PC The Funniest Way to Die in Terraria

So, here is a funny story that happened to me. At this time I just got in hardmode and had an adamantite helmet (melee) and molten armor. I found out that you can get some leafy wings from the Witch Doctor if he is at a jungle at nighttime for 1 platinum coin. I moved him to the jungle and waited for it to be night. However, It was a blood moon so I yolo-ed my way to the forest (I didn't have teleporters cause I was starting hardmode) I didn't die from a single crimson or bloodmoon enemy. I got to the house to buy the wings only to find out that I forgot the platinum coin. 2 seconds later a stronger Maneater (I don't know the name of it) came and killed me and the Witch Doctor. The End.
Moral: Bring the proper amount of money to buy things or DIE!
They are called Angry Trappers
Who hasn't killed themselves by a bomb they forgot they threw?
Well darn, i have many times
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