Console Console Update Timing

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They really need to kick it into high gear because I can see pc will be at 1.3.2 (and well into 1.3.3) before we even get the rest of 1.2.4 ;(

It's getting to the point of me deleting the game and go back to dumb old Minecraft. And I'll tell everyone I know not to buy Terraria at all. You game devs have lost a part of your player base now :sigh:
1.2.4 is the current version that the Console edition has. It was released for Console around 6 months ago, I believe.
I'm talking about the rest of 1.2.4
They really need to kick it into high gear because I can see pc will be at 1.3.2 (and well into 1.3.3) before we even get the rest of 1.2.4 ;(

It's getting to the point of me deleting the game and go back to dumb old Minecraft. And I'll tell everyone I know not to buy Terraria at all. You game devs have lost a part of your player base now :sigh:
I know I don't even play console edition anymore.
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Honestly a simple: 'Hey guys 505 here. Yes, we do care and we are still working on the project, for those who (rightfully) believed we shelved it. Please be patient! I'm the only guy working on the project!' Minus the last part. xD I don't need a progress report, I just want to know from the company (not TForums admins and Relogic PR) if this is actually still something they care about... because the vibes i'm getting are: 'We're 505, thanks for your money *cue evil laugh*"'

Edit: They released a news update! Awesome, let the hype go on, and the Salt die off.
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Honestly a simple: 'Hey guys 505 here. Yes, we do care and we are still working on the project, for those who (rightfully) believed we shelved it. Please be patient! I'm the only guy working on the project!' Minus the last part. xD I don't need a progress report, I just want to know from the company (not TForums admins and Relogic PR) if this is actually still something they care about... because the vibes i'm getting are: 'We're 505, thanks for your money *cue evil laugh*"
I guess i was right when i said tons of people are not hyped anymore or are losing faith
I was never really in the crowd of people who get super hyped over a game update. To me, those seem to be the people who get the most upset when there's a delay in the update.

The second half of 1.2.4 was announced when the first half was sent to MS/Sony for approval. I thought it was fine. We got a solid update, and would later get the rest as bug-free as possible.

Just because posts on the console-side of things seem to be dying off, doesn't mean players are going away. I'm sure things will pick up after some news is released. I feel at this point there's not really anything new to bring to this discussion and the bulk of posts seem to be either:

a) Attacks on developers for the delay.

b) People defending the delay and/or developers.
I'm not involved with that, I'm only the forum admin. I can't tell you what the plans for 1.3 are on mobile/console, and even if I knew it's not my place to say. It's also not really the topic of this thread.

My concern is that emotions are boiling over here and people are starting to take it out on each other. We cannot allow that to happen, whatever the situation with delays or lack of news. My understanding is that there IS no news to relay at this time. That's all I know.

For those who are calling for 505Games to 'release the game already' - they can't simply do that. The process requires approval from Sony/MS/Nintendo on the respective platforms for any major release/update, and without their say-so it just ain't happening. I'm not trying to shift blame here, just giving facts.


My words were meant for everyone in the thread, not just you. I hope that everyone is as willing to dial it back a bit as you seem to be.
It's alright, I understand. At least we know that is coming out soon, but one thing, about the approval, doesn't it take up to a week for Sony and MS and only three for Nintendo? Oh and also sorry about everything going on here, it must be difficult to calm people down.[/QUOTE]
but one thing, about the approval, doesn't it take up to a week for Sony and MS and only three for Nintendo?
The approvals take "as long as it takes" for each platform. It is not possible to gauge how long they will take by comparing to previous Terraria updates, or by comparing to other games. Once submitted, 505Games is also in the same waiting game as everyone else.

"Up to a week" sounds reasonable and may well be the case, but in no way is it a guarantee. Hopefully, the preparations prior to submission will mean relatively smooth sailing through the process.
GOD I can't wait until the 1.3 update all of you other people are just impatient people who are hating I for once am patient all you people have to do is just wait and give the 505 people a chance
How long do you expect me to wait? One year? two? Hell no. we have waited too long. I'm concerned as I don't think any other gaming company has ever done this. Its very weird. I mean, its not like they encounter a new bug every day.
Can I ask one more question to everyone who is on this thread. Do you have even a hint of hype in your system for 1.2.4. The only reason why I am still waiting for 1.2.4 is so that I can play with my Xbox friends when it releases. I'm not hyped anymore and I think a lot of you are losing hype. I can just tell.

I honestly never hype anything, for any game, ever... It's come to the point that, regardless what it is, if you hype it up, you're doomed to end up hating it, tiring of it, or just plain being unimpressed... even if everything does sort out in the end. Bioshock Infinite taught me that a long time ago. So thankfully the ability to de-hype any game has caused these hang-ups and delays to not bother me at all.
First off, you ARE insulting me you're calling my comments idiotic and uninformed without providing ANY valid argument as to why that is or what you base that on other than your own speculation on why they're supposedly doing this which in all honesty comes across as completely biased might I add.

Second, Plenty of games have bugs and still function properly, and if you really believe that it has so many game breaking bugs that the content cant be put into the game after they have supposedly been working on them for more than 6 months than you really are naive.

Third, you can guarantee that myself and all the other people you don't know would throw a temper tantrum when faced with a few bugs, get off your high horse, you don't know me nor do you know the people you're making baseless assumptions about, you're only making yourself look more like a mindless fanboy by making these petty claims.

I can tell you right now that I'd happily put up with some bugs or even crashes from time to time if it meant that they would finally put the content in the game.

Fourth, Right Terraria is not made to be on console, that's why the Wii U version is releasing with the full 1.2.4 update a platform that's arguable inferior to even the Xbox 360 and the PS3

Your points are getting less logical with every new one you make.

Fifth, "This game is not their only priority"

And the fans are supposed to care about that because?, years ago they made promises to their consumers that they would do a better job, update a lot more regularly and actually communicate with them and keep them updated, they claimed that the console players "Wouldn't be forgotten"

That you believe "Having other priorities" is even a valid argument after they said that is beyond me.

Finally "I don't expect to convince you of anything nor will I make any further atempt to try, however I will always correct and disaprove of such rude, disrespectful, and foolish comments."

You don't expect to convince me because you know that you haven't made a single valid counter argument.

You wont make any further attempts to try because you know I'm right about this.

You're being rude disrespectful and foolish yourself so that's the pot calling the kettle black.

Now seeing as you closed your comment off with an insult Ill go ahead and do the same.

You're really showing the "useless" part of your name considering the fact that your comment contained nothing of substance, just ad hominem nonsense because you clearly can't disprove what I had to say.

You know what, I give up. I wasn't trying to insult you nor was I trying to change your mind, because at the end of the day nobody here will. The reason I wrote that comment was because I was, and am, sick of all the garbage being posted here. I realize that I don't know evereything nor do I claim to, but I did try to, at the very least, stop all of you (I say it this way so as to not name people) from hounding on 505 and engine. I do understamd the frustration the the update still hasn't been realeased, but I have not gone out of my way to insult, belittle or in any way speak ill of 505 and engine, whereas many of you have. So I ask you, "why have you done this, what did you have to gain, how could it ever do good?"

My final remarks are directed to Arcadius, not to debunk your argument, but to return the favor. First you disrespect 505 and engine, then you insult me.... Big mistake. By insulting me, you ruined your own argument. You say my thoughts are baseless, but then what does that make your's? I do not claim that my comments are purely factual, however it would seem that, despite all evidence to the contrary, you do. When I said that you would "throw a tantrum" I did not mean it in a literal sense but you seem to have already proven that you would, as you already have. I've already said this but I'll go ahead and say it again I don't expect to convince you, because you won't be convinced. And finally I will ask but one question,
"what is the point of all of this?"

-Your Friendly Neighborhood Gamer

aka Drewman the Useless Mage
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So I won't have to read the last 25 pages can anyone point me to a post from someone in authority who knows when we may actually see the second half of 1.2.4 for Xbox one. Really disappointed with the lack of clear answers.
I get what you're trying to get across. Really, I do. But the majority of negative comments are accurate, rather than idiotic or uninformed. In fact, you're comment has failed to disprove anyone's theories here. Your one point, the porting difficulties, doesn't prove how little we know. You know, I know I should use what I know to show you don't know you know. Y'know?

And in no particular order, your words;
  1. Mere bugs. Answer: console 1.2 launch. PsViTerraria with its crashing on saving. Sure, these two have been sorted now, but problems everyone had that impeded playability in the past, were not "mere bugs". These were the most memorable, but other issues of such a scale have arose. Even adding just the campfires before that cause a poopnado.
  2. Terraria is difficult to port. Answer: No s**t mate, welcome to the word of video game development. a lot of games aren't designed for console, but their ports are highly received because the developers take their time. Relogic take their time too, and their updates are well executed. A few bugs here & there, but nothing majorly game breaking. 505/engine however, 1.2 launch, PsViTerraria, you get the idea.
  3. They care about us. They only recently switched to a different QA team, I believe only after the constant request of the almighty Loki and some other members of the Relogic team grabbed pitchforks. Only a few years too late, but 505/engine got there. We can begin to hope for a better future
  4. ...And what we want. What do we want? A stable update! When do we want it? You'll get the second half of the stable update in q3 of 2016 (jokes on you, our calendars in binary)
  5. Throwing a tantrum if it isn't perfect. Perfect and playable are two different things. We're fighting for the latter, rather than the former.
  6. This is not me insulting you, but I'll do so anyway a few words after. Hmm, speaks for itself.
  7. This game is not their only priority. But it was before. And now it's likely second to Otherworld (which is understandable), but the game wasn't exactly the shiniest tile on the wall.
  8. I will always try to correct and disapprove of such rude, disrespectful, and foolish comments. Irony.
  9. I don't expect to convince you of anything nor will I make any further attempt to try. You tried to? I must have missed it among the other clichè arguments defending 505. What next, you'll tell me to do a better job of porting it?
I've already done that. Here's a rather old screen grab of an attempt at getting 1.1 to work on a GameBoy Advance. It worked, with a framerate that Mircosoft PowerPoint would be proud of. It had its issues, like worm enemies snapping to other entities and the world starting in hardcore for the character, but at least I could save the game to the one save file available without it crashing
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Now whose statement is uninformed?
Thank you for the well constructed and thought out response, however that last jab at me was completely unnecessary and uncalled for. Other than that though I have nothing to fault you for.
I honestly never hype anything, for any game, ever... It's come to the point that, regardless what it is, if you hype it up, you're doomed to end up hating it, tiring of it, or just plain being unimpressed... even if everything does sort out in the end. Bioshock Infinite taught me that a long time ago. So thankfully the ability to de-hype any game has caused these hang-ups and delays to not bother me at all.
Well once hype gets me I just can't take it away
People who can't refrain from sniping at each other will be removed from this conversation, going forward.

Just stop it, already. You're not helping matters one bit.
I assume you mean my last comment, so would you mind telling me how my saying that an insult was "unnecessary and uncalled for" (after, mind you, saying that I appreciated the rest of the comment) "sniping" or was that just directed at everyone?
Drewman it was directed at everyone... Plenty of salt being spread around. Either way I've been on this thread long enough to read the posts from both sides, and all that can really be said is: The arguments are petty all around... Let's all just listen to Mister Forum Master Admin+, and call it a day... Information's been released, blood has ceased boiling (for the most part), no need to keep feeding the fire so to speak.

Have a great day! Hopefully we see the update this month.
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