Empress of Light
I crafted it first, which seemed to ignore the oncraft method we gave it, as its name was gray. But after throwing it on the ground and picking it up, the pickup text was white and the items name went back to rainbow. Was a rather bizarre set of happenings.Really? That's weird. Are you sure you're picking it up off the ground and not crafting it? It won't work if the text is from crafting it rather than picking it up.
The pickup text was white before I added the item.expert = true part to the OnPickup method, which tells me that you didn't actually copy the exact code I gave you there.I crafted it first, which seemed to ignore the oncraft method we gave it, as its name was gray. But after throwing it on the ground and picking it up, the pickup text was white and the items name went back to rainbow. Was a rather bizarre set of happenings.
Empress of Light
Strike that, its only white on craft. Which doesnt bother me too much I guess... Here's my code to prove I aint lying.The pickup text was white before I added the item.expert = true part to the OnPickup method, which tells me that you didn't actually copy the exact code I gave you there.
using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;
namespace ThoriumMod.Items.Terrarium
public class TerrariumSageStaff : ModItem
public override void SetDefaults()
item.name = "Terrarium Sage Staff";
item.damage = 130;
item.magic = true;
item.mana = 15;
item.width = 40;
item.height = 40;
item.toolTip = "Rapidly Unleashes a surge of cataclysmic power";
item.toolTip2 = "Enemies who have more than 5000 life will be cursed by the staves primary effect...";
item.useTime = 16;
item.useAnimation = 16;
item.autoReuse = true;
item.useStyle = 5;
Item.staff[item.type] = true;
item.noMelee = true;
item.knockBack = 10;
item.value = Item.sellPrice(0, 3, 82, 50);
item.rare = -12;
item.useSound = 34;
item.shoot = mod.ProjectileType("TerrariumSurge");
item.shootSpeed = 15f;
public override void UpdateInventory(Player player)
item.rare = -12;
item.expert = false;
public override void OnCraft(Recipe recipe)
item.rare = -12;
public override void Update(ref float gravity, ref float maxFallSpeed)
item.rare = -12;
public override bool OnPickup(Player player)
item.expert = true;
return base.OnPickup(player);
public override bool Shoot(Player player, ref Vector2 position, ref float speedX, ref float speedY, ref int type, ref int damage, ref float knockBack)
float spread = 45f * 0.0174f;
double startAngle = Math.Atan2(speedX, speedY)- spread/2;
double deltaAngle = spread/8f;
double offsetAngle;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++ )
offsetAngle = (startAngle + deltaAngle * (i + i*i) / 2f) + 32f * i;
Projectile.NewProjectile(position.X, position.Y - 5, speedX, speedY, mod.ProjectileType("TerrariumSurge"), damage, knockBack, player.whoAmI, 0f, 0f);
return false;
public override void AddRecipes()
ModRecipe recipe = new ModRecipe(mod);
recipe.AddIngredient(null, "TerrariumCore", 9);
recipe.AddTile(null, "SoulForge");
Alright, looks good to me. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, nothing can fix the text that pops up when you craft the item, even adding item.expert = true; to the OnCraft method didn't do it.Strike that, its only white on craft. Which doesnt bother me too much I guess... Here's my code to prove I aint lying.
Empress of Light
Its good enough, trust me.Alright, looks good to me. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, nothing can fix the text that pops up when you craft the item, even adding item.expert = true; to the OnCraft method didn't do it.

A more recent problem, but for some reason, I can not craft the Key of Fire. Any suggestions on what to do?
Empress of Light
You're gonna wanna make sure you have the latest version, v1.2.7.16. Also, make sure you're at a workbench with the necessary materials.A more recent problem, but for some reason, I can not craft the Key of Fire. Any suggestions on what to do?
I'm finally playing through the mod for real this time and I'm really enjoying it, but I have to ask, are there plans to add more ranged-focused armours? Most new armours seem to veer away from that class which is a shame since ranged is the class I play the most.
Currently going for a throwing playthrough.
Currently going for a throwing playthrough.
Kabu 2
Multiplayer Bug: Plague Doctor flasks give the error message (Error on message Terraria.MessageBuffer)
This occurs whenever I kill a mob that drops loot i.e zombies/slimes but mysteriously not critters i.e bunnies/squirrles. My client follows shortly after recieving this error by timing out from my own server followed by not being able to enter commands on my server console such as "save" and "exit".
A swift response on what could solve this error or if I'm right or wrong about the cause of this error would be greatly appreciated so I can continue hosting this server with my friends.
If nesseccarry I can post all of the mods I am using for this server to help isolate the problem.
Empress of Light
I'm afraid I have no solutions for those issues other than the Plague doctor one. I'll be sure to take a look at its coding and fix the issue caused in multiplayer, but as for the other issues, I personally don't know what the cause is.
Kabu 2
Thank you I will go ahead and disable all other mods to isolate the thorium mod to see if it is the true root of the issue.
Update: I isolated the mod and yes it is what is causing the issue. Tested across multiple worlds to see if the world was the problem.
Update: I isolated the mod and yes it is what is causing the issue. Tested across multiple worlds to see if the world was the problem.
Empress of Light
Make sure you isolate the other mods too.Thank you I will go ahead and disable all other mods to isolate the thorium mod to see if it is the true root of the issue.
Update: I isolated the mod and yes it is what is causing the issue. Tested across multiple worlds to see if the world was the problem.
If you're trying to improve the Ragnarok gear, then my personal experiences of the gear I tried:
Slag Fury's Mage set was UP imo, due to the lack of mana regen. I thought the Nebula set was stronger due to this.
I would make both modes of the Omni-Cannon a little faster, found the Pulse Rifle a bit better still.
The Seven Seas Devastator is underwhelming, because it was a standard explosive flail. It needs a farther reach, and I want it to feel like an end-game flail like the Solar Eruption or Flairon, maybe you should have it release frags that hurt other enemies.
Slag Fury's Mage set was UP imo, due to the lack of mana regen. I thought the Nebula set was stronger due to this.
I would make both modes of the Omni-Cannon a little faster, found the Pulse Rifle a bit better still.
The Seven Seas Devastator is underwhelming, because it was a standard explosive flail. It needs a farther reach, and I want it to feel like an end-game flail like the Solar Eruption or Flairon, maybe you should have it release frags that hurt other enemies.
On Tmodloader's current state for multiplayer, is it normal for the server to lag a lot every 3 or 5 minutes for the other players?
The host connection is fine and on his end so is the server (other than blocks broken by the other players not being pickable for a while)
Is there anyway to fix this at all, as it seems connection is OK on all ends.
Edit: Also the "start-tModLoaderServer-steam-friends" file from the latest version doesn't open at all here, so I'm using the .11 version, simply because it works. (In case it is that)
I tried posting this on the TModloader forum but there are so many posts there that it just got lost so...
People previously told me on this thread that it is mostly working, but this just makes it unplayable for the other players so, any help is welcome.
The host connection is fine and on his end so is the server (other than blocks broken by the other players not being pickable for a while)
Is there anyway to fix this at all, as it seems connection is OK on all ends.
Edit: Also the "start-tModLoaderServer-steam-friends" file from the latest version doesn't open at all here, so I'm using the .11 version, simply because it works. (In case it is that)
I tried posting this on the TModloader forum but there are so many posts there that it just got lost so...
People previously told me on this thread that it is mostly working, but this just makes it unplayable for the other players so, any help is welcome.
General Milky
The "host via steam" option does this for a lot of people, it's a problem in vanilla, too. Try hosting without Steam if you can.
Hey @DivermanSam and co. I was wondering if you would be willing to take some suggestions for some additional accessories to re-balance Melee. I'm currently attempting a Boomerang-only playthrough in Expert mode, which I thought would be fun considering the Boomerang love this mod brings. And, while it is fun, it brings to my attention a key issue with Melee today: Yo-yo's reign supreme. While other classes have their "best weapon type" move and change over the course of the game, Melee players basically switch to the next-best yo-yo. They even have their own accessory progression line specifically dedicated to yo-yo's.
So, my suggestion would be to consider adding in boomerang-specific, flail-specific, spear-specific, etc. accessories and equipment to make melee more of a choice-friendly class. If I'm crazy, feel free to tell me. I just had to get this off my chest.
So, my suggestion would be to consider adding in boomerang-specific, flail-specific, spear-specific, etc. accessories and equipment to make melee more of a choice-friendly class. If I'm crazy, feel free to tell me. I just had to get this off my chest.
General Milky
Hey @DivermanSam and co. I was wondering if you would be willing to take some suggestions for some additional accessories to re-balance Melee. I'm currently attempting a Boomerang-only playthrough in Expert mode, which I thought would be fun considering the Boomerang love this mod brings. And, while it is fun, it brings to my attention a key issue with Melee today: Yo-yo's reign supreme. While other classes have their "best weapon type" move and change over the course of the game, Melee players basically switch to the next-best yo-yo. They even have their own accessory progression line specifically dedicated to yo-yo's.
So, my suggestion would be to consider adding in boomerang-specific, flail-specific, spear-specific, etc. accessories and equipment to make melee more of a choice-friendly class. If I'm crazy, feel free to tell me. I just had to get this off my chest.
That's really hard to balance for multiple reasons over several layers. I'm not exactly disagreeing with you, but rather laying out a few notes on why messing with this too much could make an even bigger problem than the one it solves;
A. Expert mode is very poor for balance in general. In Normal mode, you can use normal broadswords and spears dedicatedly. Any boss in the entire game can be rather easily taken out with smart positioning and a lance, even though it's harder than most ranged options. In Expert, this ALL goes out the window and it seems to be absolutely intentional. One needs to look no further than Eye of Cthulhu, who goes from a boss who leaves the option open to jump and hit him with a sword, to a total spaz whom you could only cut by total accident. Things do too much damage to make close range combat anything but suicide. Expert mode by default will limit the player, and if you make items to mitigate that, they become too good when combined with the existing options.
B. Reiterating above, if you make some accessory like "melee damage penetrates 50 defense" to make spears and the like more practical, they also make yo yos more powerful too, and nothing has changed. If you make armor to soak up more damage point blank, then yoyoers/rangers can use it even better by taking even less damage than before.
C. not every weapon has to be practical in every situation. There's weapons that are very clearly meant for exploration, and some for boss killing. Boomerangs for instance shine in their knockback stat, something bosses don't care about, so they see much more use against general mobs than a boss fight. This might just be something you sometimes have to accept, especially on Expert, because making every weapon fit every role will upset how they all stack up against each other and then something else is suddenly super OP.
and D. is just that when something sticks out as unbalanced, most of the time, you want to change that one thing, instead of everything around it. I've had a grudge for yoyos since their introduction for reasons very similarly to your's. They're too versatile. No real reason to use other melee weapons. That's on them, though. Yoyos are OP. The answer isn't to make everything else OP with them, but to bring yoyos down to everything else's level, and this is something a mod like Thorium should avoid and leave to a standalone mod instead. If you bring all the other melee weapons up, then problems happen. Swords, which used to be decent for normal mobs but bad for bosses, becomes decent at bosses and ridiculously good for normal mobs. Spears become DPS kings that will likely kill things just by facetanking them. Boomerangs start to outclass ranged weapons in nearly everyway, featuring awesome crowd control and similar single target DPS suited for taking on bosses. It's all so very fragile.
TLDR version of everything I just said basically boils down to, be careful what you wish for. It's way to easy to make a different weapon type "the next yoyo" if you change their dynamic too much. The most graceful solution to your problem is honestly to just swallow your pride and go to Normal mode, use Boss Expertise for their upgrades. Expert isn't suited to something like this. Expert destroys a lot of the game balance just by itself.
Hey @DivermanSam and co. I was wondering if you would be willing to take some suggestions for some additional accessories to re-balance Melee. I'm currently attempting a Boomerang-only playthrough in Expert mode, which I thought would be fun considering the Boomerang love this mod brings. And, while it is fun, it brings to my attention a key issue with Melee today: Yo-yo's reign supreme. While other classes have their "best weapon type" move and change over the course of the game, Melee players basically switch to the next-best yo-yo. They even have their own accessory progression line specifically dedicated to yo-yo's.
So, my suggestion would be to consider adding in boomerang-specific, flail-specific, spear-specific, etc. accessories and equipment to make melee more of a choice-friendly class. If I'm crazy, feel free to tell me. I just had to get this off my chest.
I agree with this idea, but I'm not sure if there's a reasonable way to implement weapon-type specific bonuses. Maybe by animation type, but even then I'm not sure. I mean, if there is a way to tell what kind of weapon something is, that's great. I can imagine lots of possible accessories, like special scabbards and pommels, or wrappings for boomerangs. However, if not, then it would require every accessory specifically whitelisting every single weapon that it affects.
Empress of Light
Milky has a point with specific weapons fulfilling specific niches, but that doesnt mean I cant add one or two special accessories that effect Boomerangs, Flails and Spears in some unique way. I'll think on it...Hey @DivermanSam and co. I was wondering if you would be willing to take some suggestions for some additional accessories to re-balance Melee. I'm currently attempting a Boomerang-only playthrough in Expert mode, which I thought would be fun considering the Boomerang love this mod brings. And, while it is fun, it brings to my attention a key issue with Melee today: Yo-yo's reign supreme. While other classes have their "best weapon type" move and change over the course of the game, Melee players basically switch to the next-best yo-yo. They even have their own accessory progression line specifically dedicated to yo-yo's.
So, my suggestion would be to consider adding in boomerang-specific, flail-specific, spear-specific, etc. accessories and equipment to make melee more of a choice-friendly class. If I'm crazy, feel free to tell me. I just had to get this off my chest.
Queen Slime
There might be a way since, well, Yo-yo's have accessories that specifically affect only Yo-yo's. I figure the game DOES classify them in some manner as to use their unique mechanics. Though what kind of accessories you could make for them? Well Diver might figure that one out. Maybe something for Boomerangs that throws two out at a time? I unno.I agree with this idea, but I'm not sure if there's a reasonable way to implement weapon-type specific bonuses. Maybe by animation type, but even then I'm not sure. I mean, if there is a way to tell what kind of weapon something is, that's great. I can imagine lots of possible accessories, like special scabbards and pommels, or wrappings for boomerangs. However, if not, then it would require every accessory specifically whitelisting every single weapon that it affects.
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