Weapons & Equip The Polar Shovel - A Shovel Knight Homage

Ooo, yes please. Just credit me I suppose, I don't really know how any of that sort of thing works. Also @Kirito [Lone Wolf], if you don't mind since you asked first. I wouldn't mind if it was in multiple mods, just want to check and make sure it's clear on all fronts.
Then just write a message in the Ulterraria:Reborn thread, that you want your idea to be added! Just so I won't forget.
I got this idea while I was outside shoveling snow. We all know this guy, correct?
(Thanks for fixing it up @Pumpking!)
Well, my idea is for his shovel to be a rare drop (1%) from wolves in a Snow biome, as they look alike to the wolves in Polar Knight's level. It can also be dropped by Armored Vikings, since that is where Polar Knight's inspiration came from. It will be a Hardmode drop that does 60 melee damage and casts a snowball similar to a boulder that does 60 damage as well. A suggestion by @SzGamer227, the Polar Shovel will use SnowBlocks for ammunition. I know, people hate RNG but it's a referential item, it isn't meant to be common.
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Thanks to @Robotoh for the sprite!
Thank you for viewing my suggestion, and if you have anything to add, leave it below! Good day, ladies and gents!

We now have a support banner!
I don't think the Shovel should actually use ammunition from your inventory, since that would make it fall more in line with the theme of ranged weapons.

Melee weapons with projectiles NEVER cost ammo or mana, which is what makes them great in the first place.

I think it would be neat, however, if the user had to be in a snow biome in order for the projectile to work.
Hey dude, remember last time I asked ya if I could add your idea to the mod? Well, we're making it happen! Your shovel is going to be in our mod(Ulterraria). Just some questions first:
1) Can it (technically) be a pickaxe? Can it mine blocks? Does it have restrictions as to what blocks it can mine? Right now it can only mine dirt, grass, silt, slush, clay and snow.
2) Do you want the same animation that normal pickaxes use? Or do you want it to look more like a shovel, so you wouldn't swing it over your head? We could make it like a spear.
3) Do you want it to throw the snow boulders? Or should we scrap that idea? If you want that, we'll probably have to give it two modes: throwing and digging. What are your thoughts on that?
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Maybe you have another option for snowballs or snow blocks where it would be spread onto the ground and you use the shovel to make the boulders and fling them like in the actual fight.
Yeah but, NPCs aren't meant to be killed, and a snow based NPC could be cool but I doubt they'd add any more entirely new NPCs.
Well, that's not entirely true. If for the sake of the completion you really wanted the NPC's unique equipment, you could lob some "Rotten Eggs" their way and murder them outright for those particular drops attributed to them.
I think if you made it so that it would use snowballs for ammunition, but if you have no snowballs, then it will just swing normally

Also I love shovel knight so much
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