K K Krasunir Nov 12, 2015 Happy birthday! (I totally knew it was your birthday, @[10685Commander Crocket] didn't help me at all, yeah.)
Happy birthday! (I totally knew it was your birthday, @[10685Commander Crocket] didn't help me at all, yeah.)
FlakMaster Nov 11, 2015 Streaming again in 10, FTL still on same run and stuff http://www.twitch.tv/masterofflak
FlakMaster Nov 11, 2015 FTL laser firin' streamin' time http://www.twitch.tv/masterofflak (without voice)
FlakMaster Oct 22, 2015 Skyrim: Revered Dragon spamming blizzards everywhere. Thought it was pretty cool.
FlakMaster Oct 18, 2015 Being an idiot is fun sometimes. The frustration from repeated failures and then comes a realisation or a breakthrough to succeed.
Being an idiot is fun sometimes. The frustration from repeated failures and then comes a realisation or a breakthrough to succeed.
FlakMaster Oct 16, 2015 The nerve of people thinking they can get an early bird bonus by selling something new on the Steam market for £20...
The nerve of people thinking they can get an early bird bonus by selling something new on the Steam market for £20...
FlakMaster Oct 12, 2015 Can I consider death-by-dragon-laser to be related enough to Halloween? It's got a lot of red in it, which is kind of like orange...
Can I consider death-by-dragon-laser to be related enough to Halloween? It's got a lot of red in it, which is kind of like orange...
FlakMaster Oct 12, 2015 The reflection of fire is annoying, because when it shows at the edge of sight it looks like fire being present where it shouldn't.
The reflection of fire is annoying, because when it shows at the edge of sight it looks like fire being present where it shouldn't.
FlakMaster Oct 8, 2015 There's only 33 members online on TCF, excellent opportunity to start up so...aww damn @Ghostar is online.
There's only 33 members online on TCF, excellent opportunity to start up so...aww damn @Ghostar is online.
FlakMaster Oct 7, 2015 Wake up late in the morning. Super hungry. Have to take medication first. Can't eat for an hour after taking medication. Woo.
Wake up late in the morning. Super hungry. Have to take medication first. Can't eat for an hour after taking medication. Woo.
FlakMaster Sep 19, 2015 The way of the cheater: If something's too hard, cheat to make it easy. The way of people that do it legitimately: They learn to get better.
The way of the cheater: If something's too hard, cheat to make it easy. The way of people that do it legitimately: They learn to get better.
FlakMaster Sep 16, 2015 I just realised you can shoot while not shooting while being tazed by a tazer in Payday2...did that make any sense to anyone?
I just realised you can shoot while not shooting while being tazed by a tazer in Payday2...did that make any sense to anyone?