What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?

Magic Sponge

Duke Fishron
Sometimes our brain just gives up while dreaming and spews random nonsense at you (or just plops you in your school naked). So, whats the weirdest dream you've ever had?

As for me, I had been walking down my school hallway, when suddenly my friend comes up to me. He told me that if I didn't duck down, I was gonna die. I didn't really understand, but I still ducked down into a ball. He screamed saying I was doing it wrong and then ran away. It turns out he meant that I needed to get a duck down on the ground. Right before I was shot by something, I woke up.

Anyone got something weirder than that?
I've had plenty of dreams were I am falling, and seconds before I hit the ground I jump awake. I despise them because they often leave me with a small headache due to how quickly I wake/sit up.
I've also had some strange dreams involving giant ants.
That's about a 9/10 weird. All I get is either normal dreams or nightmares in which I am forced to eat meats/dairy, I always wake up horrified from those, so that's weird I guess.

Edit: Was supposed to quote OP's post
Another odd dream I once had as a kid:

I once dreamed that a smaller version of the monster house from the movie "Monster House" was attacking my grandma's house because it dumped the monster house. When I realized it was a dream, I tried to sharkboy and lavagirl outta there, but I was so sleepy that I couldn't blink thrice and kept wanting to fall asleep because I could get my eyelids open. It started coming at me, so I told it to wait and it did. Eventually I woke up. The end.
"The White Dream" a reoccurring dream I have where I'm trapped in an expansive world of white, nothing else, with an all white version of myself staring down at the actual me who is laying on the ground. Why its weird? I've been having this dream for years, I literally cant even remember when it started.
So, I'm on an island with some small house on it. There's a wooden board half on the island and half over the water. I'm on the end of the water side and there's a washing machine on the other side. All of a sudden, a random old lady jumps onto the washing machine and I somehow get catapulted out into the ocean. Then I wake up.

That's wiord, right?
Well, here's another weird one, I was drowning, in a bath tub. wearing a sombrero, and with a chicken wing in my mouth :confused:
Usually my dreams look like I am awake and I do stuff, talk to people, etc etc...
But sometimes I get dream where I am inside a fantasy world and all sorts of characters I love appear and we do stuff together! (Sometimes with tragic endings)
I had a dream where I was in a fancy hotel. My brother ran up some endless stairs, and I went into an elevator in the middle. I reached the top of the stairs, but then the entire dream repeated, except I was slightly taller. When I got really tall, I got cramped in the elevator. Considering I couldn't choose to go up the stairs and I have claustrophobia, that was a pretty terrifying experience.

It was recurring so I had it for a few years.
I had a really weird dream after a Harry Potter marathon. It took place after the last movie, except Voldemort and Bellatrix weren't dead and they were going to some crazy court room. In the dream I was Harry, and he was hell-bent on killing Bellatrix with the Killing Curse. He eventually found her but missed, then Snape showed up (who was also alive for some reason) and used the curse on her instead and he got arrested. For some reason his punishment was to be turned into a plant. Then I woke up.

Weird, huh?
Cross posting two posts from another forum that had this topic:

My most recent dream was some dumb game store with cool :red:. There were some collectors editions on sale for lots of ancient stuff, like Morrowind. Due to the warping nature of dreams, I undoubtedly got there from something entirely unrelated, but eh, kind of boring. I often dream of alternate scenarios in life that make me not want to wake up or go back to sleep and re-enter it.

One dream I had once though was so surreal I've never forgotten it, a dark city flooded by eternal rain and a black sky, everyone in raincoats and travelling by boat. Really dismal place, everyone felt lifeless and depressed. I got stuck somewhere and had to be picked up by my ex's mother of all people, and since I was still kind of enemies with said girl at the time, in the dream it was a very silent awkward standoffish type of thing. I remember getting encouraged to try to get it all sorted out, and was on the verge of speaking when I woke up.

I later did temporarily mend the relationship and have a sort of ceasefire for a year or two thanks to that dream, and a few others that preceded it (which were similarly themed and seemed to build off the next in a less dismal world), but the first one was unforgettable.

Discussion with Eris reminded me of a lucid dream that became a lucid nightmare I had around ten years ago.

I kind of woke up inside my dream and found myself in the middle of absolutely nowhere, woods behind me, empty field before me and to my sides, with more woods in the distance on each side, with nothing in front. And so, confused as to why I was not sleeping in my bed, I wandered forward, through a rocky barren field with a rough flat landscape, dried up patchy brown vegetation, rough rocks and boulders, it was also a sunny day with a blue sky spotted with clouds and rather hot. Eventually, exhausted, I came upon a straight road that went right through this huge empty field. I stood on the edge of the road, wondering again, where the hell I was, how I got here, and what, if anything, I was supposed to do.

Then, out of nowhere, a car is heading for me at full speed, and I jump out of the way before I get run down, falling at the side of the road...which previously unnoticed, is full of sharp debris, broken glass bottles, barbed wire (!?), rusted blades, etc. In dodging the car, I had fallen right into this mess, hands first. My right wrist was brutally ripped open by the junk, and I was screaming in pain, clutching my wrist in absolute terror and disbelief, blood, torn muscle, all that.

Then I woke up screaming, still feeling that pain and for a few seconds that felt like minutes, the real world around me was a confusing blur. The second I had enough awareness to know I was actually home, I instinctively went for a light to look at my wrist. It was reddish and sensitive for the rest of the night. My brain was so fully convinced everything was real that it was registering actual pain signals and reacting to them. I'm amazed nobody heard me yelling D: I had mostly forgotten this until now. :red: lucid nightmares man, :red: them.
I had a dream once that I was walking with Micheal Stevens from Vsauce, and some other person that I didn't recognize (I guess?) through the woods. We came upon a howling wolf, standing on a large cliff with a waterfall, and it jumped off and died at the sight of us. Then... Somehow... I ended up in the water and some kind of water demon ate me... :confused:
I'm not a particularly dark person, so this dream was really out there for me.

I also had a dream where the Mane six from my little pony were in my room (?), and Rainbow Dash was emo and talking about suicide. (Yea I have no clue)
G'blrah. I can't. 90% of my "weirdest dreams" tend to predict the future in some way or other. They predicted the death of my grandfather this year, some articles by a new-age reporter guy, (Being purposely vague here. >.> ... ) someone's house catching on fire, and me making some truly remarkable egg salad using a purple onion. Hardly innovative culinary territory, but I'll take it. But of course there are so many dreams that I don't dare even attempt to sift out the predictive dreams from the merely simulatory dreams. There is no distinction.

The sort of thought-spew that would satisfy the topic's course at hand would likely be the dreamstuff in which non-sequitors occur. Oh those are the most fun!

Like the time I dreamed about a zombie biting me and infecting me, but then things just kinda stopped when I wasn't being turned into a zombie after all. The zombie just kinda looked at me like he wasn't sure what was supposed to happen, and I just shrugged. It got really boring after that.
I had a dream that I was back in 7th grade, and I was in my math class. We where doing nothing, while all the teachers where out on the front lawn learning how to ride horses. All of a sudden, some guy shouts look, and we all look out the window to see a horse riding away with my math teacher tied to it. Warning, things start to get weird right here. On the bus ride home, its just me and some other guy, and he is sitting across from me. We start talking, and I find out this guy's a processional hacker. I tell him I am a processional coder (because I know some javascript) and we both kinda nod. Suddenly, we both jump at each other, and basically get into a fist fight, which ends up with me tied to the seat, and the guy with a black eye. I randomly shout "Arm wrestle me!" and a table appears and we do an arm wrestle. In mid arm wrestle, I wake up. This dream is 100% legit, I kid you not
I walk into a dark room. The only light source is a spotlight that didn't come from any discernible source and that shone upon an elderly man sitting in a metal folding chair. He faced away from me such that I could only see his back and not his face. From what I could tell, he was quite sickly, as his skin was very pale and he was shivering as if he was cold. When he spoke, his voice sounded hoarse and frail. He was speaking softly to someone I could not see that he referred to as a "little him," and he said that he loved and was going to take good care of the "little him." I had assumed that he was talking to a grandchild of his. All of a sudden, however, I somehow realized that we were the only two in the room, and that he wasn't talking to another person. He was talking to his illness. He started to turn around. I woke up.
I've had plenty of dreams were I am falling, and seconds before I hit the ground I jump awake. I despise them because they often leave me with a small headache due to how quickly I wake/sit up.
I've also had some strange dreams involving giant ants.
Isn't that sleep paralysis?
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