I just feel the mod has more long term appeal than calamity, there is no end.Oh my! I loved what you said there, you have read my mind.
First, about the Orbs: I also noticed that Green Orbs end up accumulating a lot more than Red Orbs, so I'm thinking on multiple creative ways of exchange besides crafting.
Second, a Big Gem of Upgrade is a superb idea, but it would be quite expansive to get. I might add a "Superior Upgrade Gem" that instantly increases the Quality by 25 to 30 at the cost of 20 of the regular ones.
Third, increasing the mining power of axes and hammers is not a problem, but messing with the pickaxes is a bit dangerous since it could potentially allow the player to mine powerful ores too soon. I'm thinking on adding a maximum bonus of 4% bonus mining power. Also, the Skill System already increases the mining speed of all tools by 15% at Master Level (10), so adding another way of increasing it's mining speed to synergize with it would be neat.
And last, I'm quite surprised my mod would be considered better than the Calamity mod so, thanks, I really appreciate that.
Oh, I see that bug is fixed. But the two example I gave, Starbolt is still increasing Strength attribute, and Ice Spike is still increasing Dexterity attribute.There you go. Every projectile of unknown damage shot by the player may receive the damage type of the weapon that it came from. This does not apply to secondary projectiles (projectiles that come from other projectiles).
I just feel the mod has more long term appeal than calamity, there is no end.
Also, you could increase the use time instead of pickaxes and axes by percent. So, instead of mining power, you could add .2% use time increase per gem (rounding up, of course.) This way, you can't mine adamantite with a copper pickaxe, but you could still cut through dirt, stone, gems, ores and more like butter if you had enough upgrades.
why the glass requirement? I've never gotten glass or fallen stars out of a destiny box, so why include them in the crafting materials?
Oh, I see that bug is fixed. But the two example I gave, Starbolt is still increasing Strength attribute, and Ice Spike is still increasing Dexterity attribute.
I guess this is because they shared the same projectiles that are already in vanilla. Maybe I am wrong.
Edit: Also, this update broke thorium's grave buster and grand thunder bird summon, tested with only d-mode, thorium and cheat sheet enabled on 32 bit tmodloader.
Edit2: And possible calamity's shadowdrop staff, too.
Holding an item with your cursor and then right clicking a tome of ownership uses a tome but no item becomes owned. Same thing with gem of upgrade.
Why not use amber instead of glass? you already have amber from chests plus its rare and you don't need to tear up beaches and deserts late game. It would make amber much more useful.Surely.
It's way to compensate the Orbs I removed from the crafting recipe last time, and also to difficult the crafting of the new Superior Gem of Upgrade. I'm testing and playing to see what's a good "trade".
Well that's trouble... I'll try to think on another solution. Can you tell the developers to define the damage types in those weapons, it would really help me.
Thanks for the feedback you all, you are really helping me a lot finding those bugs and also giving me ideas that I can work with. I might consider adding exclusive content in the mod just for you guys, as a mean of showing my thankfulness.
Why not use amber instead of glass? you already have amber from chests plus its rare and you don't need to tear up beaches and deserts late game. It would make amber much more useful.
i like the idea of worse efficiency for not having to use extra materials. Maybe the superior (or higher?) gem of upgrade can use amber in its more efficient recipe.You are absolutely right, after playing it, I noticed that using glass is a horrible idea and very costly... both in time and Sand Blocks (poor Deserts... ). However, getting amber from the Destiny Boxes is quite slow, so I'm thinking on making multiple recipes that use the different rewards given by the Destiny Boxes, such as obsidian and the gemstones. Of course there will be a recipe that uses only Orbs, but it cost efficiency will be the worst. How about that?
EDIT [1]: I'm also going to refactor some chances on the Destiny Box, so that it's easier to get greater rewards.
i like the idea of worse efficiency for not having to use extra materials. Maybe the superior (or higher?) gem of upgrade can use amber in its more efficient recipe.
Oh, I see that bug is fixed. But the two example I gave, Starbolt is still increasing Strength attribute, and Ice Spike is still increasing Dexterity attribute.
I guess this is because they shared the same projectiles that are already in vanilla. Maybe I am wrong.
Edit: Also, this update broke thorium's grave buster and grand thunder bird summon, tested with only d-mode, thorium and cheat sheet enabled on 32 bit tmodloader.
Edit2: And possible calamity's shadowdrop staff, too.
That's normal. I remembered that I've changed it. The amount of Maximum General Levels and Maximum Attribute Levels you get per reset has also been decreased.View attachment 215688
I think I found a bug.
I didn't think of this until now. Target Dummies can be abused for XP on skills. This might lead to people going afk and rubber banding the left mouse button down instead of having fun (Especially for piercing weapons). If you don't want to change it, I understand. They are training dummies after all.
EDIT: Statue spawned mobs might be something to think about too.
One day, yes, but first I need to finish the mod itself and only then, I going to add more mod synergy.Will enemies' level increase after modded boss being defeated?
I choose option 2. It also looks easier to implement than option 1.Yes... I'm still thinking on ways to counteract that, and I got 2 ideas:
- Option 1) Register the player's velocities and past velocities, checking if the player is actually trying to fight. Because when fighting the player usually moves a lot.
- Option 2) If the player stays completely immobile for more than 15 seconds, the player gets a buff that sets all of his / her damage values to 0%, making it impossible to afk farm.
One day, yes, but first I need to finish the mod itself and only then, I going to add more mod synergy.
Velocites can be easily bypassed with minecarts. Maybe check how long it's been after the mouse was last moved?Yes... I'm still thinking on ways to counteract that, and I got 2 ideas:
- Option 1) Register the player's velocities and past velocities, checking if the player is actually trying to fight. Because when fighting the player usually moves a lot.
- Option 2) If the player stays completely immobile for more than 15 seconds, the player gets a buff that sets all of his / her damage values to 0%, making it impossible to afk farm.
One day, yes, but first I need to finish the mod itself and only then, I going to add more mod synergy.
How's the infusion system coming along? Need any ideas?
Velocites can be easily bypassed with minecarts. Maybe check how long it's been after the mouse was last moved?
I choose option 2. It also looks easier to implement than option 1.
How's the infusion system coming along? Need any ideas?
Velocites can be easily bypassed with minecarts. Maybe check how long it's been after the mouse was last moved?
My exp on strength is -2%. I'm playing on normal and my strength stat is level 2166. I mainly use the upgrade gems because of this, i have no idea why it's happening.
EDIT: it goes positive after using a skill upgrade gem.
Also, I feel a Big Destiny Box is needed. Just craft it with 10 of the normal ones.