Hey everyone, some big stuff is going on with Spirit Mod! For starters, the donator update just released! It adds far overdue donator items, and fixes a few bugs (find it on the browser) . However, we have recognized that Spirit Mod has many problems both internally and with the organization of its content.
To that end, we are now working on a complete overhaul of the mod, which will not only restructure it for less bugs and easier content addition, but will also introduce large amounts of brand new content and rebalancing (and in some cases removal of) old content. This will take a lot of time, however. The current estimate is early 2019. To help us with this, we have recruited new team members:
@thegamemaster1234 and
@Valkyrie Valhalla!
Note that this does not nessecarily mean no updates in the mean time. Bugfixes and patches will still be released, but don't expect any new content for awhile.
We understand that this sounds like a long time, so we'll provide updates every other Sunday on the discord (
https://discord.gg/DcV9M4Y), starting this weekend, to show you what we've been working on! Ask an admin or moderator for the "spoiler squad" role and @ them to get notified when there's a spoiler.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us, and we hope you’ll understand our decision. We are striving to create a truly quality mod, and we hope we can have your support!