Recent content by Paradox Sandwich

  1. Paradox Sandwich

    Merry spookmas jerks.

    Merry spookmas jerks.
  2. Paradox Sandwich

    Pre-Thanksgiving Treats for Console & Mobile Terrarians!

    Turkor? As in, turks? Can I finally remove kebab from terraria?
  3. Paradox Sandwich

    What is the most useless item in Terraria to you?

    Probably the K.O cannon, the trident, the excalibur and a bunch more. Not because these weapons are bad, but because you get them at times that there are items that are just simply better in other senses. You might be surprised Excalibur's there, but hot damn the frostbrand is way better.
  4. Paradox Sandwich

    How do you feel about RNG in Terraria?

    It is BS most of the time, but I don't mind it.
  5. Paradox Sandwich

    Theory on The Crimson/Corruption.

    I like to think that the crimson was actually a giant beast from space that fell into the earth with great velocity, causing all his guts to spill through the land, creating the crimson. The creatures that inhabit it being parasites that used to be inside said beast. The brain of cthulhu being...
  6. Paradox Sandwich

    Just wondering, why is Skeletron Prime considered so difficult?

    He's very quick and some of his arms hit like a truck, making him a quite tanky opponent. If you were to battle him , I'd reccomend doing it on a platform, that nulifies his bombs, as they fall through the platforms.
  7. Paradox Sandwich

    TCF Writes a Story

    Some delicious chocolate cake. His 3rd wish was...
  8. Paradox Sandwich

    Casual Why did you come to the forums anyways?

    For those sweet, sweet spoilers. That's pretty much it.
  9. Paradox Sandwich

    I already started playing halloween mode days ago. Clock adjusting's the real deal.

    I already started playing halloween mode days ago. Clock adjusting's the real deal.
  10. Paradox Sandwich

    Have you tried deleting system 34

    Have you tried deleting system 34
  11. Paradox Sandwich

    Dear lord it's late, what am I doing awake?

    Dear lord it's late, what am I doing awake?
  12. Paradox Sandwich

    Humorous Joke Suggestions (Remade from TO)

    An enchanted ring that turns rocks into slimes.
  13. Paradox Sandwich

    Anyone else have a similar experience?

    Yep. RNG's a rough mistress. One time I fought Queen Bee 5 times and every single time I got a bee keeper. And by the time I finally got a bee gun, it was practically worthless compared to the other weapons.
  14. Paradox Sandwich

    Darn, really? Guess I'm too slow then.

    Darn, really? Guess I'm too slow then.
  15. Paradox Sandwich

    you are. That's ok through, it fits with terraria's artsyle. I think.

    you are. That's ok through, it fits with terraria's artsyle. I think.
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