Terraria State of the Game - August 2020

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Greetings Terrarians!

We have a pretty packed bunch of news this month, as we turn the corner from the scorching heat of the Summer months into the cooler climate of Fall (one of our favorite seasons)! We hope that everyone is staying safe out there, and that those of you that have returned to work or school have been able to do so smoothly. We have a lot to cover, so let's dive right in, shall we?










So you thought we would ride into the sunset once was released? Just when we thought we had escaped, Terraria 1.4.1 pulls us back in! What all is in 1.4.1 (besides those super cool vanity contest sets and localizations, of course)? You will have to wait and see for yourself. That said, we wouldn't want to leave you totally in the dark for another month...

141 Cheevos.png

Brand New Achievements are heading your way - because who doesn't like Achievements, right?

Of course, what you really want to know is "when?!" - we do not yet have an exact date to give you for 1.4.1, but we will say it is getting quite close indeed. Hang in there just a bit more!




Pretty much all set to go, the latest tracks for the Terraria Official Soundtrack will be submitted everywhere once 1.4.1 is released!


Be sure that you are up-to-date with the latest and greatest on this front via the Hotfix Changelog... and keep your bug reports coming via the handy bug report button below!

Terraria: Journey's End - Hotfix Changelog


Thanks again, Terrarians - we are as always blown away by your support!

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The tModLoader Team remains hard at work on getting TML up to the 1.4 era. Community Contributions are most welcome! If you would like to help out or learn more, check out the tModLoader Discord > https://tmodloader.net/discord

Hopefully, it will not be too much longer!



The Re-Logic team does not directly develop TML, so bugs with TML are best reported via the links below.

tModLoader - Play Terraria with Mods!


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PlayStation 4, XBOX ONE, Nintendo Switch - PIPEWORKS

Console & Switch Development Moving to DR Studios

We have some pretty big news to share with you this month on the Terraria Console/Switch development front. We have made the decision to move future development work for Console/Switch to the team at DR Studios. As part of the 505 Games group, this creates a lot of efficiencies, because Pipeworks has been independent for a few years now, and this move affords them the ability to work on other projects and their own IP. That being said, we wanted to take the time to reflect on the work and partnership with Pipeworks Studios, and follow it up with more detail on our plan moving forward.

The impact that Pipeworks has had on the Console Terraria space cannot be understated and we are appreciative of their amazing work and contributions to Terraria. With the old console codebase needing a full rework in order to make the leap from 1.2.4 into the 1.3 tier content, Pipeworks took the challenge head-on, ultimately delivering every content update from the 1.3 era, as well as collaborating with Re-Logic on the design for Switch. Pipeworks also assisted in building the Terraria community, regularly hosting live streams, and provided customer and QA support for console.

Not only did Pipeworks accomplish all of this, but they also brought Terraria to the Nintendo Switch! This required a lot of attention to detail and experimentation as the team wanted to take advantage of all that the Switch had to offer – with a particular focus on Touch Controls. The team is justifiably proud of this work. To cap it all off, the Pipeworks team made good on the promise of two player splitscreen play with their final update to Terraria 1.3.5. (COMING SOON!)

DR Studios wanted to share the following with everyone as they take the baton from Pipeworks on Consoles....

The Terraria development team at DR are super excited to be handed the big three consoles, on top of the Apple, Google and Amazon mobile versions. Having added support for controllers on mobile this year, we're aware of the design challenges that we are to face bringing 1.4 to the big screen.

We are indebted to Pipeworks for their previous work on the mobile version and now again on the console ports. We wish them all the best in their future projects and are proud to continue their hard work bringing Journey's End to even more platforms and players.

We trust that you will join 505 Games and Re-Logic in sending a sincere and heart-felt thank you to Pipeworks for all of their contributions to Terraria and its Community. We hope that you will use this thread, social media, and more to find fun ways to share your appreciation. Thank you Pipeworks!


A Message from Pipeworks

Development of Terraria on console started for Pipeworks years ago. We were simply fans at the outset, just like the millions of other players who spent countless hours exploring the seemingly endless options available. Over the course of those years, we've been exposed to one of the most passionate communities we've had the pleasure to be part of. Coupled with solid partners in Re-Logic and 505 Games, this provided the fuel and motivation for our team to do their best work in bringing this franchise to a sustainable base on console for years to come. – Ryan Camu, VP of Development

Hello Terrarians! Zach Cieslinski here, I’m one of the Producers at Pipeworks Studio that worked with 505 and Re-Logic on Terraria development. I started playing the PC version of Terraria shortly after it released in 2011, and I was instantly a fan – I've logged hundreds of hours playing over the past decade, so you can imagine my excitement when I was given the opportunity to work on the console versions of the title, and eventually to help build the Switch version from scratch. Terraria has left a deep impression on Pipeworks – many of the folks that work at our studio have touched Terraria in one way or another, some bigger fans than me. I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that every major console-specific feature has a developer attached to it at PW. and if you want an impression of the human behind the work, watch the console credits and wave hello. It’s been a sincere pleasure getting to work with 505 and Re-Logic over the past several years, and I’m so glad we had the opportunity to see PS4, X1, and Switch through PC version 1.3.5. Best wishes to DR Studios, 505 Games, and Re-Logic on the future of the franchise, and thanks for giving Pipeworks Studios a spot on the couch.` - Zach Cieslinski, Producer of Terraria at Pipeworks

When I started with Pipeworks back in 2016, I was thrilled to be at the same studio that would be working on Terraria. I was hopeful that I would have the chance to work on it one day, as someone who had been playing the game since 2011. My expectations were blown away when I was given the opportunity to act as the liaison between the community and the studio shortly after I started doing QA testing for it. For 4 years, I've lived and breathed Terraria alongside some of the most passionate, hard-working game developers I've ever met; there's something special about being able to work on a title where the development team is just as excited as the community base. It's a rare chance, and one that I will never forget. And for a few years I was the ultimate "cool mom" to my daughter and her friends. I would be remiss if I didn't call out the community specifically - The people I arguably interacted with more than anyone else - who welcomed me with open arms and more support than I could have imagined. Their patience, comradery, passion, and great attitudes were appreciated on my toughest days. The highlight of my work week would always be our live streams, and the best streams were the ones where the community could join in and play. From Rad House to the death counters, endless streams of pirate invasions to huge builds of our studio's logos and amazing pieces of art, you gave me something extraordinary week after week. I'll miss those streams, but I'm so happy to have been able to share that time with the community. I would often say how much I loved the community during the streams and I meant it sincerely. I'll miss you all so much, and I hope you all take my number 1 rule to heart - Be cool. - Liz Lambert, Community Specialist, Pipeworks Studios


What does this mean for 1.4 on Consoles? Timing?

As with all moves of this sort, we are sure that a lot of the console community will assume that this means delays or worse to Terraria 1.4. We want to share a few things to avoid any unfounded rumors.

  • Terraria 1.4 is absolutely being worked on and will come to Console, Switch, and Mobile
  • Mobile will likely arrive first, but there are a lot of efficiencies that will come to bear and assist the development of Console/Switch.

We do not have exact timing for any of this to share just yet… but we are hopeful to give you a meaningful update on progress across the board by the next State of the Game.


PlayStation 4, XBOX ONE

Additional Console Fixes and Quality of Life Patch Out Now for Xbox One and PlayStation 4

We hope you have been enjoying these small - but impactful - improvements to your Terraria Console experience!



As we have mentioned in the past few State of the Game posts, a concerted effort has been made behind getting two player splitscreen up and running in a viable way on Nintendo Switch. We are happy to report that as of the writing of this month's State of the Game, the splitscreen-enabled build for Terraria on Nintendo Switch is under review at Nintendo, having passed our own internal checks. We know this has been a long time coming, and we are beyond excited to finally make this a reality for our Nintendo Switch Terrarians. We do not yet know when it will make it through Nintendo review and into your hands - but the instant we know more about timing, we will pass along the happy news to all of you!

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Hello everyone!

Have you been able to keep track of the smattering of spoilers that have been shared over the last month? They are out there... lurking in the shadows... but just in case you missed them, we have included the best of these (and more) below for your viewing pleasure!

Over the past month, the team has at long last accomplished the herculean feat that is getting six updates worth of content up and running in our test builds. What does that mean? That means we can share that we feel we are at the Beta stage of development. Still lots of tweaks and polish and fixing and optimizations to do - but still, a fantastic milestone! What's that? You want to see more? Well fine, have it your way!

Remember that these are early development builds, so UI elements are subject to change and you very likely will see bugs (especially visual bugs or performance things) in any of these early screens or short videos. Don't worry, we will get all of those ironed out before the end.

Golf? Golf.

Generating Bees.png

All the Bees!.png

They said that the Mad Armpit of Bitterness would be a true paradise, a land of Milk and Honey... but they failed to tell us that the honey came with bees. ALL the bees.

As always, the key question is when, right? We have a good amount of bugs to squash and performance optimizations to pursue, so things are not quite ready for prime time just yet - but we can definitively say that all of the wonderful content from 1.3.1 - is now live and available in our test/development builds! So, Mobile Terrarians... you are getting ever closer each day to your own Journey's End.

We are looking forward to sharing the latest and greatest as development plows ahead - for Mobile and for Consoles - stay tuned!

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Celestial Pillars


Greetings Terrarians!

Last month you might have seen the image above in the July State of the Game announcement and wondered what we could be planning. We are excited to be able to share our next big community project: the Celestial Pillars. This exciting community project will take place on Discord. A pilot program for the Celestial Pillars has been running for several months within the Community Team and it already has quite a bit of infrastructure established.

Within the main Terraria Discord server you will now see that all Terraria community members have received a random Celestial Pillar role. The four available roles are Nebula, Solar, Stardust, and Vortex. Don’t worry if your heart is set on a different Celestial Pillar, you are going to be able to change your Celestial Pillar as soon as all of the Celestial events begin.

In the future we are going to be hosting friendly Celestial Pillar events where members of each Celestial Pillar will be able to compete against the members of other Celestial Pillars for points, respect, and the Terraria trophy! More details related to these events will be released in upcoming State of the Game announcements.

Within the Celestial Pillars there are two levels of involvement. The first level involves all members of the Terraria community in the official Discord server. Everyone who joins the server will automatically join a Celestial Pillar at random. For those members of our community who are extremely passionate about the Celestial Pillar community project we have developed The Pillars Four Celestial Fraternities.

The Pillars Four Celestial Fraternities exists within the Community Team. In addition to fun events each of the Celestial Pillar in the Celestial Fraternities are going to have their own fan-made lore, chain of command, and community history. Apply to join the Terraria Community Team if you are interested in joining the Celestial Fraternities. Full details related to joining is located in the Terraria Discord server.

In fact, each Celestial Pillar already has fan lore that has been created by the Community Team members who have participated in the Celestial Fraternity pilot program. Keep in mind that this Celestial lore is a work in progress and changes will be made overtime.

If all of this sounds interesting to you then feel free to check out this Celestial Pillar presentation and the current lore for each of the Celestial Fraternities.


Celestial Pillars - The Pillars Four

OVERVIEW (Click a Pillar Cover Banner for Full Details on Each)


Nebula Cover.PNG



Solar Cover.PNG



Stardust Cover.PNG



Vortex Cover.PNG

Massive shout out to Vamp#2201, Hookie#0545, Panicakr#0577, Exitium, Ascended Cat#7801, and the rest of the Community Team for their passion to help the Terraria community and develop the Celestial Pillars into a fun new community project.

We Have another Winner - Grand Prize Claimed on Terraria Discord Server!

Congratulations Mr. Glitch on being an epic Terrarian!

Let us put our hands together and give a massive round of applause to Mr.Glitch#6008 for winning the grand prize available in the official Terraria Discord server prize shop. Mr.Glitch earned 2.5 million prize points and used all of them to unlock The Winner role and some incredible prizes including signed merchandise, free games, Terraria collectibles, and much more.

As many of you know, the official Terraria Discord server has its very own prize shop with some epic swag. 24/7 you can log into our Discord server and participate in events, trivia, epic battles, and other fun activities to win prizes. Come stop by the official Terraria Discord server and participate in our fun activities and let us see if you have what it takes to top our activities Leader Board.


  • Solar_Pillar.pdf
    2.3 MB · Views: 1,795
  • Nebula_Pillar.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 3,039
  • Stardust_Pillar.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 1,660
  • Vortex_Pillar.pdf
    1.9 MB · Views: 1,457
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A big thanks to Pipeworks for all the hard work and bringing the console versions to 1.3. Love the parting comments from the team, showing their true fan status from beginning to end. Good luck and thank you!

Soo excited to see DR Studios stepping into this role for the future, and ready for the good things to come.
Yay! August status!
Ok, lemme guess dem achievements...

1. Defeat the Queen Slime
2. Defeat the Empress
3. Craft the Zenith
4. Obtain a fairy? (thanks @Derpling Ω )
5. Defeat Dreadnautilus (thanks @Greybrynn )
6. Get full NPC happiness on an NPC?
7. Obtain Terraspark Boots
8. Have a party happen in your world (thanks @Derpling Ω )
9. Get all 3 town pets
10. Obtain the Lavaproof Fishing Hook (thanks @Derpling Ω )
11. Defeat OOA
12. Fly a kite (thanks @Derpling Ω )
13. Create/enter a graveyard? (thanks @scientistB )
14. Fall victim to a Dead Man's Chest (thanks @Derpling Ω )
15: Obtain a Gnome
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Nice!! I’m excited to see this, and thank you for all of your hard work on terraria!
I’m so excited for mobile 1.4, I’m so glad that it’s somewhere near being able to release
Yeah 1.4 console will come a LOT faster with DR at the helm - I mean, just look at the speed that they are making mobile 1.4 with!
Yay! August status!
Ok, lemme guess dem achievements...
View attachment 289460
1. Defeat the Queen Slime
2. Defeat the Empress
3. Craft the Zenith
4. ???
5. ???
6. Get full NPC happiness on an NPC?
7. Obtain Terraspark Boots
8. ??? (probably NPC happiness related)
9. Get all 3 town pets
10. Oh god... another fishing achievement....
11. Defeat OOA
12. ??? (probably blood moon fishing related)
13. ???
14. Defeat a Biome Mimic?
15: Obtain a Gnome
4 something to do with those prismatic lacewings derpling said it, fairies
5 defeat the dreadnautlis
There’s what I can tell from those
Yay! August status!
Ok, lemme guess dem achievements...
View attachment 289460
1. Defeat the Queen Slime
2. Defeat the Empress
3. Craft the Zenith
4. ???
5. ???
6. Get full NPC happiness on an NPC?
7. Obtain Terraspark Boots
8. ??? (probably NPC happiness related)
9. Get all 3 town pets
10. Oh god... another fishing achievement....
11. Defeat OOA
12. ??? (probably blood moon fishing related)
13. ???
14. Defeat a Biome Mimic?
15: Obtain a Gnome
4 looks like fairies, 5 is definitely the Dreadnautilus, 10 is probably just obtaining the Lavaproof Fishing Hook (look at how murky the "water" around it is, it's probably not even water), 12 is definitely kite related, 14 is definitely a Dead Man's Chest.
4 something to do with those prismatic lacewings derpling said it, fairies
5 defeat the dreadnautlis
There’s what I can tell from those
4 looks like fairies, 5 is definitely the Dreadnautilus, 10 is probably just obtaining the Lavaproof Fishing Hook (look at how murky the "water" around it is, it's probably not even water), 12 is definitely kite related, 14 is definitely a Dead Man's Chest.
OHHH WAIT! 8 is balloons and confetti from the party event!
Ok thanks, now 13 is the final enigma...
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