The most Overcomplicated Board Game Ever

You are arrested and put on trial for your bad pun. You are found guilty and your PUNishment is a life sentence.

I have my wizard resurrect the soldiers you killed.
My wizard casts a Phantasmal Death Ray while I cast a Phantasmal Life Ray causing both rays to cancel each other out in a massive explosion that destroys all the invaders.

I imprison Goofy Guy in a pocket dimension.
All nine of my wizards band together to cast the ultimate shield spell with the source of mana itself.

I teleport your infinity stones into my base then I use them to Thanos snap you out of existence.
my prisoner escapees steal your stones and uses them to bring me back

I get triggered because this is way too many alerts and :red:t on your computer
You did nothing so every card in your deck turns into a 'Nothing' card that does nothing.

I redesign my tanks so that they can't be destroyed by extremely loud shouting.
My base is equipped with rockets so it flies out of the way of the sun.

I destroy the planet with death lasers.
My base's rockets are not connected to the internet so your card is wasted.

I delete the entire universe except for my base.
By skipping your turn you skip everything you have ahead in time. Due to this, everything you have is now buried in solid objects.

I re-exist the universe.
Hold on when did you get a world reset card? In fact I don't think it ever happened. Let's check your sleeves.

I check your sleeves and find many many cards.
Every card you pull from my sleeves is played on you and you get annihilated.

I fire my railguns at everyone's bases. (Except for my base, obviously.)
But I activate a transmutation skill that turns all of the bullets into nerf foam bullets.

I put a card down that audibly says E
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