Elemental 131
(alright I'll go now)(A-)
(alright I'll go now)(A-)
(It's almost global, some countries don't do it tho)(i was going to say daylight savings but i think thats global not national)
(it works, but 24 hour time helps you be more specific.)(AM/PM is alot more easier for me TBH)
(pretty sure)(i was going to say daylight savings but i think thats global not national)
(for me the 24 hour thing throws me off if it's not anywhere between 22-24 or before 12)(it works, but 24 hour time helps you be more specific.)
(I suppose that makes sense.)(for me the 24 hour thing throws me off if it's not anywhere between 22-24 or before 12)
(you don't need to do that)(alright I'll go now)
(same here, whenever my dad uses 24 hr clock, it takes me at least 10 seconds to process it)(for me the 24 hour thing throws me off if it's not anywhere between 22-24 or before 12)
(probably)(y'all are crazy)
(so does this hit anyone?)(nah ur good)
“Alright, let’s try something else.”
Deck slashes the True Knife through the gap, and it might hit someone.
(Nuro is too far to be hit.)(so does this hit anyone?)
"Okay okay okay that didn't hit anyone, nor did it scrape the rock and damage it."(Nuro is too far to be hit.)
"Do you not have one of your world's pickaxes?""Okay okay okay that didn't hit anyone, nor did it scrape the rock and damage it."
Deck has acquired the debuff: Out Of Ideas
"Oh yeah! I forgot about those!""Do you not have one of your world's pickaxes?"
"What are we waiting for again?""I say that we should just stop trying to break or move the rock until something happens."
(okay.)Deck kept trying to mine the boulder, but he accidentally hit himself too many times, and...
Deck was slain...
His head rolled over through the gap of the boulder, and just like when Nexus and Nuro were fighting the werewerewerewire, he contacted moonlight.
Eye of Cthulhu has awoken once again!
(im passing control of the eye of cthulhu over to kitnight, because deck will respawn soon)