Weapons & Equip The Biome Weapon issue.


Biome weapons, the rare weapon of the Dungeon, the incredibly power-, wait what do you mean only 3* of them are very good?

Let's take a look at the biome weapons, I guess...

Jungle Chest:
  • Piranha Gun is... a weapon of all time isn't it, boasting an impressively bad 550dps or so at base, the Chain Gun from the Frost Moon beats it by about 50 dps, reaching about 600 on average... this weapon is utter garbage. There's rarely a time to use this weapon, so here's what I propose
    • Rework it into a "sidearm" of sorts. You left-click Piranha Gun, it homes in and finds enemies, and you can switch to another weapon! Obviously, 550dps would be too much in that case, so you can lower damage/firerate to make it on par with Rainbow Gun's 300 base dps (around 300-400 dps would be fine), then give it a timer of 30-60 seconds, this reworks it into an interesting and fun sidearm instead of a pathetic main weapon that does nothing.
Corruption Chest:
  • The "3*" good wweapons is because of this weapon, Scourge of the Corruptor is pretty good all things considered, since it locks you out of Vampire Knives, here's what I propose. Good weapon 1*/3 covered
    • Give us a way to get both VK and Scourge in the same world without worldhopping, you can already get both keys in the same world, just let us get both weapons in the same world or let us shimmer VK->Scourge and Scourge->VK
Crimson Chest:
  • ...hi Vampire Knives, yeah this weapon is... it's a weapon of all time, I'd hope to not have to talk about this weapon but when you make a weapon that's 12x stronger than a Greater Healing Potion then we're gonna have issues, so here's what I propose. Good weapon 1/3 covered
    • I know people are gonna riot, but please hear me out, nerf the healing from 30hp/s to 10hp/s, BUT, increase the damage from 29 to 31 and it's now able to get the Legendary modifier along with every other non sword weapon
Hallowed Chest:
  • Actually fine as is, nothing to comment on about Rainbow Gun, it's a great sidearm, it's just very solid, 2/3 good weapons covered
Ice Chest:
  • Surely this weapon didn't get ruined in a single update when it was given piercing? Oh it was? It has Static Immunity which means more than 1 of these doesn't do it anything? Oh, amazing... this weapon has a lot to unpack in terms of suggestions
    • Overhaul it entirely, turn it into a pseudo sentry of sorts, let it follow the player around where it's connected to the players back, and its head can move freely around, and then shoots bolts at nearby enemies, sounds complicated and it's just hard to explain how it'd look. This rework would turn it into a more viable weapon for Moon Lord, Pillars, etc. as sentries in general are pretty overlooked. Also give it Local Immunity so it doesn't break its own ankles when there's more than one on screen
Desert Chest:
  • Good weapon 3/3, Desert Tiger is fine as is, a really good minion that needs no changes.
Yeah... Biome weapons are really strange, most of the theming for them tends to be "support" weapons rather than dps weapons, the only exception really being Scourge, where its alt is... a support weapon, so yeah, these are my thoughts, let me know what you think I guess?
I’m ngl vampire knives should heal 5 hp per second at the absolute most and given an even bigger dps buff to compensate. 5 hp per second is still twice as much per minute as a greater healing potion and keep in mind it stacks with every source of healing except Spectre armor (which should be nerfed in the same way too)

Also can we PLEASE have both world evil chests in all worlds? It’s been four YEARS since they added the ability to get both world evils in hardmode and it still hasn’t happened.
The Piranha gun is fine as it is. The lower DPS doesn't matter when it's easier to use than the chain gun. You only have to lock it in and focus on dodging.

The frost hydra staff definitely needs a buff in proyectiles speed to make it viable against Moon lord.
Piranha Gun is a 1/2500 drop in a biome you're most likely not staying in for a while outside of maybe an Uzi. It absolutely needs to be stronger than a weapon you can easily farm for along with getting a ton of extra money and side loot.

Not to mention Chain Gun's base dps was based on Musket Balls, not any fancy ammo like Chloro Bullets which would boost the damage by a lot.
Desert Tiger imo needs an A.I. change to prevent it randomly not attacking in the air, and preferably have the same hitrate in the air as it does the ground.

Hydra, I feel like the proposed rework is a bit much. It really just needs local so you can actually use more than one.
Or, better yet, give it local, and make it a tiered sentry that grows a new head each time you click on it. (Up to 3, probably. I can't imagine 4-6 looking good.)
I dont think Sidearm Piranha Gun is a good idea, you'd get a free homing projectile with infinite hits that you only occasionally need to refresh. It wouldn't necessarily be overpowered, but it would be boring. Click one time and get free DPS, unlike a Magnet Sphere that you need to carefully aim and constantly recast.
I love the Piranha Gun, personally. Having a Ranged weapon that consumes no ammo is really nice for use outside of boss fights. It lets me save all my strong ammo.
Apparently(I read this in a yt comment) if you shoot piranhas while in shroomite stealth mode and they attach to an enemy or a boss(preferably slow one like golem) you can move around while keeping shroomite stealth bonus without being in stealth mode, it only rests when they return. Kind of exploity and somewhat situational but if what that comment said is true I'd say it's a good weapon but at the same time this isn't something many people know about this weapon.

Like Leaffen said desert tiger gets stuck in 'return state' mostly when player moves pretty fast, it doesn't attack until it returns to player, so player has to stop moving. Also when I used it I felt like desert tiger isn't fast enough to keep up with firecracker like sanguine staff does? (when you have some whip speed) but that may not be a problem if DPS is still good enough.

Vampire knives are OP, you're 100% right but I feel like it's really cool when you can get a lot of HP fast by throwing them, so what if we keep the healing rate and add a healing capacity that regenerates when not using the weapon, similar to how mana works. when this "healing mana" runs out the weapon will glow red and do a lot more damage and maybe also cause blood butcherers debuff but it stacks more than 5 times.
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Vampire knives are OP, you're 100% right but I feel like it's really cool when you can get a lot of HP fast by throwing them, so what if we keep the healing rate and add a healing capacity that regenerates when not using the weapon, similar to how mana works.
This is literally how vampire knives work, the capacity just regenerates so fast that it gives the impression its uncapped
I think most of the weapons are fine as is. The piranha gum maybe can prevent enemies from healing overtime so it would be more viable against ML since his tendril would be less effective. Not sure how to code that, it it would help.
I dont think Sidearm Piranha Gun is a good idea, you'd get a free homing projectile with infinite hits that you only occasionally need to refresh. It wouldn't necessarily be overpowered, but it would be boring. Click one time and get free DPS, unlike a Magnet Sphere that you need to carefully aim and constantly recast.
More boring than its current state? I'm not really sure, it's either that or buffing Piranha Gun into oblivion, though keep the click to fire then click to return so I don't have to hold my mouse down
piranha gun: fires one piranha at a time, twice per second, capping at 10 piranhas out at a time.

rainbow gun: rainbow is bigger and lasts longer.

frost hydra: only takes up 1/3rd of a sentry slot. fires a spread of 3 shots instead of 1, with 30% of the original damage per shot.
Jungle Chest:
  • Piranha Gun is... a weapon of all time isn't it, boasting an impressively bad 550dps or so at base, the Chain Gun from the Frost Moon beats it by about 50 dps, reaching about 600 on average... this weapon is utter garbage. There's rarely a time to use this weapon, so here's what I propose
    • Rework it into a "sidearm" of sorts. You left-click Piranha Gun, it homes in and finds enemies, and you can switch to another weapon! Obviously, 550dps would be too much in that case, so you can lower damage/firerate to make it on par with Rainbow Gun's 300 base dps (around 300-400 dps would be fine), then give it a timer of 30-60 seconds, this reworks it into an interesting and fun sidearm instead of a pathetic main weapon that does nothing.
Piranha Gun needs to be buffed again, yeah. It should be at least as good as Chain Gun.

Crimson Chest:
  • ...hi Vampire Knives, yeah this weapon is... it's a weapon of all time, I'd hope to not have to talk about this weapon but when you make a weapon that's 12x stronger than a Greater Healing Potion then we're gonna have issues, so here's what I propose. Good weapon 1/3 covered
    • I know people are gonna riot, but please hear me out, nerf the healing from 30hp/s to 10hp/s, BUT, increase the damage from 29 to 31 and it's now able to get the Legendary modifier along with every other non sword weapon
Re-Logic won't touch VK because the last time they did, the community had a conniption.

Ice Chest:
  • Surely this weapon didn't get ruined in a single update when it was given piercing? Oh it was? It has Static Immunity which means more than 1 of these doesn't do it anything? Oh, amazing... this weapon has a lot to unpack in terms of suggestions
    • Overhaul it entirely, turn it into a pseudo sentry of sorts, let it follow the player around where it's connected to the players back, and its head can move freely around, and then shoots bolts at nearby enemies, sounds complicated and it's just hard to explain how it'd look. This rework would turn it into a more viable weapon for Moon Lord, Pillars, etc. as sentries in general are pretty overlooked. Also give it Local Immunity so it doesn't break its own ankles when there's more than one on screen
I didn't know that its immunity was an issue. Yeah, that should be fixed.
Hallowed Chest:
  • Actually fine as is, nothing to comment on about Rainbow Gun, it's a great sidearm, it's just very solid, 2/3 good weapons covered
Agree with all but I belive that the rainbow gun DOSE NEED A BUFF. Primarily rainbow gun is used as a sudo-sentry. All good but currently it lasts for 25 seconds which isn't alot of time. 25 seconds is not enough for its intended use(farming invasions). I don't want to keep switching to the weapon again and again. and its dmg is kinda bad. Things such as clinger staff/ LITERALLY ALL SENTRIES/ and Nimbus staff exist and are better in all ways.
I Feel like the only buff it needs is to its duration. maybe make it to something like 5/7mins.
Yeh so now you have to switch between them, your main weapon and rainbow gun
I'm of the opinion that at the current lasting time of 25 seconds if you have a good main weapon it's not even worth to cast the rainbow
I calculated and using it is objectively better than not using it unless you’re getting over 7,000 dps each on everything the rainbow would be hitting. Crowd control weapons simply don’t have that kind of power so this is a matter of preference and not viability, which isn’t something we should be balancing around.
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