Why are the best armor and weapons locked behind the hardest boss?

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I suppose there could be contention behind all the items dropped by the Moon Lord as being best in class but it seriously confuses me that these items, these end game items, are locked behind the only end game that the game has, at this point. So I beat Moon Lord, I got lunar flare and prism crystal, full nebula armor... now what? The only thing these weapons are useful for is fighting Moon Lord easier... but I already have everything I want from Moon Lord as I play primarily magic, I have no real interest in the other weapons. I've already done everything, there's nothing keeping me around. What purpose was there to getting those weapons and armor in the first place? The only thing they would be useful for is fighting Moon Lord. I suppose one could take those items from normal to fight him on expert, but I played the game start to finish on expert, which thank god I got him downed before they patched in the teleporting though i imagine I would have just moved the nurse to my room (giggidy) and placed a teleporter in my room so I could cellphone, heal, teleport hopefully in time, but that's getting off-topic.

Perhaps it's just me but it seems like hiding the most awesome stuff behind the only end game, is pointless. If he doesn't drop anything there's no reason to ever fight him? Sure there is, he's the most difficult thing to fight, that there is reason enough to fight him. And for the people that don't want to bother? All the power to them, because you know what they're going to get the stuff anyways. One way or another someone will make the thing that lets people have all the items without getting them "properly". Just my thoughts, I'd like to hear others.

TL;DR Title, best stuff is useless if you've already beaten the hardest thing.
It's a gaming tradition. You beat the last boss, get great items and then proceed to visit the places where you had trouble with, say "remember me, b**ches?" and rain down sweet vengeance. Then get bored and make your own challenges, or move to Expert mode if not already, start from scratch with a new character, or just go watch youtube videos of fluffy cats.

Bonus objective: slay mrmcmo's dragons
to gloat to friends
I suppose, I DID gloat to my brother (younger, mid teens, :p) that I beat him on expert on my own using the nurse, who never got attention from me ever, who couldn't using the same strategy. But again, that was still before I had post-ML weapons and armor.

It's a gaming tradition. You beat the last boss, get great items and then proceed to visit the places where you had trouble with, say "remember me, b**ches?" and rain down sweet vengeance. Then get bored and make your own challenges, or move to Expert mode if not already, start from scratch with a new character, or just go watch youtube videos of fluffy cats.

Bonus objective: slay mrmcmo's dragons

True, there is some small delight in returning to the pillars with lunar flare and nebula armor and pretty much wrecking what was otherwise a bit of a beach.

I suppose it just seems like Moon Lord was meant to be fought with the stuff you were able to get after beating him. Once I had lunar flare and nebula armor I didn't really need to cheese him as the regen from the set was amazing, combined with quaffing every other potion in the game. Which is why the only thing I can figure is it was intended to fight him normal, get gear, THEN fight him expert *shrug*
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