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NOPE, biggest nope of my life. I want you to think of how many things that you think about on a daily basis that you don't want people to see. Privacy would be nonexistent.
Willow the wisp
Willow the wisp
I can agree with every post that said no, that is the only answer that would actually have people.
Mug Not Found
Mug Not Found
No, not because it's a breach of privacy or anything like that, but because my superpower would be useless if everyone had it.
Willow the wisp
Willow the wisp
say what now
Mug Not Found
Mug Not Found
Honestly, I feel like if this were a thing then almost everyone would be so fixated on the fact that everyone can read their thoughts that they wouldn't even be able to do basic things without messing up, let alone read someone's thoughts. This isn't even considering how good our eyes are at tracking other peoples eyes, everyone can see where your looking.
Willow the wisp
Willow the wisp
what if you're not thinking about where you're looking?
Elemental Δ
Elemental Δ
Only if I can see the bubbles. It might be fun to see what people think about. Wait, no. Never. I don't want to see all of... that.
Kane Schmitz
Kane Schmitz
If there was though censorship, it wouldn’t be as bad. It’s still be terrible, but not as bad.
Willow the wisp
Personally, as bad as it would be, I believe that the world would be a significantly better place. There would be no questioning whether someone was lying; no question of ulterior motives of politicians.
You would know exactly who is a true friend and there would be no mixed signals; it would suck for you, but it would suck just as much for everyone else as well, so I feel like people would just get used to it and there would be less judgement in general
That world would be hell for me.
Willow the wisp
Willow the wisp
nonono, think what that would mean... people who know who we are and everything about us... we wouldn't want that...
I would literally jump into an active volcano rather than have to live there.
Like, no amount of physical pain would be too much if it meant not having to live there.
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
Golden Heretic Snakeboat
i actually would want to live there
Dark Sunshine
Dark Sunshine
People would think I'm insane, also ChimeraWarden's got a point
I wouldn't want people to see what I'm doing in my head.

also half the time it would just be like 334826423648328 different thoughts at once so
Kane Schmitz
Kane Schmitz
Mine would just be r/showerthoughts
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