Shiki Sakura
Except, uh, no, Ragnarok really, truly, honestly is much easier than Moonlord in pretty much every respect, even alone.
Shilling the balance mod when it had nothing to do with either point in the post also doesn't really have anything to do with anything.
I'm going to just be honest here. I question your idea of balance. I played a bit with some of the reworked items from last patch, and I don't think they were a really good move. Some of them were, others not so much. The philosophy of "they can just be rebalanced later" is an absolutely terrible one to have, I don't think the community should be the one betatesting every single change to things that were honestly just fine. Watch yourself. I'm seeing a lot of "me" and "I" when you discuss the balance of Thorium. You have a lot of power and responsibility, and from the posts I see in this thread, seem to be on a bit of a trip with twisting the mod into your image. Avoid this. Nobody wants the best mod on the service to crumble from within.
Signed: a relogic betatester.
I did mention about ragnarok earlier. Not everything is going to be perfect, but it's working towards it. I do apologize if ive given you the idea that i'm solely driving the balancing. I am working with Divermansam. It takes time. Please be patient. Ragnarok is something that takes a lot more time to balance than just some items. I know that it's easier than it should be. I cannot comment what we are planning to do about this. And i'm not putting off the balancing for later. I'm working as hard as I can. It takes time. So please be patient.
To be fair the Ragnarok is very easy to fight because by the point you fight him you can just kinda...obliterate him depending on your class. In comparison to the Moonlord at least. What makes the Moonlord hard is he hits like a mack truck but you also can't just constantly stream damage onto him. Plus as you chip parts off of him they now do lots more damage ontop of needing to hit the exposed spots.
Yeah I know about ragnarok's issues. It needs more of a rework than just some health. Thank you for pointing that out though. It's all apart of the plan!
@Bluemario610 I do apologize about blowing you off. I had made an assumption.
@everyone Ragnarok may need a rework. But it requires a lot more time and will need to be addressed on a weekend.