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  • A question: Will the list of the selected Beta Testers be announced in the home page one day?
    Most likely not. We will contact them individually of course. I doubt we would ever make a list of testers public intentionally though, for privacy reasons. :)
    I`m not 16, but i pass all other requirements of the application, including over 400 hours and understanding of game nearly on par with ZeroGravitas or joe price... Can i still apply? Have access to pc, mobile androi, xbox, and 3ds terraria when it comes out.....
    I think you have to fit all of the requirements.
    We will need testers again, I would just apply when you are 16. :)
    Thanks for the help :) sorry to spam your page
    Hello, Safeman. Do Re-Logic have any plans on Terraria Sountrack Vol. 3 for GOG.COM?
    Nothing planned as of right now. It is available on Steam, Band Camp, and iTunes though.
    Alright, thanks.
    I wonder how you'll do when you plan to do stand-up. If anything, chances are that you'll be funnier than Sarah Silverman, Amy S. (Can't spell her last name correctly now), and Tina Fey combined. I know what's expected from every other staff member and you're no exception, dear Amanda. We wish you good tidings during this holiday season!
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    Reactions: Safeman🌻
    diekonradish, you truly terrify me.
    They are all really funny. I can't hang...most of my jokes were rejected for popsicle sticks.
    Is there a fixed date for mobile 1.2.4
    If there was they likely would've announced it already.
    Bilbo billing ton
    Bilbo billing ton
    We are just waiting on approvals from iOS, Google Play, etc. Once they are approved, we can announce dates. Just wait patiently with me and we will get through this together :)
    Hi safeman,
    I'm just wondering, if there is any way to help with the translating. 'Cause I'm from germany and half of the game is still in english... and the other half doesn't seem to be translated by a human >.>
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    Reactions: Safeman🌻
    The current lead developer is based in Israel.
    The Ice Cube
    The Ice Cube
    No, I meant the translations part.

    And, well, no one in the world actually likes Israel anyway.
    That's insulting to christians but true for the surrounding arabian countries.
    Hi safeman, I am writing regarding Terraria console edition. I love Terraria as well as my two brothers and we were wondering if you would do us a huge favour in giving us a more specific release date for 1.2.4 as we are ultra excited for minecarts and duke fishron,
    Your sincerely, hkins3
    Jetstreme ∞
    Jetstreme ∞
    The update will release...

    ...when it's ready
    Except Safeman does handle that stuff. It was mentioned in the Changing of the Guard thread she has access to 505's team.
    Sorry guys, we don't have a release date yet for the console update. We are in the home stretch and hope to have it to you soon, but can't promise a date at this time. Still on track for the 'by the end of this year' though :)
    Hope this helps! We are soooo close!
    Quick question. Is there a deadline to the beta-tester applications, and regardless of whether or not one exists, when will applicants be informed of whether or not they have been accepted for the role?
    Commander Crocket
    Commander Crocket
    I see...

    However, surely there exists some form of estimate, whether concerning the deadline or otherwise.
    Can't say really, we've never gone through 1,000 applications before. It's a great problem to have, so many people applied that someone really has their work cut out for them! But we are sure to find many qualified new testers!
    Commander Crocket
    Commander Crocket
    Fair enough. In that case, as it stands, I can do nothing but wish the best of luck to anyone and everyone who applied. :)
    Will Re-Logic coninue making other games after you guys are done with the terraria franchise ? You should , you are a talented team ! :)
    So the TCF anniversary contest started almost two months ago. Any news? When will it conclude, and the winners be announced?
    Just curious.
    Curious too but I've mostly been waiting patiently.
    The judging has moved onto its final phase, the portion in which Re-Logic makes their pick. As far as I know we are hoping for the results by the end of the month.
    @Safeman what is the status of the iOS 1.2.4 update? first it was August then soon then delayed to September then it was delayed again then October then delayed again now we are in November with no update yet. Is it possible that the update won't come out until after new year? Please respond ASAP!!
    CraftedNightmare Here!
    CraftedNightmare Here!
    How can she respond asap iif she was last online around 13 hours agp?
    ASAP means as soon as possible.
    That means he's asking her to respond as soon as she possibly can.
    So, regardless of what time she was last online or not, she can, in fact, respond ASAP.
    We still plan on releasing the mobile update soon (before the end of the year). There were several delays and they have taken some time out here at the end to do some bug fixing, but I think it is for the best, because once it comes out it will be amazing!
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