The neverending battle

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I use up all my power to turn into my ultimate form. I then teleport right next to plantsaza and punch and kick him lots of times in a second. I then do an uppercut so strong that it launches him to space.
I induce the dreaded creature only known as "The Lag" upon the universe, only allowing for 2 FPS and thus defeating all who oppose me.
*Teleported behind Murphmario's back."
I stab him with poison sword at speed of light, the sword pierce through from his back to his heart.
The sword stuck so I left it like that.
Then I running around Faressain and throwing grenade at him.
NOPE! *Drink energy potion*
Now, instead I'm catching you, I call my allies and the drop a nuke at you.

*plantszaza dissappear into nowhere.*
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