Toxijuice's Dark Inventory Slots (UI)


Hey there!

I made this to test how the texture pack workflow is, but liked how it turned out, so figured I'd share it.

EDIT: I'm unsure if it's possible to change the thread title, but I've added health and mana bars in addition to the inventory slots.
EDIT AGAIN: Added a minimap.

Inventory Slots:


Health and Mana:





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Woah. Now that is sleek! I would absolutely love to see a full-blown texture pack that makes the menus look like this too. That's probably asking for way too much from one person though.
I would love to do the rest of the UI to match, perhaps if I'm feeling inspired I'll to the rest.
Now that's something to look forward to if you decide to! All I can say is that I'm seriously blown away by the quality of these sprites. In fact, for a few seconds I was fully convinced that you just ripped assets from another game until I enabled it in-game and got a better look. Anyway, you've earned my kudos, keep up the amazing work!
I think part of the reason as to why I love this pack so much has got to be the fact that I'm a sucker for neon lights-kinda stuff.
EDIT: After trying out the health and mana bars, they're great but the text on the Bars style is really hard to read against a bright background. I'd advise putting some sort of outline or something to make it easier to read.
I got the files and downloaded it. put it in my resource file but it doesn't work for some reason. tried with other files and it works just fine
Any thoughts on making a map border that matches with the rest of the UI?

I would love to, I've just been a bit busy with other things. Maybe I'll take a look at the map specifically later.

I got the files and downloaded it. put it in my resource file but it doesn't work for some reason. tried with other files and it works just fine

You need to make sure that the folder structure is correct. It should look something like ../Terraria/ResourcePacks/ToxiDarkSlots/Content/
Sometimes things unzip with an extra folder, which would cause things to be one folder too deep.

Also, if you go to the Texture Packs menu in Terraria, and they are showing up, you may need to move them above or below other packs using the up and down arrows. I'm not sure if top takes priority or bottom, but theoretically other packs you are using might have the default graphics packed in as well, overriding my pack.


Worst-case scenario, if it is a bug preventing use, you can take the "Content" folder of my pack and put the contents of it into the "Content" folder of another, working pack. I don't recommend this but in a pinch it should work.
I would love to, I've just been a bit busy with other things. Maybe I'll take a look at the map specifically later.

You need to make sure that the folder structure is correct. It should look something like ../Terraria/ResourcePacks/ToxiDarkSlots/Content/
Sometimes things unzip with an extra folder, which would cause things to be one folder too deep.

Also, if you go to the Texture Packs menu in Terraria, and they are showing up, you may need to move them above or below other packs using the up and down arrows. I'm not sure if top takes priority or bottom, but theoretically other packs you are using might have the default graphics packed in as well, overriding my pack.

Worst-case scenario, if it is a bug preventing use, you can take the "Content" folder of my pack and put the contents of it into the "Content" folder of another, working pack. I don't recommend this but in a pinch it should work.
Got it! thx its works now :)
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