Member-Run Project ~ Terraria 1.3 Findings Thread! [Spoilers Inside] ~

I found out probably the best way in my opinion to beat the Lunar Boss

I am going to set an alarm and download it ASAP and play it, so I'm reserving this spot for findings I can actively add to this list C: If that's alright? :D

Currently in Expert mode
All these items I've obtained in Expert mode and on a Crimson World and have no comparison to normal mode/A Corruption World differences may be apparent or not:
- 2 Platforms per 1 wood now from crafting.
- Radar found in normal chests; allows you to see how many enemies are nearby.
- Wand of Sparking (Magic weapon) found in normal chests.
- Stopwatch Sold from the Traveling Merchant (Tracks how fast you're moving)
- Life Form Analyzer Sold from the Traveling Merchant (Tracks if there are rare creatures around you.)
- DPS Meter Sold by the Traveling Merchant (Tracks how much Damage Per Second you're doing.)
- Wooden Yo-yo (Weapon) Made by combining 10 Wood and 20 Cobweb at a Crafting Table
- Amazon (Yo-yo Weapon) made by combining 8 Rich Mahogany Wood, 2 Stingers, 1 Vine and 3 Spores at a Lead/Iron Anvil
- Detonator placeable object found underground use unknown to me.
- New (Underground?) Jungle Enemy "Salamander" 130 HP
- New (Underground?) Jungle Enemy "Crawdad" 100 HP
- Vicious Mushroom Material (Crimson's version of Vile Mushroom)
- New Critter "Red Squirrel"
- New Blood Moon Enemy "Blood Zombie" 150 HP
- New Blood Moon Enemy "Dripper" 100 HP
- Shark Tooth Necklace (Accessory) + 5 to Armor Penetration (Drops from Dripper and Blood Zombie.)
- Armor Penetration New Stat on Accessories and possibly items.
- Money Trough (Summoning item) Summons a Flying Piggy bank that you can access at any time. Dropped from Blood Zombie (Probably rare given how amazing it is but unsure at this time.)
- New Blood Moon Monster "The Bride" 400 HP Drops Guaranteed: Wedding Veil, Wedding Dress.
- All Colors of Slimes have banners it seems, after 50 kills like any other enemy they each have separate color banners. (Yay for Leinfors ! ((Whoops sorry for the tag))
(Enemies are mean and steal your monies... although the changelog said that D; )
How do you get the Shadow Dye?
Pinky now drops its own gel - Pink Gel, obviously. Makes bouncy blocks, explosives and various pink things.
so I have found several things:
-beautiful marble furniture
-medusa head- rare drop from medusa, OP as :red:. hold down to charge for more damage, can hit unlimited monsters in a large radius aroundthe player. full charge has around 100 dmg. this thing will :red: up-
any prehardmode invasion
BoC (it owns all the creepers in 2 shots)
-slime rain- slimes fall from the sky. they have items in them
pinky may spawn
mostly purple, blue, and green slimes except at night, when black slimes spawn
after you finish, you dont get the achievement
-marble biome- all the enemies in here are :red:s, but with decent loot
-ice mirror- reskin of magic mirror
-cell phone- it tinkers from the magic mirror and something called PDA (a gps upgrade). it acts like a gps with magic mirror function
-negative dye- like negative paint. not as cool as shadow dye
Where did you find the shadow dye?
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