Mobile why?

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It's usually called a "fad." One or two people get something, others find it amusing and imitate it, and soon there's dozens of people using the same thing, most of them not even knowing how it started or why it was originally used.

It's human nature to want to be a part of something, no matter how small and pointless that something is. Geneticists are working hard to find out which gene causes it and remove it, tho. :dryadwink:
Recently, someone posted a how-to tutorial to make custom variants of that animated gif, after which quite a few people have done so. Its not actually that many, maybe 10 or so. Most won't be there in a month or two.
Ok then, Let me give y'all the full history on how this all started:

Well first off, I was trying to make a more complex gif and I decided to use Caramelldansen to work off of. So I drew up Helena (my OC), made the gif, and posted it on my art thread. A lot of people liked it, and after *a little* encouragement, I started using it as my avatar. Soon after, people began asking where/who made the gif and started asking me to make one for them. I completed around two, for darthmorf and Sodapone as I know them, and their OCs relatively well.

Soon after, ppowersteef ended up making his own (fairly impressive is it not?) and he posted the tutorial a bit later. It's a very simple tutorial, and many people started making their own. I threw in a few tips here and there, made Samrux one too (even though I said I'd be making them anyway) and bam, fad is in place.

So if it isn't me, darthmorf, sodapone, or Samrux (for now), I didn't make it, and I had no real intention to start a fad.
It's the caramelldansen, and is a type of fad which these forums are pretty good at producing.
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