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  • The most nerve wracking thing about writing a suggestion is wondering if other people will like it.
    Nobody Important
    Nobody Important
    What's worse is getting an alert in the early hours of the suggestion and thinking "Oh good I'm finally getting some feedba...nevermind some other person's thread getting a support message."
    Well, the problem is that I'm putting so much time into this suggestion and I'd rather not have it dissed.
    Nobody Important
    Nobody Important
    Oh I see. If you're making a revamp for the throwing class then it's probably going to be popular.
    I wish I could delete my old threads. I was so foolish, and it makes me look stupid (Referring to my first ever thread, the "Cthulu" boss)
    Sonnette I thought I was so awesome, using words like "AI" and "Ultimate." Just shows how foolish I was.
    -block destruction.
    -souls of blight
    -enemy spam

    My god, the perfect recipe for a bad suggestion. I'm so sorry you had to reread that, and know you typed it.
    The funny thing about the grammar is that now now I have GPS (Grammatical Pedantry Syndrome), which is pretty ironic. I pretty much hate myself for this though. I was just going through suggestions and was like "Damn, another Cthulhu suggestion, I should check it out..." and I read through it, thought it sounded familiar, and looked at the name. My god, I truly was an idiot.
    Looking for someone to work with me on a pretty big suggestion.
    Infinity Mage
    Infinity Mage
    Maybe. What does it entail?
    I'll leave it at this, as I'd rather not spoil anything.It has to do with a complete revamp of the Thrower Class, and I'd like sprites.
    I really don't want to bump posts, but when I find a dead topic that I have a strong opinion on, it can just be so tempting...
    I assume you're referring to necroing a Thread. And there's nothing wrong with reviving old topics at all. If you see a topic you want to add your opinion to, it's worth it to revive the old topic. Other members who may've missed it before may also be interested and add their own input to it. I personally enjoy reviving old discussions if there's one that grabs my interest. %:)
    Yeah, I know, but I always feel guilty because I know how it can be annoying to get an alert from a thread I didn't even know I commented on, and most of them are in the Adult Swim section, which makes it even more awkward for me (No idea why, probably just my age.)
    What happens if you save something on your desktop and there is no more room for new items?
    Technically the desktop is just a folder, so It'll still be there, you just won't see it unless you go to the desktop folder.
    It's so disconcerting not to have a conversation going with someone, but I don't know who I want to have one with, or what it would be about
    • Like
    Reactions: Teal and Sash
    The Ice Cube
    The Ice Cube
    Just don't talk to anyone, it'll make you look cool.

    @[66538:@Sash] Hi, my name is Jack, I'm an active person that nobody really likes.

    @[9773:@The Ice Cube], my life.
    no body likes me either. I play hevily restricted hardcore expert. pretty lonely.
    So, I'm on the west side of Florida, and Matthew made my power go out. For 2-3 days. I guess a vital power cable was struck(?)
    Actually, correct me if I'm wrong, but an Indie game is a game that is developed by one person, or a small company, rather than a big company, which usually makes it have a smaller community as well, the emphasis on usually. Although Minecraft and Terraria are indies, they don't represent the majority of the indie community.
    FaZe EPIX
    FaZe EPIX
    Okay, so I was kinda on point, but not exactly. Still, Minecraft and Terraria don't exactly represent the majority of Indie games, so I'd still classify them as Sandboxes.
    I know there's a max. number of people you can follow, but what about followers?
    The limit of people a single Member can follow is 1,000. And for followers, there is no limit as a member can't control how many people follow them.
    Yeah, I know the limit for following, as I hit it a while back (Took me like 8 hours to unfollow people I don't know very well), and I guess that makes sense for the followers. I assume the only limit would be the limitation of the coding.
    Looking for good text-based games. Any suggestions (I'd prefer if I wasn't bombarded by Oregon Trail, I've already played it way too much)
    Colossal Cave. You can kill a dragon with your bare hands!
    I'll look into it.
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