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  • Damn, I had no idea that three years ago I talked like a frikkin' idiot.
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    Reactions: Jetstreme ∞
    I can't really agree. If I was comfortable with speaking like that at the time, and I can feel relief that I don't now, I only see looking at it with a negative light being wholly futile.
    I look at things I wrote like yesterday and think I'm an idiot.
    Jetstreme ∞
    Jetstreme ∞
    i think i'm an idiot
    That moment you realise MageLight sticks to enemies in Skyrim.
    It does?
    What purpose would that actually have...?
    I have some tweaks that make my game super dark where it should be (dungeons and whatnot) where it is required to have a light source to see. Marking enemies with a light makes it easier to hit them at range, because candlelight and the torch only lights things up decently within melee range.
    Skyrim: Revered Dragon spamming blizzards everywhere. Thought it was pretty cool.
    The nerve of people thinking they can get an early bird bonus by selling something new on the Steam market for £20...
    well i guess that sometimes it works. World is full of fools
    Well, you see the common offers on the market page. If you want to buy it instantly, you can just get it at that price (around 35p for the item I'm discussing). Why someone would pay higher than that is beyond me.
    What is all this crap. Did PAYDAY go from micro-dlc fest to TF2?
    Can I consider death-by-dragon-laser to be related enough to Halloween? It's got a lot of red in it, which is kind of like orange...
    The reflection of fire is annoying, because when it shows at the edge of sight it looks like fire being present where it shouldn't.
    Wake up late in the morning. Super hungry. Have to take medication first. Can't eat for an hour after taking medication. Woo.
    There'll be fire if anyone dares use the art of dangling food to taunt.
    The way of the cheater: If something's too hard, cheat to make it easy. The way of people that do it legitimately: They learn to get better.
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    Reactions: excession
    The fact that you misunderstood my point entirely when I said 'I can do most, if not all, heists on Overkill with just a pistol' displays how ignorant you are. If you read further on that comment, you would understand. Or maybe not, because you seem to be oblivious to anything you don't want to read.
    If you want to further continue to base your arguments on what you think I said, rather than what it is, then I have no further business talking to you. I advise you go back and read the chain of comments on Razor's status thoroughly, to understand what you kept avoiding.

    Of course, you may be one of those folk that always wants to have the last word, because ego-boosting and all.
    Hypocrisy and denial. You're so original.

    It's not like you had any arguments to begin with, just excuses and contradictions at every corner. So go ahead, don't talk to me, break my heart, lmao.
    Having an automatic weapon that does 120 damage in Payday 2 is nice.
    So, knowing Overkill, that'll come in 2017?

    Edit: If it's a free content update, anyway. If it comes as a DLC just for attachments and alterations, I'd be pretty disappointed.
    Rumors are it might come out in Crimefest, which is in like 6 days
    Well, jokes aside, I'll wait to see what happens. It's great either way. Maybe I can throw some cash around.

    Mind you, I think there needs to be more heists to demand the use of suppressive fire. Right now, the majority of combat, or those that you need to get involved with anyway, happens at <10metres.
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