Why is Zenith a Other classification?


I'm a person who usually uploads a video of the PC Terraria guide. This time, I would like to upload a guide for the type of sword. But there's a problem. I wonder why Janice went into a different category.
I'm so curious why it went into a different category.

As far as I know, sword-type weapons are arc-shaped and attack-oriented. Is it a different classification because Janice attacks or moves differently?

I got help from a translator because I am not good at English. I hope the sentence above is delivered properly.

Thank you for reading the long article.
Ahh, the Zenith

Truth to be told, not all swords have the same overhead swing animations. Taking the Arkhalis and Starlight as example. Some other weapons also have unique animations, like the Solar Eruption and Scourge of the Corruptor.

So it they can't all be classified by the same animation.
The wiki's categories for weapons are made by the community, not relogic.

They also tend to be weird and inconsistent, such as Solar Eruption being listed as a flail for the longest time despite looking and acting completely different, or Magic weapons being all over the place, so dont take them too seriously.
무기에 대한 위키의 범주는 커뮤니티가 만든 것이지 relogic이 아닙니다.

그들은 또한 이상하고 일관성이 없는 경향이 있습니다. 예를 들어 Solar Eruption이 완전히 다른 모습과 행동에도 불구하고 오랫동안 도리깨로 나열되거나 마법 무기가 도처에 존재하므로 너무 심각하게 받아들이지 마세요.
매우 감사합니다!
Ahh, the Zenith

Truth to be told, not all swords have the same overhead swing animations. Taking the Arkhalis and Starlight as example. Some other weapons also have unique animations, like the Solar Eruption and Scourge of the Corruptor.

So it they can't all be classified by the same animation.
Thank you so much!
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