dumb smart addition to terraria and would unlock 1 millisecond added to gameplay.

next, im thinking instead of adding a dash button to 2D Minecraft, we make the knew and improved controls for terraria! None! No controls will allow the player to not do anything and touch grass, this would be a nice and cozy addition to 2D Minecraft and will make it more welcoming to new players, mattering what age they are.

Finally, for the next addition, we do a collab with Minecraft, and finally add 2498320184 pixel resolution to 2D Minecraft, allowing 4th dimensional cross-play for no ages.

Anyways this has been my (JOKE!!!) suggestion. So yeah!
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