The Sweeth Slime Guy Feb 20, 2018 She's on to something. There's no way I'm forgetting this. Pain is an excellent teacher after all.
She's on to something. There's no way I'm forgetting this. Pain is an excellent teacher after all.
The Sweeth Slime Guy Feb 17, 2018 Sweeth levels are getting dangerously low. If they keep going down I might not be able to hit my daily quota of "way too much".
Sweeth levels are getting dangerously low. If they keep going down I might not be able to hit my daily quota of "way too much".
The Sweeth Slime Guy Feb 16, 2018 Hey, the fact that I still haven't gotten over DDLC is pretty sweeth. It's back.
The Sweeth Slime Guy Feb 16, 2018 They put us in a screw or be screwed world, but they give us this thing called morality.
The Sweeth Slime Guy Feb 15, 2018 Okay, I have to bust out. I'm not betraying sweeth, but TCF is my favorite place to post my thoughts.
Okay, I have to bust out. I'm not betraying sweeth, but TCF is my favorite place to post my thoughts.
The Sweeth Slime Guy Feb 14, 2018 Hey, having 169 likes on Valentine's Day is pretty sweeth. Lol thanks @[13857Izzabelle].
The Sweeth Slime Guy Feb 14, 2018 Hey, having unwittingly locked myself into only having statuses about sweeth is pretty sweeth.
The Sweeth Slime Guy Feb 10, 2018 Apparently my father knew a guy who had a ball blown off by a Bouncing Betty. THAT IS A TYPE OF LAND MINE. A LAND MINE.
Apparently my father knew a guy who had a ball blown off by a Bouncing Betty. THAT IS A TYPE OF LAND MINE. A LAND MINE.
The Sweeth Slime Guy Feb 9, 2018 Subnautica is more addicting a game than I had experienced in a while.