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I decide to just leave you, partly because I don't know what you mean by "quickwalling".

And now that same person is attacking me with the same strategy, and I don't know how to defend against it because I don't know what it is.
I decide to counter it with archers, with ballistics, and free you with siege rams with 6 Champions in them each.

And now the same person is salty and spamming Cobra Cars on me.
Have a raven called Nevermore instead to help defend you.

I've been tricked and now a mason is trying to seal me behind a brick wall.
I kill them by dropping a cask of Amontillado on their head before they can use the battery.

And now I'm being tormented by a raven.
I 360° no-scope the raven and I imagine it would die from that.

I’m not being attacked by an unkindness of ravens (That’s actually what it’s called, I checked).
A yell "Nevermore" at them, causing them to disappear.

There is now a person trying to stab me with a trowel.
I quickly suffocate one with a towel, and behead them with a shovel...? Wait, I got you instead of that person.

And a dragon's thinking of taking revenge on me by clawing me out of living realm.
Well, you did remove my head with a shovel, so...

I did not perform a ritual to make myself undead, so I am about to die from my head no longer being connected to my body.
*just tries to stick it back on with a bunch of glue and duct tape*

Someone's threatening to shoot me if I don't give them money.
I decide to give them money myself, and then claw out their throat while they're distracted.

And now someone else is trying to kill me for doing that
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