J Bame
Medusa's Head felt underwhelming for when you were able to obtain this in the core progression. So, this has been reworked to have a quite unique attack style.
I may be imagining it, but aren't these Wandering Eyes moving differently? Have their rushes always been so... straight? I dunno, what I do know but Medusa's head is actually a good weapon now and that makes me happy.
No longer content to exist solely on the X-Axis, your favorite stabby weapons are now able to poke at foes in all directions!
I wonder if this is limited to the direction your character is facing, or if they are in any direction you'd want like Spears. Whichever it is they won't be a waste of bars anymore (well they'll probably still be since the hitbox is this small and a bow is still better but we'll have to wait and see)
Flails felt left behind by the introduction of Yoyos, so they have all new functionality to restore their status as useful weapons
We can finally flail the flails, amazing. I wonder if this is applied to stuff like Chain Knife and Guillotines as well.
Magic Missile has been overhauled to be more lethal and fun to use than ever before!
Projectile is faster and has homing if you release it
Has a moderate AoE damage explosion on impact
Making the thing homing feels like it removes the only purpose to ever be able to control it in the first place, besides sniping behind blocks of course. But who cares, my boy Flamelash and Rainbow Rod are finally good weapons now
New Set Bonus: Holy Protection
Familiar to most users as Shadow Dodge, Hallowed has had its previously stat-based set bonus replaced with a periodic immunity to damage.
Upon attacking an enemy, you will gain a buff. If an enemy hits you during this buff, you will gain a very brief immunity to damage.
After this period of immunity, at least 30 seconds must pass before you can re-activate the immunity buff.
I really hope that cape is part of the set. We can also see the old sprite in the background in what's supposedly a dyed mannequin so that's nice.
Some people are saying that's a new headpiece he's wearing, but i'm pretty sure that it's just the resprited mask. On another note, Excalibur looks unchanged and that disappoints me a little.
I wonder if 1.1 ores are getting stuff too, it'll feel weird at this point.
Stardust Guardian now has a more much vigorous and aggressive attack, and he will attack automatically without prompting. All resemblance to a certain anime is purely coincidental.
As cool as this looks, seeing that punch barrage struggling to deal 2000~ damage to a single Bone Lee doesn't give me much hope for the poor Guardian. Well, he will feel like an actual set bonus instead of a vanity and that's enough for me.
Solar Armor is no longer content to sit at the back of the line, so it's set bonus now grants more defense than ever before... along with a passive regen effect.
Solar Helmet critical chance bonus increased from 17% to 26%
Solar Breastplate melee damage bonus increased from 22% to 29%
Each piece of the set now gives 1 HP/s regen
Instead of 30% damage reduction whenever you have charges, part of Solar Armor's damage reduction is now active at all times, with the amount increasing when you have shield charges. This gives Solar Armor a more persistent durability.
Recharge time between shield charges reduced by 1 second
If the dash isn't always active now I will not craft this armor even with these buffs.