Weapons & Equip Tungsten Bullets


I'd like to suggest a new bullet type, to make up for the fact that players in tungsten worlds cannot craft silver bullets, and need to wait until they have meteorite to spare to upgrade their bullets.


Tungsten Bullet
8 Damage
2 Knockback
4 Velocity
*Penetrates two enemies

Station- Anvil
70 Musket Balls
1 Tungsten Bar
Makes 70 Tungsten Bullets.
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Here's why I say no:

Tungsten equipment > Silver equipment


But seriously though, this isn't needed. You can always buy silver bullets from the Arms Dealer, after all. I'd also take meteor shots over silver bullets any day.
Here's why I say no:

Tungsten equipment > Silver equipment


But seriously though, this isn't needed. You can always buy silver bullets from the Arms Dealer, after all. I'd also take meteor shots over silver bullets any day.

You can't buy Silver Bullets from the Arms Dealer until Hardmode, meaning gun players need to wait until they have excess Meteorite before they can get an upgrade to Musket Balls.

I purposefully kept the Tungsten Bullets from being a direct upgrade to silver ones. Neither is specifically better. They just have different uses. I've changed it from 1 to 2 penetrations to make the Tungsten Bullets seem like less of an under powered Meteor Shot.
But my point was that this is a rare situation that having the original is better than alternates. I don't want everything to be equal, instead one side have things that the other doesn't.

And right now, all it is is that alternatives > originals. It's clear as crystal for the Pre-HM ores. As for the HM ores, Palladium/Orichalcum/Titanium set bonuses outperform the original, massively boring set bonuses by miles. They're also statistically the same than their counterpart, if not better, despite popular belief.
That suggestion for tungsten bullets is similar, but they aren't the same. It suggests that tungsten bullets be slightly stronger than silver bullets, while I suggest they be slightly weaker, but with penetration to make up for it.
It's still a repeat suggestion thread, though. A suggestion for Tungsten Bullets is a suggestion for Tungsten Bullets.

Get into the habit of searching before you post. ;P
It's still a repeat suggestion thread, though. A suggestion for Tungsten Bullets is a suggestion for Tungsten Bullets.

Get into the habit of searching before you post. ;P

I know other Tungsten Bullet threads exist. I knew before I made this thread. I'm not going to clog up other people's threads with my own ideas when the only similarities between the bullets is that they're made of tungsten.
:guiderolleyes: That's exactly what other threads are for. You're just clogging the forums with ideas that already exist. That is not what the forum is for.

Would you appreciate it if I came into one of your threads and said "Ok, that's cool, but what if it did this completely different other thing instead?" and just used your thread as a jumping ground to elevate my own idea? Because that's what I feel I'd be doing if I tossed my idea into a different Tungsten Bullet thread.
I purposefully kept the Tungsten Bullets from being a direct upgrade to silver ones. Neither is specifically better. They just have different uses. I've changed it from 1 to 2 penetrations to make the Tungsten Bullets seem like less of an under powered Meteor Shot.

Silver bullets are also a weaker meteor shot.. same damage, just no penetration. I think the tungsten bullets should penetrate once but do a few less points of damage, as meteor shots are meant to be a tier up.

:guiderolleyes: That's exactly what other threads are for. You're just clogging the forums with ideas that already exist. That is not what the forum is for.
I don't mean to spark anything but I've seen you make some repeat ideas, as well as like repeat ideas. At least this isn't an identical idea.

Tungsten Bullet isn't in your thread title so it makes it a little tougher to search for.
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Would you appreciate it if I came into one of your threads and said "Ok, that's cool, but what if it did this completely different other thing instead?" and just used your thread as a jumping ground to elevate my own idea?

That's precisely what I do. I look at a suggestion, think about the general idea and try to come up with something that I believe is better. But I don't use that opportunity to brag about my idea, far from it. I'm not going to mutate the idea wholly but that isn't even what happened in this thread.

If I can't come up with something better but I still like the idea, then I give a thumbs up. Suggestions aren't made by just the thread creator but instead the idea is usually compiled by multiple voices.
Would you appreciate it if I came into one of your threads and said "Ok, that's cool, but what if it did this completely different other thing instead?" and just used your thread as a jumping ground to elevate my own idea? Because that's what I feel I'd be doing if I tossed my idea into a different Tungsten Bullet thread.
All you said was "I think Tungsten Bullets should penetrate two enemies." And yes, people do that on my threads all the time. It's what they're there for.

why do tungsten have to be stronger than silver bullets?
Because Tungsten is stronger than Silver in Terraria.
You can't buy Silver Bullets from the Arms Dealer until Hardmode
ACTUALLY the Arms Dealer will sell Silver Bullets in earlygame during a Blood Moon. :V

I'm PERSONALLY against having an alternative for silver bullets, because the bullets aren't made of silver just to be made of silver. Silver Bullets are a mythological reference. They're supposedly holy in some way. There just isn't anything like that about Tungsten...

Granted, you can't craft silver bullets in a tungsten world, but as I mentioned you can still buy them from the Arms Dealer.
That is true but players that use guns will not be able to rely on blood moons to supply there bullets.
Yeah, sadly it's not fair. Then again, Terraria is full of "Re-Logic", so I guess we could pretend that Tungsten has special Terraria holiness...
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