Console The Year Ahead & The Community "Takes Control"

Oh this is amazing. I love you guys! My suggestions are the ability to switch the Left Trigger and Left Bumper actions, and that goes for the right side as well. That would be wonderful. Also, sensitivity for the cursor would be great as well as a few others mentioned.

edit: this is what i'm proposing :) (thanks Nike Leon! this is so fancy)
Action | Playstation | Xbox
Use Held Item/Attack|R2|RB
Hotbar Selection|L1+R1|LT+RT

Does the update apply to Terraria bought on a disk for xBox 360? or only when downloaded from their whatever-store?
Nope, if you download the update it'll apply to the disc.
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I honestly hope this resolves my save data problem by making it visible again. I also would like that this upcoming patch would also fix any other serious problem in the game. A gaming breaking bug free game is more enjoyable than a broken game... Especially when people are scared to even play the game at times due to the risks.

Other than that I can't wait for this as it means we'll be getting close to the patch that is (1.3). 1.2.3-1.2.4 is also going to be sweet (Fishron :cool:).

P.S- even if I may not be able to play it... if above issues aren't resolved.. which I hope is not the case!
I'm relatively okay with the control scheme on consoles, but at least add an option to delimit the cursor so people can make the most of the magical harp.
I got my idea for controls for the wii u:
Use Held Item/Attack :A
Activate Environment Object : X
Inventory : Minus
Jump X or L3 A
Quick Buff : Y
Left-Right-Up-Down Movement Left : Left Stick
Hotbar Selection : Z L + Z R
Map Select : +
Grapple : Press left stick
Smart Cursor : Press right stick
Use Bound Item : D-Pad

You guys said you'd release the nintendo versions in 2016 :V
I feel that both consoles should have the options for players to make their own controls scheme rather than pick pre-made ones, so in the options just click on (for example) "mine" and press whatever buttons you would like to pick (like R2 or RT)
I would also love for the pause and map buttons on PS4 (touchpad and options) to be able to be swapped. I have been wanting this since day one of the PS4 release.
Is there a reason why it just can't be configurable in-game? An options screen with a list and just press which button you want for each action? Seems like that should be the easiest part of programming a game. :S
I would love the L-stick to be a selection wheel and to move around with the D-pad actually. Also control all menu's with the D-pad.
Action Playstation Xbox Use Held Item/Attack R1 RT Activate Environment Object O B Inventory △ Y Jump X or L3 A Quick Buff □ X Left-Right-Up-Down Movement Left Thumbstick Left Thumbstick Hotbar Selection L2+R2 LB+RB Map Select Back Grapple L1 LT Smart Cursor Toggle R3 Click Right Thumbstick Use Bound Item D-Pad D-Pad $(document).ready(function() { $('#DataTable_55c258c6d2c62').dataTable({ "bAutoWidth": false, "bFilter": false, "bInfo": false, "bLengthChange": false, "bPaginate": false, "bSort": true, "bSortClasses": false, "bStateSave": false, "oLanguage": { "sEmptyTable": "No data available in table", "sInfo": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries", "sInfoEmpty": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries", "sInfoFiltered":"(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)", "sInfoPostFix": "", "sInfoThousands": ",", "sLengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ entries", "sLoadingRecords": "Loading...", "sProcessing": "Processing...", "sSearch": "Filter:", "sZeroRecords": "No matching records found", "oPaginate": { "sFirst": "First", "sLast": "Last", "sNext": "Next", "sPrevious": "Previous" }, "oAria": { "sSortAscending": ": activate to sort column ascending", "sSortDescending": ": activate to sort column descending" } }, }); });​
My suggestion for Xbox controls may be considered new functionality (the ability to take pictures of the world and/or the map). But I'm not sure what's configured in these buttons once the map is open:
Map: this area should have the options for in-game screenshots, my suggestion below:
(PS / Xbox)
(Select / Back)​
Map Screenshot:
(L2 / LB) or maybe tapping Left Trigger​
In Game Screenshot: this option captures your character and the environment around him, 50 blocks total
(R2 / RB) or maybe tapping Right Trigger​
Does the update apply to Terraria bought on a disk for xBox 360? or only when downloaded from their whatever-store?
You should still get the prompt to download updates as long as you're signed in to xbox live :) (I believe every new profile is allowed a month of free live?)
Oh this is amazing. I love you guys! My suggestions are the ability to switch the Left Trigger and Left Bumper actions, and that goes for the right side as well. That would be wonderful. Also, sensitivity for the cursor would be great as well as a few others mentioned.

Nope, if you download the update it'll apply to the disc.

I only have one suggestion: Switch the Throw Item button and the Activate Object button on Xbox 360 (X and B)

I got my idea for controls for the wii u:
Use Held Item/Attack :A
Activate Environment Object : X
Inventory : Minus
Jump X or L3 A
Quick Buff : Y
Left-Right-Up-Down Movement Left : Left Stick
Hotbar Selection : Z L + Z R
Map Select : +
Grapple : Press left stick
Smart Cursor : Press right stick
Use Bound Item : D-Pad

You guys said you'd release the nintendo versions in 2016 :V

I would also love for the pause and map buttons on PS4 (touchpad and options) to be able to be swapped. I have been wanting this since day one of the PS4 release.
Please edit this code into your posts and make the associated changes that you're requesting :) [NOTE: The | are the dividers of the columns]

Use Held Item/Attack|R1|RT
Activate Environment Object|O|B
Inventory| △|Y
Jump| X or L3|A or L3
Quick Buff|□|X
Left-Right-Up-Down Movement|Left Thumbstick|Left Thumbstick
Hotbar Selection|L2+R2|LB+RB
Smart Cursor Toggle|R3|Click Right Thumbstick
Use Bound Item|D-Pad|D-Pad
But every piece of exclusive content from the PC version making it to the other platforms does "fit his vision". How convenient. Except, you know, for us.
No PC content has ever been labeled as 'exclusive'. PC is just the original platform so it gets to enjoy the new content updates first.
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