Other Vampirism

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1st: sorry for my English ':eek:
2nd: other suggestion related to vampires - Vampire Staff - Vampirism for Terraria by SzGamer227
3rd: official vampire buff already exists in game - https://terraria.wiki.gg/Moon_Stone
So, what I suggest here is to add a new permanent state based on popular beliefs about vampire weakneses.

Changelog (upd 13 jan 2019)
13 jan 2019
Added support banners and table of contents​

8 dec 2018
New sections "Advantages" and "Minor changes" were added
How to contact:
- added buff effect for new potion
Equipement changes:
- "On Fire!" debuff from equiping Solar Armor and such else was replaced by Burning debuff
Main changes to gameplay:
- added notes for sun inflicted "On Fire!" debuff and Obsidian Skin potion
- added thoughts on new potion​

Table of contents

How to contact
Potion sold by Skeleton Merchant.
Effect: inflicts Vampire debuff with limitied duration. This limited debuff can be healed by NPC Nurse or any restorative item. When left unattended debuff will progress to permanent version which is considered a buff.
Vampire debuff[promo] grants small improvement for stats and have zero disadvantages such as sun damage and else listed further.
Vampire buff[permanent] have some more advantages at cost of various disadvantages.

How to cure (permanent vampirism)
Crafting: Purification Powder (1) + Daybloom (5) + Bottled Water (1)

Main changes to gameplay
  • "On Fire!" debuff deals extra damage to player affected by Vampire buff.
  • Sun inflicts "On Fire!" debuff (how I see it: 4:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m., no walls, Sky and Surface level, Eclipse event is not active).
    Notes: this way "On Fire!" can be prevented by Obsidian Skin Potion. Alternatively, it can be changed too: sun inflicts different version of "On Fire!" which can not be prevented by Obsidian Skin Potion and will have a priority over original "On Fire!" (cancel and override its effect? so it wouldn't be possible to see two same debuff icons).
  • Running water
    I am not sure with this one but I think it will fit perfectly in Terraria.
    • Version 1 (impossible to implement?): invisible wall = water surface * some fixed height based on area of sight?. Monsters, projectiles, hooks are able to pass through this invisible wall, but player character is not. Falling in water will have same effect as falling on solid blocks. Placing objects?..
    • Version 2: knockback on contact with water.
    • Version 3: simply damage on contact with water.
    Any version: all those restictions are lifted when Blood Moon event is active.

Food changes
  • No "Well Fed" buff from food. Maybe add popup message without wasting item.
  • New dialogue option to feed on NPCs which will grant similar "Well Fed" buff.
    Evil addition, not viable: if player have low health, this interraction will also consume % of NPC health, therefore making it possible to kill NPCs. And this option is not viable because it will kill purpose of NPC Nurse.
    No new dialogue option for NPCs: Skeleton Merchant, Dryad, Truffle, Cyborg - they have no blood; Angler - child.
  • Tipsy buff - no changes

Equipement changes
  • Weapons
    Usage of following weapons will inflict Burning debuff on yourself.
    • Sunfury
    • Solar Eruption
    • Daybreak
    Usage of following weapons will inflict "Weak" debuff on yourself.
    • Excalibur
    • True Excalibur
    • Hallowed Repeater
    • Gungnir
  • Armor
    • Solar Flare armor inflicts Burning debuff when equiped.
    • Hallowed armor inflicts "Weak" debuff when equiped.
  • Accessories
    • Solar Wings inflicts Burning debuff when equiped.
    • Sun Stone inflicts Burning debuff when equiped.
    • Cobalt Shield inflicts "Weak" debuff when equiped.
    • Cross Necklace inflicts "Weak" debuff when equiped.
    • Paladin's Shield inflicts "Weak" debuff when equiped.
    • Angel Wings inflicts "Confused" debuff when equiped.
    • Pocket Mirror inflicts "Confused"(?) debuff when equiped.
    • Magic Mirror* will have no effect. Maybe add popup message on use
    • Ice Mirror* same as above.
* There are Recall Potions and Cell Phone `:naughty: Well, maybe add this restriction for expert mode only? No? Ok

Stake Launcher and Holy Water deals extra damage.
New potion with buff to negate sun damage exclusively for multiplayer:
  • crafting: Bottled Water (1) + Vile Mushroom (1) or Vicious Mushroom (1) + Deathweed (1) + Obsidian (1)
  • long duration for play session
  • effect is canceled when entered in single player mode (PvP too?).

  • Improved stats = A + B, where
    A - improvement from Vampire buff itself for vampires. Also same buff for non vampires from potion (see "How to contact").
    B - improved stats during the night or during a Solar Eclipse. No "B" for non vampires.
    For example, pre-hardmode total bonus can be half of what Moon Stone provides:
    +4~7% melee speed
    +4~7% damage (all types)
    +2% critical strike chance
    +10~25% minion knockback (?)
    Other ideas on stats, not good:
    • killing WoF and starting hardmode can be used to trigger some stat improvement because of monster origin (is it even possible?)
    • feeding can be used to trigger stats improvement over time. How fishing works by counting quest catches.
    • passing days ("immortality") could be counted: older = stronger
    • "RPG": add some stats and take from other stats.
  • Bat form
    How to use: press <key to mount>, mount slot should be empty.
    • sprite changes to bat
    • player's height changed to 2 tiles? Or dodging bonus?
    • cannot use any tools or weapons (basicaly same limitations as DCU have)
    • flying bonus: something like pre-hardmode Honeyed Goggles with changes: 1) no auto-hover and 2) no slow down in "tired" state for buffing it since you cannot use any tools or weapons.
  • Improved night vision.
    Version 1: unlimited effect of Night Owl buff, no need in Night Owl potion for vampires.
    Version 2: unlimited/limited effect of Night Owl buff which can be stack with Night Owl potion resulting in doubled/amplified effect.
    Version 3: same as ver.1 and 2 but Shine buff instead of Night Owl.
    I am afraid ver.2 can hurt people eyes or cause wrong effect on visual part of the game.

New beds available for everyone, no additional effect:
  • Silk (5) + Spooky Wood (15) = Coffin
  • Silk (5) + Ebonwood (15) = Ebonwood Coffin
  • Silk (5) + Shadewood (15) = Shadewood Coffin
  • Silk (5) + Gold Bar (15) = Sarcophagus

Minor changes
Hardcore: ash instead of ghost
PvP/Multiplayer: Hunter potion highlights vampire players

Other things not listed above:
  • bat form (see "Advantages"), mind control and other Dracula themed powers - I have no idea how it can be implemented or balanced;
  • invitation is required to enter NPC house - same as above;
  • garlic wasn't mentioned because I think it will be useless as decoration or plant -> unobtainable; and my best idea here: Garlic Necklace accessory :|
  • silver is werewolf stuff;
  • something else probably.

Place any of the codes below into your signature to support vampires



46x46_vampires_red.gif 46x46_vampires_blue.gif
1) 350x96, red:

2) 350x96, blue:

3) 240x32, red:

4) 240x32, blue:

5) 46x46, red:

6) 46x46, blue:

What do you think?
Last edited:
Low-key incredibly well structured and amazing idea. As much as I don't see it happening any time soon this is nonetheless very well thought-out.
What would be the advantage of being a Vampire? Right now, it only seems to be mostly debuffs and disadvantages(Melee users get hit hard with the no Solar weapons or Solar Armor.) Give us an incentive to be a Vampire. Something such as improved Night stats or improved stats in various in general in exchange for weakened Sun combat would be a start.

Happy suggesting.
Seems like it would be a fun and unique twist as a mod, but I personally don't feel like it would be a great fit for vanilla.
What would be the advantage of being a Vampire? Right now, it only seems to be mostly debuffs and disadvantages(Melee users get hit hard with the no Solar weapons or Solar Armor.) Give us an incentive to be a Vampire. Something such as improved Night stats or improved stats in various in general in exchange for weakened Sun combat would be a start.

Happy suggesting.
You are right. I edited 1st post: added advantages and fixed melee class, Solar set and other equipment. Please have a look
+ @MinerTurtle45 @Dakuryon @TheWorfer27 @Baconfry
Low-key incredibly well structured and amazing idea. As much as I don't see it happening any time soon this is nonetheless very well thought-out.
Thank you `:) I made some edits in 1st post, please have a look too

Seems like it would be a fun and unique twist as a mod, but I personally don't feel like it would be a great fit for vanilla.
While I disagree on Vanilla part, I understand why would you think so.
I think requesting a mod is very rude. But yes, mod will be great too :joy: if anyone willing to spend their time and talent on vampire stuff
Maybe it’s not permadent permadent but could be cured at any time? Some people don’t want their character being turned into it forever..
Also if this does get added, than people will want more things like this, like zombie forms.
Plus I don’t really see a point in this, only thing I could see it as is a challenge or something, nearly no one is gonna do this if it actually gets added,
It’s wellthought out, and maybe a good idea for a mod, but for main game is kinda ehhh
Now this is a LOT better. There are advantages to make up for the clear disadvantages and I'd say it can make for some interesting gameplay. Nice.
1st: sorry for my English ':eek:
2nd: other suggestion related to vampires - Vampire Staff - Vampirism for Terraria by SzGamer227
3rd: official vampire buff already exists in game - https://terraria.wiki.gg/Moon_Stone
So, what I suggest here is to add a new permanent state based on popular beliefs about vampire weakneses.

8 dec 2018
New sections "Advantages" and "Minor changes" were added
How to contact:
- added buff effect for new potion
Equipement changes:
- "On Fire!" debuff from equiping Solar Armor and such else was replaced by Burning debuff
Main changes to gameplay:
- added notes for sun inflicted "On Fire!" debuff and Obsidian Skin potion
- added thoughts on new potion

How to contact
Potion sold by Skeleton Merchant.
Effect: inflicts Vampire debuff with limitied duration. This limited debuff can be healed by NPC Nurse or any restorative item. When left unattended debuff will progress to permanent version which is considered a buff.
Vampire debuff[promo] grants small improvement for stats and have zero disadvantages such as sun damage and else listed further.
Vampire buff[permanent] have some more advantages at cost of various disadvantages.

How to cure (permanent vampirism)
Crafting: Purification Powder (1) + Daybloom (5) + Bottled Water (1)

Main changes to gameplay
  • "On Fire!" debuff deals extra damage to player affected by Vampire buff.
  • Sun inflicts "On Fire!" debuff (how I see it: 4:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m., no walls, Sky and Surface level, Eclipse event is not active).
    Notes: this way "On Fire!" can be prevented by Obsidian Skin Potion. Alternatively, it can be changed too: sun inflicts different version of "On Fire!" which can not be prevented by Obsidian Skin Potion and will have a priority over original "On Fire!" (cancel and override its effect? so it wouldn't be possible to see two same debuff icons).
  • Running water
    I am not sure with this one but I think it will fit perfectly in Terraria.
    • Version 1 (impossible to implement?): invisible wall = water surface * some fixed height based on area of sight?. Monsters, projectiles, hooks are able to pass through this invisible wall, but player character is not. Falling in water will have same effect as falling on solid blocks. Placing objects?..
    • Version 2: knockback on contact with water.
    • Version 3: simply damage on contact with water.
    Any version: all those restictions are lifted when Blood Moon event is active.

Food changes
  • No "Well Fed" buff from food. Maybe add popup message without wasting item.
  • New dialogue option to feed on NPCs which will grant similar "Well Fed" buff.
    Evil addition, not viable: if player have low health, this interraction will also consume % of NPC health, therefore making it possible to kill NPCs. And this option is not viable because it will kill purpose of NPC Nurse.
    No new dialogue option for NPCs: Skeleton Merchant, Dryad, Truffle, Cyborg - they have no blood; Angler - child.
  • Tipsy buff - no changes

Equipement changes
  • Weapons
    Usage of following weapons will inflict Burning debuff on yourself.
    • Sunfury
    • Solar Eruption
    • Daybreak
    Usage of following weapons will inflict "Weak" debuff on yourself.
    • Excalibur
    • True Excalibur
    • Hallowed Repeater
    • Gungnir
  • Armor
    • Solar Flare armor inflicts Burning debuff when equiped.
    • Hallowed armor inflicts "Weak" debuff when equiped.
  • Accessories
    • Solar Wings inflicts Burning debuff when equiped.
    • Sun Stone inflicts Burning debuff when equiped.
    • Cobalt Shield inflicts "Weak" debuff when equiped.
    • Cross Necklace inflicts "Weak" debuff when equiped.
    • Paladin's Shield inflicts "Weak" debuff when equiped.
    • Angel Wings inflicts "Confused" debuff when equiped.
    • Pocket Mirror inflicts "Confused"(?) debuff when equiped.
    • Magic Mirror* will have no effect. Maybe add popup message on use
    • Ice Mirror* same as above.
* There are Recall Potions and Cell Phone `:naughty: Well, maybe add this restriction for expert mode only? No? Ok

Stake Launcher and Holy Water deals extra damage.
New potion with buff to negate sun damage exclusively for multiplayer:
  • crafting: Bottled Water (1) + Vile Mushroom (1) or Vicious Mushroom (1) + Deathweed (1) + Obsidian (1)
  • long duration for play session
  • effect is canceled when entered in single player mode (PvP too?).

  • Improved stats = A + B, where
    A - improvement from Vampire buff itself for vampires. Also same buff for non vampires from potion (see "How to contact").
    B - improved stats during the night or during a Solar Eclipse. No "B" for non vampires.
    For example, pre-hardmode total bonus can be half of what Moon Stone provides:
    +4~7% melee speed
    +4~7% damage (all types)
    +2% critical strike chance
    +10~25% minion knockback (?)
    Other ideas on stats, not good:
    • killing WoF and starting hardmode can be used to trigger some stat improvement because of monster origin (is it even possible?)
    • feeding can be used to trigger stats improvement over time. How fishing works by counting quest catches.
    • passing days ("immortality") could be counted: older = stronger
    • "RPG": add some stats and take from other stats.
  • Bat form
    How to use: press <key to mount>, mount slot should be empty.
    • sprite changes to bat
    • player's height changed to 2 tiles? Or dodging bonus?
    • cannot use any tools or weapons (basicaly same limitations as DCU have)
    • flying bonus: something like pre-hardmode Honeyed Goggles with changes: 1) no auto-hover and 2) no slow down in "tired" state for buffing it since you cannot use any tools or weapons.
  • Improved night vision.
    Version 1: unlimited effect of Night Owl buff, no need in Night Owl potion for vampires.
    Version 2: unlimited/limited effect of Night Owl buff which can be stack with Night Owl potion resulting in doubled/amplified effect.
    Version 3: same as ver.1 and 2 but Shine buff instead of Night Owl.
    I am afraid ver.2 can hurt people eyes or cause wrong effect on visual part of the game.

New beds available for everyone, no additional effect:
  • Silk (5) + Spooky Wood (15) = Coffin
  • Silk (5) + Ebonwood (15) = Ebonwood Coffin
  • Silk (5) + Shadewood (15) = Shadewood Coffin
  • Silk (5) + Gold Bar (15) = Sarcophagus

Minor changes
Hardcore: ash instead of ghost
PvP/Multiplayer: Hunter potion highlights vampire players

Other things not listed above:
  • bat form (see "Advantages"), mind control and other Dracula themed powers - I have no idea how it can be implemented or balanced;
  • invitation is required to enter NPC house - same as above;
  • garlic wasn't mentioned because I think it will be useless as decoration or plant -> unobtainable; and my best idea here: Garlic Necklace accessory :|
  • silver is werewolf stuff;
  • something else probably.

What do you think?
This is amazing, but I have to wonder if you thought about it in this way.

An accessory that emulates being a vampire in certain ways:

On Fire! Debuff when standing in direct sunlight.

Certain enemies, as well as all bosses, drop vials of blood you can drink to sate your vampire hunger for a day. Not drinking blood causes a debuff when you are starved, including maybe a minor slowing effect in movement and use of items. When sated, you gain a set of stat buffs, and hunters vision to see monsters nearby in darkness, as well as increased visibility in darkness.

This same vampire accessory can also give you bat wings with decreased effectiveness so its not too powerful when you start a new game with it.

And when you equip the accessory, maybe you can have it so that you need to feed on vials of blood x amount of times before you are allowed to take the vampire accessory off, or have to find a set of special items to be able to remove it from your person. Could add to the experience.

Just something to ponder on, thought up on the spot, and I didn't notice someone else suggest this as well, but I could have missed that and I'm sorry for repeating words. Sounds really cool though!
The updated suggestion is greatly improved from the original, I really like the changes you made. :happy:
I think requesting a mod is very rude. But yes, mod will be great too :joy: if anyone willing to spend their time and talent on vampire stuff
I wasn't necessarily requesting a mod, just saying that the suggestion would fit well as one.
@Predious, sorry for late reply. No, I didn't thought about it that way. I like your ideas

I updated 1st post. This time I brought support banners, feel free to use. Place any of the codes below into your signature to support vampires




1) 350x96, red:

2) 350x96, blue:

3) 240x32, red:

4) 240x32, blue:

5) 46x46, red:

6) 46x46, blue:
the only thing id want changed or rather added is adding an option to switch the burning effect in when in sunlight with a weakened effect and toggle between it in the options menu everything else so far is amazing
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