Biomes & Nature Use Marble and Granite to create Underground Ocean and Mountain


So, 1.3 added the Marble and Granite mini-biomes. They're pretty cool, but they feel underutilized as just a bunch of random little caves scattered around the world. Especially given all the stuff you can make from them, and them having their own enemies.

So I was thinking, for a long time now people have been asking for things like an Underground expansion to the Ocean biome and a Mountain biome that replaces one of the Oceans. And I was just thinking that the Marble and Granite biomes would be perfect to use for the creation of these two full-sized biomes.

The granite theme is already all about super-hard stone and stone based enemies. It'd be perfect for the Mountain.

And the Marble theme has that ancient Greek feel, which is quite similar to an Atlantian feel, which is perfect for an area beneath the sea.

So maybe, if we took these two biomes, fleshed out their enemy types and drops and other content, they could serve as an excellent basis for fully realizing these two full biomes that lots of people have been requesting.

Example Image(contains some unrelated info from other suggestions):
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Granite makes sense for Mountains, as there are several ranges called that on the west coast States.
Marble makes sense for Atlantis/Greek due to statues and architecture

Atlantis would make a great mini-biome, which could be artificially extended if you use number of Marble bricks built at a certain depth and filled with a lot of water.

Mountain would be cool for its unique Elevation. with the possible of a unique "Sky Island" alternative being a type of Olympus Temple or something with strong Heavenly/Godly enemies there. Mini-bosses?
a Thunder God boss would be cool, waiting up there for you and fights you for trespassing or whatever.
Not a half bad idea. I was just recently complaining that the underground ocean was never added. But to the point, the main thing this would do that I completely support is move all of the randomly separated marble and obsidian biomes together. For whatever reason the PC version has a really poor way of spawning enemies. Enemies can spawn if the biome is simply nearby, the enemy does not have to spawn on the biome block. (In many cases, not all.) For this reason much of my adventures underground are hindered by random marble/obsidian mobs, even when I don't know where the biome is. Would be nice to not have those enemy types constantly wandering around as if they are normal cavern enemies. It doesn't help that both of those biomes don't seem to have restrictions as to where they spawn. (Jungle, Snow, Underground, Cavern. Not on the surface? Meet Medusa...)

I supported both underground oceans and the mountain biome on the other forums, I stand by that here. The ocean as it is, is quite boring. An expansion and alternate would be very welcome.

PS. Been away from any Terraria forums for awhile. Good to see you DarthEnderX
Someone actually linked at one of my suggestions? Holy marshmallows, I've finally gotten famous!

This is a really nice idea! But I'm not sure how good granite will look in a mountain environment.. I think marble in the ocean will look really good though!
I think it might be better the other way around. A mount Olympus type mountain, capped with a large marble complex of the gods, while the semi mystical granite elementals dwell in mystical ocean depths (bonus if ocean spawns on the side with the dungeon, considering the water theming)
To be fair, Harpies do already spawn in the sky. It would make sense to have the Greek themed area be the mountain. It would fit with what is already in the game. I do enjoy the idea of a special "sky island" that looks like a Greek temple at the mountain's peak. Not sure why I didn't bring it up earlier, as it is I built an Olympus temple in my sky arena. Though, I just got a great idea just need help from an editor...

Now this is bothersome, because an Atlantis area would also be really cool. However, Atlantis is usually depicted as being sunny and in shallow water. Very few depictions show a civilization in the empty darkness of the ocean. For this suggestion, the idea is a deep ocean underground which is far away from light. This would be more appropriate for the granite biome.

The thing is, both make sense. And frankly, I would be happy to see either version of the Marble area. As for the Granite, I think it depends on if players can explore the inside of the mountain. Say for example a cave midway up that is like current Granite biomes that if you explore inside will lead you to the peak. (I imagine you would need to have an interior pathway unless the player has high jumping power or another means to scale vertical walls.)

The one thing I would be curious about is if the mountain interior (If it exists) has magma above the normal spawn level. It definitely fits the overall theme but it could allow the player to let lava loose on the surface. The same is in theory true for the underground ocean but, it would be closer to the natural magma spawn level. The reason I question this is Marble + Lava doesn't feel right to me. Conversely, Granite almost feels incomplete without it.

So in summary... I'm useless. Both variants make sense and both sound like fun. Between the two options Marble Mountain/Granite Ocean makes the most logical sense. (Not that the difference is much) I think the deciding factor for my statement is the normal depiction of Atlantis. I have a very hard time seeing Atlantis as anything but sunny. (This is mostly due to Universal Islands of Adventure, Sea World, Disneyland's Submarine Voyage, Mandalay Bay Hotel and Disney's Atlantis.)
I've seen plenty of depictions of Atlantis deep in the ocean, but they ARE always well lit despite this simply because, well, nobody wants to watch a story taking place on a black screen.

It's like how every Batman cartoon takes place in the middle of the night, but you, the viewer, can still see fine.
Granite kind of reminds me of the way the Underground waterway looked in Symphony of the Night, so I could definitely see in in the ocean. Either way it'd probably look nice.
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