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  • The return...
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    Reactions: Boxtopsss
    Admiral Voidzuli'
    Admiral Voidzuli'
    Ello mate, glad to see that your back ‘ere. I’ve never even met you, but it’s good to see people coming back to this form after such a long time
    aww, thanks for the welcome!
    If it wasn't for the fact I checked some of your posts, I probably wouldn't know who you are. But checking your posts it seems you were one of the people in Neo Transpirence before I joined, so welcome back then I guess.
    HEY!! im back! srry 9th grade finals was ez but i was busy with them
    sorry for no heads up!
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    Reactions: Admiral Voidzuli'
    Meanwhile I am just internally screaming because 12th grade finals and I took way too many AP classes when I probably shouldn't even have taken one. :guidecry:
    So, I want to hear everyone’s opinions, what’s the best method to fill your map (as in exploring, not flooding with water) I want to see some of your recommended methods NOT using any outside programs i.e. TEdit, terramapper etc
    what I like the most about the beastiary in 1.4 is that it would help in collecting banners, because there’s enemies I’m sure to forget!
    I kind of hope that banners completely go back to the 1.2 system and you just get the permanent banner buff for that monster after 250 kills.
    That’s cool too
    Current task in my world:
    Get the bunny fish trophy
    Get the sword fish trophy
    Get the shark jaw trophy
    Start banner collection
    Work on pet and mounts collection
    Currently working on getting the last 3 fishing trophies and Martian saucer trophy to finish the collection! Screenshot coming when finished, after that I’ll work on the base itself.
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